Gearbox CEO Randy Pitchford is under fire! Gearbox in-house attorney ‘Wade Callender’ is suing Randy Pitchfork under the accounts that he has breached his legal obligations to the company. The drama is, Randy Pitchford is also doing the same. He’s also suing Wade Callender for the same thing. Hilarious, isn’t it?
Randy Pitchford doesn’t have a particularly good reputation. As reported earlier, Randy lives a luxurious life and doesn’t know how to control his money. Also, that time when Randy Pitchfork tried to flame Jim Sterling?
Additionally, Kotaku discovered a lawsuit from Gearbox against Callender in November 2018 for doing a similar thing like Randy’s personal assistant: misusing funds of their employer. Callender was accused of abusing the company budget for “family vacations, gun club memberships, and firearms accessories, and trying to get six-pack abs.” as well as a home loan and tuition.
A few months later, in December 2018, Callender filed a lawsuit against both Pitchford, the CEO and Gearbox, the company itself. The shorter version of the lawsuit is that Pitchford forgot a USB drive, which contained ‘highly-sensitive business documents’, as well as “underage pornography”, at a Dallas-zoned Medieval Times restaurant back in 2014.
What’s interesting to note here is that both Callender and Pitchford were longtime friends but their friendship slowly started crumbling away over the last two years. Perhaps the lawsuit in November acted as a catalyst and increased the cavity between their friendship by a lot? Who knows.
Moving back to the topic, Callender says, in his accusation, that Pitchford left his USB at a restaurant and asked Gearbox staff to retrieve and recover the drive as Randy Pitchfork was in San Francisco.
Callender, apparently without knowing the contents of the USB drive, asked his staff to duplicate the contents of the drive to send them to Pitchford. When Randy Pitchford realized that his drive had been duplicated, he immediately sent out an order to purge all duplicates. The allegations don’t end here. Callender then goes on and accuses Pitchford of throwing parties at his house, on the company’s expense, where older men would expose themselves to underage minors.
Callender has also listed the ‘highly-sensitive business documents’ as documents for Gearbox and its many partners including (but not limited to): 2K Games, Sony, Microsoft, and Sega.
Pitchford, one day after these allegations, replied with his own version of the USB stick story:
It’s a woman who is masturbating and when she has some experience that appears as if she’s having an orgasm, a huge amount of fluid comes out of her vagina.
This is not a sex worker—this is a fucking magician. Some kid, an employee of the Medieval Times, discovered this memory stick, took it home, and accessed it because it was before we were password-protecting, and discovered secrets of my company and future games in development, and also discovered the pornography. And it was barely legal porn. This girl’s handle was ‘Only 18.
This is definitely one mess-hole of a lawsuit, and it’s only just begun. Even I am having mixed feelings writing about it. Callender is still an active and licensed attorney at Texas, so if his allegations are proven false, he could face severe punishment, as well as his license getting revoked. But if the allegations turn out to be true, we can expect Randy Pitchford to face very very severe punishment as well as Gearbox to forever get labeled as an “underage pornography” holder CEO company.
But on a less serious note, I seriously want David Eddings to voice the results of the lawsuit. I mean, his funny voice can make anything funny.
You can check out Randy Pitchfork on his Twitter handle DuvalMagic