How To Defeat Sleipnir In Final Fantasy 16

With the help of his companions, Clive sets out on a trip to find and rescue any survivors he can...

With the help of his companions, Clive sets out on a trip to find and rescue any survivors he can from the Orcish and Akashic soldiers plaguing The Free Cities of Kanver region. After a long fight-imbued journey, he finally gets to face off against Sleipnir in Final Fantasy 16, who happens to be the Knight Commander of the Lord of Waloed.

You will face Sleipnir during the Evenfall main story quest in Final Fantasy 16. He is a quick attacker with a lot of dark abilities at his disposal. He is also an excellent swordsman and deals explosive physical damage when you get in the range of his sword or Spear.

Before this quest, you will have already beaten the Bahamut and acquired the Eikon’s powers. This way, rest assured you are decently equipped for this relatively short yet tricky fight.

How to defeat Sleipnir in Final Fantasy 16

In Final Fantasy 16, many bosses have this annoying habit of teleporting to and from your locations, making them unpredictable for a moment. Sleipnir in FF16 is no exception and does teleportation often during your encounter. This helps him relocate himself to a position where his attacks work the best and eat his enemy’s power rapidly.

Phase 1

As the fight against Sleipnir in Final Fantasy 16 begins, he starts swinging his sword and making a slashing combo once the first strike hits you. Simply Precision Dodging can easily break this combo as soon as it reaches you.

Sleipnir also repeatedly teleports to get closer to you and does a Thrusting attack, followed by some quick slashing strikes. The best way to save yourself is to wait for the first part of the attack to end and dodge the second one, as it gives you enough time to do so.

Another powerful attack is a Dark Circle summoned below your feet that follows you with exceptional tracking and explodes right when it is closer to you. There is no way to run from this one, as it will get to you in every corner of the fighting area.

The good thing is that it stops for a very short moment before exploding, giving you the opportunity to Precision Dodge.

Sleipnir also throws a Dark punching attack at you, followed immediately by an explosion. You will notice energy charging up around the boss’s hand before it launches the attack. This will provide you with the opportunity to counteract this attack.

When Sleipnir goes in the staggered position, make sure to utilize your most powerful close-range attacks to eat away a chunk of his health bar. This staggered state is followed by a Cinematic clash, in which you and the boss exchange some spectacular melee strikes.

After this, Sleipnir in FF16 summons a peculiar Spear called Gungnir from his arsenal, given to him by his Lord Master. In fact, he wants you to unleash your inner powers of the Eikons that you are holding back.

Phase 2

The Gungnir in Final Fantasy 16 is a powerful weapon having quite a long range than usual weapons. The first attack from this after the cutscene will be a straight bolt of red energy that pierces through anything in its way. The real fight starts now!

Sleipnir quickly charges up his Spear and releases a horizontal red wave in your direction. You can easily avoid it by jumping above it, going sideways, or dodging it while standing in its way.

Just like in the first phase of the fight, the boss keeps using his Thrust/ slash attack in this phase too. The problem is that now it has a larger range of impact, making it difficult to dodge or avoid like before. On top of that, all his attacks in this phase are infused with pure dark magic, making them more hazardous.

The Spear combo of Sleipnir sees him doing multiple hits from his spear and then lunging right after this attack combo. So. keep an open eye for the upcoming attack after you have successfully dodged the initial combo.

In Dead Man’s Bier, Sleipnir creates countless moving lasers around him. These lasers vanish for a moment and then reappear on the ground, creating damage zones in the whole area.  Keep running away from the impact zones as much as possible to avoid taking more damage.

If you get caught by a damage zone because of the laser’s extreme speed, make sure to land on a clear surface instead of another zone.

While this attack continues, Sleipnir jumps into the middle of the battlefield and sends out four consecutive circular energy shockwaves that span the corners of the whole arena.

Frequently utilizing Precision Dodge for each shockwave will save you from any significant damage. After the attack, the boss will be in meditating position for a few seconds where you have a chance to eat away some of his health bar.

Another named attack of this boss is Creeping Darkness, in which we see him summoning many dark orbs that gather and come to your location. These will give you enough time to slash away because of their slow speed.

You can also utilize this opportunity to get closer to the boss immediately and throw a counter, as he will be vulnerable due to focusing on his current attack.

The third stagger occurs when the boss has one-third amount of health remaining. In this staggered state, he will take much damage from your hits and you can easily take his reed health bar to about 10% in this duration.

Finally, after recovering from staggered, Sleipnir in FF16 will have not much time to repay you the damage you gifted to him. Only a couple of your attacks will win you this fight.

FF16 Sleipnir boss rewards

For Sleipnir in Final Fantasy 16, you will be rewarded with:

While the spoils from Sleipnir boss include x45 Wyrrite, x2 Sanguine Insignia, and x2 Meteorite.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...