Unique weapons are versions of standard weapons that offer a distinct combination of modifications in Far Cry 6 to help suit a certain playstyle. With this in mind, remember that you cannot change the perks of a unique weapon like a standard one.
Among the 49 unique weapons available in the game, we have gathered the top 6 weapons, with their perks and locations, for you to upgrade your inventory.
6. Sharkbite

The Sharkbite is a modified version of the MS-16s semi-automatic rifle. This weapon is perfect for those who like stealth gameplay in Far Cry 6. The gun uses an American Suppressor mod that reduces weapon noise, a Keep it Cool mod that prevents the suppressor from overheating too fast, and an extended mag to improve the magazine size.
Sharkbite comes with Soft-Target Rounds on the weapon, which deals heavy damage on unarmored targets, and an attached 2x scope. This makes the weapon ideal for headshot enemies from mid-to long-range.

To unlock the weapon, you must clear out the Roca Pequena Sat Station near the Rahe Plateau in the El Este region of the map. Clear out the outpost and find your way to the electric controller room. You will find the weapon there locked in a chest.
5. Hi-Fi

The Hi-Fi is a modified SSGP-58 assault rifle with high recoil, explosive rounds, canted iron sight, and increased body shot damage. This weapon is great for mid-range firefights where silence is never an option.
While the stopping power of this compact rifle won’t take down a tank but it’s explosive rounds will give damage to the armored infantry trucks and light helicopters. Not to mention, you can alter the weapon with its different scopes.

To get Hi-Fi, head to El Rancho Bicho, which is south of the botanical gardens. You will find a blue graffiti house; just enter it, and you will find the alligator chest near the bed containing the weapon.
4. Urushi

If you’re looking for an all-rounder, Urushi should be your pick, as it gives you great damage on the mid-range level, but it does require precision timing and aiming. This rifle comes with a silencer, laser sight, and armored piercing rounds.
While the weapon does not have a scope, it’s still very powerful, as its armored piercing rounds will go through any helmet, and even if you miss your first headshot, you will still have a higher chance of taking out the enemy with body shots.

You can find Urushi in Esperanza in the early game. Get to the warehouse near the canal. Just go behind it to find the alligator chest containing the weapon.
3. Bullseye

Bullseye is the ultimate mid to long-range silent weapon that can draw you higher damage. This is one of two unique bow weapons in Far Cry 6. But this compound bow is specifically perfect for taking out soldiers from a vantage point. A normal compound bow requires many upgrades, but this silent killing machine is a great choice if you’re saving money and skipping upgrades in the early game.
The Bullseye gives you the range that Urushi cannot offer; this means you can take out any target, even the snipers, in complete silence. Just make sure to stock up on the arrows.

To get the weapon, make your way to the area east of the Legends Camp in El Este on the road north of the Verde River. Go up the hill, past the checkpoint; you will find a small restricted area filled with cages. You will find the weapon in one of the cages that has tape wrapped around it.
2. Lethal Dose

The Lethal Dose pistol may not look much, but it has been paired with potent mods that allow you to deal with heavy damage against unarmored targets. Its Soft Round Armor lets you take out animals quickly, and the biggest draw card of this weapon is the Reload All mod means when you reload Lethal Dose, every gun in your inventory is automatically reloaded at once.

You can unlock the weapon by completing The Mongoose and The Man treasure hunt in Costa Del Mar. Once you have completed the quest and defeated the mongoose, you will be able to open the locked stash in the main house and get the weapon.
1. El Caballero

El Caballero is perfect to finish off the unique weapons list with a bang in Far Cry 6. This unique weapon is a grenade launcher that holds nothing back, which means exploding your targets from mid to long-range.
This grenade launcher has a surprising lack of bullet drop as its projectiles hurtle through the air and provides the added bonus of coating the ground in the fire. So, if your targets survive the blast, they will still be in plenty of danger. This is the best choice for taking out vehicle groups of infantry or low-flying helicopters.

The weapon is locked away in the F.I. Escudo Steel Plant in northwest Madrugada. Once you get the key to the storage shed at the back of the main building, you can unlock the weapon.