Every Far Cry game has offered players unique modes of transportation. However, Far Cry 6 kicks this up by allowing players to ride horses, similar to how you could ride beasts in Far Cry Primal.
In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything there is to know about horses in Far Cry 6, including how you can unlock them, their controls, different breeds and locations, and finally, how you can get the Road Rage trophy.
How to Unlock Horses?

You can unlock horses in Far Cry 6 in various ways. The game has tamed horses and wild horses, which are comparatively difficult to get. Horses are essential for various reasons in Far Cry 6. The most crucial reason you need these animals is that they are an excellent means of transportation.
A default horse breed can be found all around Yara, and these are saddled horses. Then, we have other species you can unlock further in the game as you progress. Below, we have mentioned the various horses you can acquire in FC6 and how to ride them.
How to ride a Horses In Far Cry 6?

Riding a horse is very simple in Far Cry 6. All you need to do is approach the horse and press the E button if you’re on the keyboard. If you’re playing on Xbox then press and hold the X button. If you’re playing on PlayStation, press and hold the Square button.
To Gallop, while on the horse, press LS/L3 if you’re on PlayStation or Xbox or Shift if you’re on PC. The rest of the controls remain the same between vehicle and horse controls.
Pickup Points

The most common way to unlock horses is to scan them with your mobile phone at different pickup points. Get close to a horse to scan it and successfully get information about its breed.
Once you are done scanning, you can summon them at Pickup Points. One thing that is worth mentioning is that not all horses can be scanned; these horses usually belong to the military.
To unlock these types, you’ll have to hijack or mount one of them and bring them to the nearest Pickup Point. Once you are done, this military breed of horses will be unlocked and available to summon and ride.
Where to find horses in FC6?

In Far Cry 6, horses can be found all over the game world. In total, there are six different breeds that you can find. Below, we’ve given all their locations.
Spanish Marchador Horse
The Marchador is a military horse breed that cannot be scanned. You’ll find these in the Prado Meadows, Vencejo. Instead of scanning these, you’ll have to mount them.
Ride it to the nearest Pickup point; once you have done this, the horse will be unlocked, and you can summon it at other Pickup Points.
Madrugadian Horse Location
You will find these horses near Armonia, and as soon as you get the chance, get closer to them and scan them to unlock their breed. You will discover another Madrugadian herd in the northeast of Armonia. Make sure to unlock them as well.
La Palmera
This horse will be available to you from the start of the game.
Yagan Girasol Horse
On the Carbonell farm in the Conuco region, you’ll find this horse.
Mongote Zebra
Near the Diamante lakes area above the Balaceras region, you’ll complete the Break the Chains quest to find this horse.
El Unicornio
You’ll receive this horse by doing the Sweet Fifteen Treasure hunt in the Sierra Perdida region.
How to get the Road Rage trophy/achievement in Far Cry 6?

In Far Cry 6, you can get a trophy/achievement for hijacking a vehicle with a machete while on horseback. To get this trophy, simply get on horseback, and ride up against a vehicle with a machete equipped.
A “Hijack” prompt will pop up when you’re close enough. Once you press the corresponding weapon, Dani will automatically hijack the vehicle and kill the driver at the same time, netting you the trophy/achievement.