At the Horizon Festival, you will come across all sorts of collectibles in the shape of Reward Boards, Stunt Challenges, and Barn Cars.
Throughout your journey, Ben will occasionally call to inform you about classic cars rotting in various barns. The notification will only pop up in the free roam session and you will have limited time to respond.
Forza Horizon 2 Barn Finds Locations
If you choose to find the dumped car, a large highlighted area will appear on your mini-map. You’ll need to search the entire area to find the car dumped inside a garage. In addition to this, the radio broadcaster will also provide you with hints related to the exact location of the car.
After finding the car, a small cut scene will trigger and Ashley will come to pick up the car. You will have to give some time to Ashley to restore the car.
After it is restored, you will be able to go to the Garage and drive the car. There are a total of 10 cars disposed of in the barns and finding them all unlocks ‘Storage Find’ Achievement.
Do note that you can purchase a Treasure Map from the mini-map for 300,000 CR which will tell you the exact location of the car instead of the large highlighted area.
Lastly, these cars unlock depending upon your level and all of them cannot be found at the same time.
Note: Since you may or may not receive notifications in the sequence provided below, listen closely to the name of the car from Ben and the broadcaster and then refer to the guide for the exact location.
Barn Find #1 – Lamborghini Miura P400
Location: To find this car, you need to travel to the Horizon Festival and travel to the south side of the ‘HF’ pink blimp on your mini-map. You need to travel along the dirt road with wooden barricades on the sides.
Eventually, you will come across two buildings and a garage door in the middle of these buildings. Stand in front of you to find the car.
Barn Find #2 – Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso
Location: This is a pretty hard one to find, but if I can manage it, anyone can. To get this car, you need to travel to the north side of Castelletto and travel to the smaller circle shown in the image. You will find the barn right next to some buildings near trees.

Barn Find #3 – Ford Capri RS3100
Location: You will find this car on the southeast side of Montalcino. You will find a tractor parked inside a shed near the location of this garage. In addition to this, the area also contains an XP board.

Barn Find #4 – Volkswagen Type 2 De Lux
Location: This is another tough one to find. To find this, you need to travel to the north side of Montellino and stick to the west side of the dirt road near the area provided in the image.
The garage will be located near some buildings enclosed by small stone walls.

Barn Find #5 – Jaguar XK 120 SE
Location: You need to travel to the upper side of the San Giovanni Car Meet icon on your mini-map to find this amazing car. Travel up the hill and get to the right side of the ‘P’ icon to find this rusty old car.

Barn Find #6 – Ferrari GTO
Location: In order to find this car, you need to travel to the small circle in the image and turn right from the intersection. You will come across a large dirt road on your left side with another small/hidden dirt road a little ahead.
You need to travel to the smaller dirt road on the left side and keep on following the path to find this car.

Barn #7 – Jeep WILLYS MB
Location: You need to travel to the designated location and you will come across a road with a small white stone border on one side. You need to find a gap in this border and go a little right from the entrance to find this car.

Barn #8 – Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2
Location: Get to the area shown in the image and turn right from the intersection. Keep on going straight and you will come across a large blue truck parked outside the barn find.

Barn #9 – Renault Alpine A1 10 1600S
Location: To get this car, you need to cross the river and get to purple fields. Do note that you need to stick to the purple side of the dirt road to find this barn.

Barn #10 – Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage
Location: You need to get to the location shown in the image and go through the woods to find the lone barn up the hills.

If you find anything confusing, comment and we will help you out!