Final Fantasy 16 The Tricephalic Terror, Gorgimera Notorious Mark Hunt

Gorgimera has a very creepy appearance consisting of a lion's base, two dragon heads, and wings in Final Fantasy 16.

Gorgimera has a very creepy appearance consisting of a lion’s base, two dragon heads, and wings in Final Fantasy 16. This Rank S level 45 Chimera may seem like one of the most challenging hunts in FF16, but it is not. This hunt will appear on the Huntboard after you complete the Blacksmith’s Blue IV side quest,

Even though Gorgimera is a formidable opponent, you don’t have to worry, as we will help you find and defeat Gorgimera in Final Fantasy 16.

The Tricephalic Terror, Gorgimera location in Final Fantasy 16

You can find Gorgimera roaming near the southern coast of the Velkroy Desert, located on the mainland of the Dhalmekain Republic. You can quickly arrive here by following a straight path west from the Watcher.

How to defeat The Tricephalic Terror, Gorgimera in FF16

Although Gorgimera is a rank S enemy, he is the easiest one in the rank to defeat. But don’t take him lightly, as his attacks still deal with critical hits. Gorgimera will spawn spots on the ground to summon magical elements that will explode. You have to run around and dodge these spots.

He also summons lightning which you can avoid by noticing the spots on the ground. Gorgimera also uses a flamethrower attack from its mouth. After half of its health is depleted, Gorgimera will intensify its attacks with a greater radius in Final Fantasy 16.

Try to break his will that will take him on a break while you can pull your best attacks on him during this time. Continue doing this, and you will be able to defeat Gorimera.


You will get the following rewards for defeating Gorgimera in FF16:

  • 15000 Experience
  • 120 Ability Points
  • 20000 Gil
  • 50 Renown
  • Orichalcum x 1

This is all you need to know about The Tricephalic Terror, Gorgimera Notorious Mark Hunt.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.