Far Cry 5 Shrines Guide

In our Far Cry 5 Shrines Locations Guide, we have detailed everything you need to know about finding all the Shrines in the different regions of Far Cry 5.

Feeling brave and confident? Looking for a challenge? Why not try to blow some statues up in Far Cry 5? Our Far Cry 5 Shrines Locations will highlight all the locations that you can find these John Seed’s statues so you can blow ’em up for some nice ole’ Resistance Points.

Far Cry 5 Shrines

There are a lot of ways to rack up Resistance Points in Far Cry 5. For those unfamiliar, a high Resistance Level will be crucial in determining which members of the Seed family you can put down.

So RP is directly associated with story progression in the game. Of course, you can capture outposts and complete various Side Missions to boost up the RP.

However, what better way to acquire them than to blow shit up? Usually, explosives like grenade and rocket launchers will do the job.

Below, you’ll find a list of John Seed’s shrines which you can demolish to earn Resistance Points.

Faith’s Region

  • Your fist shrine will be one you find in a jail. This cell is located near the lake south of Moonflower Trailer Park.
  • The next one is across the water from Hope County Jail. To get to the shrine, move along the lakeside until you reach the east side of the road. This is where the shrine is located
  • Two more shrines can be discovered north of Moonflower Trailer Park.
  • The island located between Rae Rae’s Pumpkin Farm and Angel’s Peak holds 3 shrines. First one is situated south west of the island. Next one is reachable if you head north and cross the river to set foot on a dry piece of land. The final one on this island is found east of Angel’s Peak right after crossing the river.
  • East of Moonflower Trailer Park, head north and cross Rock Bass Lake. The shrine is situated west of the lake.
  • North of the previous shrine location, are located Raptor Peaks (grey mountains on the map). Head there and climb a little part of the mountain to come across the shrine.
  • East of Raptor Peaks, you’ll discover the Peaches Taxidermy. Head west and then southwest to the river to find the shrine nearby.
  • Southeast of Peaches Taxidermy, you’ll come across another shrine to be destroyed.
  • Two more shrines are easily discoverable near the Sacred Skies Lake.
  • A shrine is situated near Hollyhock Saloon.
  • Head southeast to of McCullough’s Garage to find the next shrine in the region.
  • Extreme southeast of Faith’s region will get you your next shrine.

Dutch’s Region

  • For the first shrine in this region, swim to the eastern shore of the island. The shrine is almost on a mini-island right next to the bigger one.
  • The second shrine is situated to the north of the same island mentioned above.
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...