The harsh tropical island and neighboring lands in Far Cry 3 are just too vast for Jason Brody to strut around barefoot. Luckily, the ever-uninviting pirates and crazies that inhabit the island have brought various vehicles.
Some are easy to find, like the Darrah sedan, nearly everywhere, while others, like Helicopters and Wingsuits, are hard to find. In this guide, we will take a comprehensive look at all of them.
1. Buggy

The buggy is a fast way to travel in Far Cry 3. Its lightweight can cause it to get a little out of control, but it’s a fine mix of speed and decent protection.
Buggies are found easily just about anywhere on the island. You’ll mainly find one at the Cradle Gas on the North Island and the yellow one is always parked at Lonely Shore on Southern Island which is quite easy to spot in the jungle.
2. Cargo Trucks

The big, heavy cargo trucks are ideal methods of troop transportation and also great ways to dispose of bodies. What they lack, though, is decent speed.
These things are super slow for long drives and should only be considered when you have a set of maniacal mercs spraying bullets at your face. Otherwise, opt for the Buggy. You’ll find these in most pirate-controlled territories, but it’s rare to find one in isolated regions.
3. Darrah
The Darrah is a civilian sedan car that you’ll probably end up riding more than the other vehicles because it’s just like Styrus when it comes to performance but cheaper when it comes to spending your money. It can be found in almost all areas of the map.
4. Quad Bike
The Quad Bike is a super-lightweight one-man vehicle that’ll quickly get you around from one place to another. But its lightweight makes it very fragile, and because of its uncontrollability, you’ll tend to hit a few trees and animals on the way more than you would like. The Quad Bikes can be found in abundance throughout the map.
5. Scavenger

The Scavenger is a perfect vehicle for the power-hungry folks that inhabit the island. All factions use it, and the off-road driving capability makes them ideal for driving on uneven beaches and rough terrain.
The added machine gun, on the other hand, works well to mow down enemies. Scavengers are often located in faction outposts, and you’ll encounter riders in them occasionally.
6. Stryus
If you prefer hatchbacks instead of sedans, you might want the Stryus, an alternative civilian car to the Darrah. However, the Darrah seems to have more power. It is also very easily found throughout the map.
7. Technical

The Technical is an alternative to the Scavenger and is slightly worse regarding overall effectiveness and handling. It is, however, better in protection than the Stryus and the Darrah (and everything else for that matter), but it just doesn’t have the punch that the Scavenger does.
Like, the Scavenger, the Technical is used by all factions and most commonly found near faction outposts.
8. Jet Ski

Jet Skis near bays and beach spots are great ways to explore the small clusters of land around the central island region.
They are high-speed vehicles. However, their speed gives them instability, and their design isn’t meant to withstand bullets and other mean projectiles, so you might want to consider something bulkier if you’re to face some hostiles.
9. Patrol Boat

Though it may look like an abandoned antique piece, this boat seems to have fairly good defenses because of its sturdy metallic build. It also offers decent power with its weapon, which shoots .50cal bullets, so what else do you expect other than pure destruction?
Don’t expect it to go lightning fast, though, as this thing is heavy as an anchor. Patrol Boats are relatively difficult to find compared to Jet Skis and RHIB. You can find them in the middle of the waters and sometimes near some specific occupied shores.
10. RHIB

The RHIBs outclass both the Patrol Boat and the Jet Ski regarding stability and fire-power but have less defense (but more speed) than the Patrol Boat.
You’ll find these on the western shores of the island, and they seem to have an answer for just about every redneck who wants a piece of you.
11. Glider

Regarding Plateaus and high-altitude hills, nothing beats the thrill of gliding your way above enemy territories without even alerting a hair. Gliders are fan-favorite methods of traveling quickly – the thrilling way.
Gliders can be found in the northern high-altitude parts of the island and are generally preferable over Helicopters as they don’t make enough noise to alert enemies.
12. Wingsuit
Wingsuits work similarly to gliders, letting you fly through the skies without any trouble. You can only buy it at one specific point in the game when you reach Southern Island. It’s advisable to open the parachute when you are about to land if you wish to avoid a fatal injury.
13. Helicopter
While choppers are easily the fastest methods of transportation and perhaps assault, they are certainly the most vulnerable because of the amount of alarm they cause. Helicopters are rare to find. One is located in the central part of the island, west of the river that runs southwards.
Jason can not fly helicopters on his own in the game.