Final Fantasy 16 The Dame Walkthrough

The Dame is a sub-quest tied to the main story quest, Righting Wrongs, in Final Fantasy 16. Here's how to complete it.

The Dame is a sub-quest tied to the main story quest, Righting Wrongs, in Final Fantasy 16.

This quest is given to you by Isabelle who wants a favor in return for sneaking you through the guard post. You are tasked to find a missing girl named Tatienne. Completing this sub-quest isn’t optional. You must complete it to progress in the main quest.

How to complete The Dame in FF16

Issalbel in FFXVI will task to find Tatienne at the Viel. Start your search by taking to the Viel Courtesan. She will direct you to Tatienne’s Chambermate who is sitting by a pond.

Speak with Tatienne’s chambermate

Tatienne’s Chambermate will reveal that Tatienne lost her comb. She was seen leaving with a man from the garrison. The man had a scar on his face.

Investigate the garrison

Vising the garrison will reveal that man was named Yannick. He left Oriflamme for a village called Morre in FFXVI.

Deliver your findings to Isabelle

Talk to Isabelle before leaving. She will warn you about directly visiting Morre as the people are their hate bearers. Rather she will direct to a man named Bertrant. He works at the stables in Moore.

Speak with Bertrand in Moore

Morre is located to the Northwest of Oriflamme. You must walk around 500 yards to reach it. Simply follow the map to reach there.

You can also rely on your animal instinct for guidance. Along your way, you can be attacked by wild Chocobos or wolves so stay alert.

Talking to Bertrand will reveal the whereabouts of the trader with whom the soldier (Yannick) interacted with.

Speak with the traveling trader

The trader will reveal that the soldier sold him an old comb and bought a new one. He reveals that the soldier then went to the ruins.

Kill the wolves in the nearby ruins

The ruins in FFXVI are located to the northeast of Morre. At the ruins, you will find a pack of wolves along with 2 bodies. Slay all the wolves then examine the bodies.

Examine the corpse

Examining the corpses will reveal that the man is Yannik and the woman was Tatienne. Return to Morre and tell Isabelle about your findings.

The Dame rewards in Final Fantasy 16

In FF16, completing the story quest itself doesn’t provide any rewards. However, you receive the following rewards for defeating all the enemies in this quest:

  • XP: 20
  • Gil: 80
  • Ability Points: 44
  • Items: Sharp Fangs, Bloody Hide

Muaz is a veteran in Counter-Strike and a sucker for the Souls-Borne genre. He is a guides writer on SegmentNext and continues to write about his favorite video games.