Caps, the currency of the Fallout universe, is one of the most valuable commodities. However, they aren’t always the easiest to find. If you’ve trekked through the wilderness of Appalachia in Fallout 76, you’ve likely found yourself without caps, preventing you from fast traveling and buying plans, weapons, and more. In this guide, we’ll be going over all the cap stash locations in Fallout 76, including the region they’re located in and their exact locations on the map.
Before we begin, it is important to note that Cap stashes do not respawn per se. Instead, their spawns are completely randomized, like magazines and Bobbleheads. Hence, in the areas we’ve listed below, there is a high chance that you may not find Cap stashes in their designated locations.
Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor

A single Cap stash is found on the roof of Big Al’s Tattoo Parlor next to a Panda toy.
Burdette Manor

One Cap stash spawns on several wooden crates in the manor’s attic.

Found in the building opposite the Charleston Herald, next to the Fire Breathers’ training course. It’ll be inside a broken terminal.
Charleston Capitol Building

Found on the first floor of the Capitol building. It’ll be on a desk near the Registrar’s terminal.
Charleston Fire Department

A single Cap stash spawns on the second floor of the firehouse, on top of a bunk bed.
Deathclaw Island
Once cap stash spawns right in the middle of the Deathclaw nest, proceed with caution!

East Kanawha Lookout

Found on the balcony of the top floor. The stash will be on a crate.

There are two Cap stash locations in Helvetia in Fallout 76, and both of them are in the same left-most room on the second floor of the building:
- The first one is underneath a dresser.
- The second one is found by the bed.
Hornwright Summer Villa

A single Cap stash spawns right by the stone stairs on the roof.
Kanawha Nuka-Cola plant

There is a total of three Cap stash locations that can spawn here in Fallout 76. Two on the roof and one on the exterior of the plant:
- The first one will be found inside a trailer outside the actual plant. It’ll be on a table next to a terminal.
- The second stash will be found on a shelf near a Nuka Cola sign on the roof.
- The last Cap stash will be found behind a locked door beside a Nuka Cola bottle.
Mama Dolce’s Food Processing

Found outside Mama Dolce’s Food Processing, inside the shed with the generator.
Morgan Town

You can find up to 8 Cap stashes in Morgan Town:
- The first Cap stash is found on top of the apartment building, right next to the apartment sign itself, on a skeleton.
- The second stash is found inside the bookstore. It’ll be underneath a chair leading up to the roof.
- The third Cap stash spawns inside the bus near the street camp.
- The fourth stash spawns on top of a desk inside the street camp.
- The fifth stash is found behind a shelter on the roof with the Nuka-Girl billboard.
- The next Cap stash is on top of the house east of the Apartment building. The house in question has red windows.
- The seventh Cap stash is found on the roof of Slocum’s Joe.
- The final Cap stash is found on the roof of the red-bricked house, which lies northeast of the Street House gang camp.
Morgantown Airport

A single Cap stash is found in the main terminal of the airport. It’ll be inside a locker behind a security door on your way to the second floor.
Morgantown High School

There are two cap stash spawn locations in Morgantown High School in Fallout 76.
- The first one is found outside the school, it’ll be on the porch of the house overlooking the main school building, towards the north.
- The second cap stash is found inside the classroom at the end of the second-floor hall. It’ll be inside a blue basket.
Morgantown Trainyard

Found on a table by the southern entrance of the main building.
New River Gorge Bridge

Two Cap stashes can spawn here:
- The first one is found on the ropes course tower by the bridge.
- The second one is located inside the maintenance sector, next to a terminal.
Point Pleasant

Found on a skeleton at the Point Pleasant bus stop.
Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06

There is a total of thirteen Cap stash spawn locations in Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 in Fallout 76:
- The first one is found outside on a couple of metal boxes near the workshop
- The second stash is by the tents near the red bridge toward the southwest of the plant.
- The third Cap stash is found on the roof, on top of a wind turbine machine.
- The fourth one is found atop a safe in the upper portion of the western cooling system section.
- The fifth stash is found on a counter on the catwalk of the western cooling system section.
- The sixth Cap stash is located near several radioactive barrels at the top of the eastern cooling system section.
- The next stash can be picked up from the control room. It’ll be in a drawer.
- For the eighth Cap stash, go to the basement and look near the barrel next to the control panel.
- The ninth stash is found outside the building, inside a tent to the southwest.
- The tenth Cap was stashed on the northeastern edge of the roof, right above the workshop.
- The eleventh Cap stash is found on the roof of the southern expansion building, next to a skeleton.
- For the next stash, head inside the south expansion. It’ll be on a desk in the room with the cooling tower.
- The thirteenth and final cap stash is located in the building northwest of the energy plant. It’ll be found in a workstation.
Riverside Manor

You can find up to two Cap stashes here:
- The first one is located on a metal shelf in the garage.
- The second stash is under a bunk bed in one of the upstairs rooms.

Found inside a destroyed safe in the mountain in front of the main building.

Located underneath a bunk bed in a house at the north end of the town. The house you’re looking for will have a few Mirelurks near it.

The Cap stash in Sutton is also in the area’s north end. It’ll be on a dresser in the second-floor hallway of the blue house.
The Kill Box

Found on the third floor of the building, on top of a few wooden crates next to a grill.
Tygart Water Treatment

On the ground of the raider camp in the north of the treatment plant. It’ll be inside a blue basket.
Tyler County Fairgrounds

The single Cap stash here spawns behind the podium near the Nuka Cola stand.
Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center

Found on a desk behind a locked door on the second floor of the research center.
Wade Airport

The single Cap stash here is found on the roof of the northern terminal of the airport.
White Powder Winter Sports

A single cap Stash spawns on the second floor. It’ll be below the front desk.
WV Lumber Co.

You can find up to two Cap stash locations here in Fallout 76:
- The first one is found on the second floor, a top of a desk
- The second Cap stash is located in the basement

There are two Cap stashes in Clarksburg:
- The first one is located on the roof of the hardware store. It’ll be next to a teddy bear.
- The second Cap stash is found inside a room on the roof of the repair store. It’ll be sitting atop some piping.
The Crater

A Cap stash can be found on top of the roof of a raider shack. The shack is located on the southern hills, however, to reach the roof, you may need a power armor jet pack equipped.
Eastern Regional Penitentiary

At the Eastern Regional Penitentiary, you can find up to four Cap stash locations in Fallout 76:
- The first Cap stash is found on the side of the filing cabinet inside the northern guard tower.
- The next stash is on the first floor, on a desk near the reception area.
- Cap stash number 3 is located in the corner office near Cell Block A. It’ll be on a desk.
- The final Cap stash is on a table in the shack on the first floor of Cell Block A.

In Grafton, a single Cap stash is found inside the building with the ‘Grey Tortoise – Famous Cigarettes’ sign. It’ll be underneath a desk behind a locked door.
Grafton Station

Located in one of the open train cars on the railroads by the tracks. It’ll be resting a top of a wooden crate.
Halloween Horror Hamlet

This is an unmarked area on the map. The Cap stash is found in the hallway of the first floor. It’ll be right next to a safe.
Wavy Willard’s Water Park

The final Cap stash in the Toxic Valley region is found at Wavy Willard’s Water Park. It’ll be on the roof of the security building in the southwest area of the park.
Ammo Dump

The first Cap stash in Savage Divide is located at the Ammo Dump. It is found on the picnic table that has two dead raiders near it.
Blackwater Mine

At the Blackwater Mine, you can find two Cap stash locations in Fallout 76. Both of them are outside the mine.
- The first Cap stash is found near the shack that’s by the entrance of the mine. It’ll be near a barrel and two dumpsters.
- The next stash is located by two dumpsters toward the middle of the area. It’ll be next to a barrel that’s next to a work light.
The Freak Show

The single Cap stash is found near the ticket rolls in the box office.
Hornwright Estate

At Hornwright Estate, you can find three Cap stashes:
- The first one is found in the library on the top floor. It’ll be on the shelf that’s near a desk.
- The next Cap stash is located next to the terminal in the dining room.
- For the final stash go to Evelyn’s bedroom. It’ll be inside a basket by the bed.
Ingram Mansion

The single Cap stash is found on the southern hills near the mansion. It’ll be inside a tent next to a sleeping bag.
Middle Mountain Cabins

Found inside the stove in the easternmost cabin.
Monongah Mine

At Monongah Mine, you can find a total of two Cap stash locations in Fallout 76:
- The first stash is found outside the mine, it’ll be next to a blue car that’s parked by the houses in the area.
- The next Cap stash is located inside the mine. It’ll be inside a port-a-potty in the main shaft.
Palace of the Winding Path

You can find another two Cap stashes at the Palace of the Winding Path:
- The first one is found next to a couple of barrels as you take the service tunnel exit in the basement.
- The second stash is found on the lockers next to the stairs by the laundry room.
Wendigo Cave

Found along a bend in the tunnel next to a toolbox
West Tek Research Center

A single Cap stash is located in the Super Mutant base near the research center. It’ll be inside the trailer by the western entrance of the base.
The Whitespring Resort

To find the Cap stash at the resort, make your way to the storage room. It’ll be on the locker shelf.
The Whitespring Bunker

There are two Cap stashes in the Whitesprings bunker:
- The first one is found in a knocked-over trash can inside the watch post building by the southern exterior of the bunker.
- The second Cap stash is located behind the security gate by the exit that leads to the resort.
Whitespring Golf Club

A single Cap stash is located inside the security building in the southern part of the golf field. It’ll be under a counter.
The Whitespring Service Entrance

The final Cap stash in the Whitespring area and the Savage Divide region is found in the service entrance for the resort. It’ll be on the roof of the service station.
Abandoned Mine Shaft 4

The Cap stash is located in the tallest shed in the area. It’ll be on a workbench.
Ash Heap Market Place

This is an unmarked location on the map. It’ll be next to the cash register, on top of a crate.
Beckley Mine Exhibit

A single Cap stash is found in the middle of the playground at the exhibit.
Camden Park

At the park, the Cap stash is located in the third buggy of the rollercoaster ride.
Hornwright Testing Site 2

A single Cap stash can be found on a cult altar, toward the south of the testing site. It’ll be between two baskets.
Mount Blair Trainyard

Located on a crate in the open green train car.
Pleasant Hills Cemetery

Found inside an open safe along the second row of graves.
Red Rocket Filling Station

The final Cap stash in the Ash Heap region is found on the cabinet in the shed. The cabinet in question also has a radio on it.
Abbie’s Bunker

A Cap stash can be found in the kitchen. It’ll be below a cart.
Berkeley Springs

A single Cap stash can be found behind a metallic shelf on top of the Delicatessen.
Big B’s Rest Stop

Located in the Super-Duper market, behind the main counter.
Braxson’s Quality Medical Supplies

A Cap stash can be found on the second floor of the building. It’ll be present right by the window next to the stairs.
The Burrows

To locate the Cap stash at The Burrows, go underneath the bridge near the waterfall. It’ll be behind a Gut Shroom.
Dyer Chemical

Located on top of the bear trap, in the main building.
Sam Blackwell’s Bunker

A Cap stash can be found in the kitchen. It’ll be located near the bottom of the table.
Thunder Mountain Power Plant

A single Cap stash can be found at the top of the left cooling tower.
Vault 94

A Cap stash is found near the vault door (from the inside) it’ll be in a white crate to the north east of the door.
Appalachian Antiques

A Cap stash can be found in the second-floor bedroom. It’ll be next to the nightstand.
Big Bend Tunnel East

A Cap stash is found inside a work shack near the fortified gate. The area in question once you’ve traversed about halfway through the tunnel.
The General’s Steakhouse

You can find up to two Cap stashes at the General’s Steakhouse:
- The first one is located inside the ‘Employees Only’ room. It’ll be on the desk.
- The second Cap stash is found inside the locked room behind the main counter.
Glassed Cavern

You can find another two Cap stashes at the Glassed Cavern. Both of them are found in the second to last chamber:
- The first one is found on the lower level of the chamber, near a crushed can, on top of a box.
- The second Cap stash is found on the upper level of the chamber. It’ll be next to a barrel where the path splits.
Watoga Emergency Services

Located near the emergency exit on the top floor. It’ll be on top of a refrigerator.
Watoga High School

The singular Cap stash spawns underneath the principles desk.
Watoga Municipal Center

The last Cap stash of the Cranberry Bog region is found on the second floor of the Watoga Municipal Center. It’ll be next to a terminal on the second floor.
Fallout 76 Best Cap Farming Locations
Owing to the randomized spawns of Cap stashes in Fallout 76, Cap farming can be quite difficult. However, there are certain routes you can take that’ll ensure at least a couple of guaranteed spawns. Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 is a prime location to farm Caps as this area has a total of 13 spawn locations. Refer to the guide above to find their exact locations.
Another excellent location to farm Caps in Fallout 76 is the Whitesprings area. With a total of 6 possible spawn locations, you are guaranteed to get at least half of them. The most optimal route involves starting at Whitespring Golf Club, then going to The Whitespring Resort, followed by the bunker underneath the entrance, and then finally the Service Entrance.
Similarly, you can hit up all the spots in the Watoga area and the Morgantown area as these places have a plethora of possible spawn points.
Hop between servers and farm these locations as many times as you please. An Alternate way to acquire caps in Fallout 76 is by killing Super Mutants as they often carry significant amounts of Caps. Additionally, you can sell your junk to vendors across Appalachia.