How To Get Terra Magica In Elden Ring

In this guide, we will tell you how to get and use the Terra Magica sorcery in Elden Ring by outlining its exact location.

Terra Magica is a Glintstone Sorcery that increases your magic damage in Elden Ring. The spell simply creates a zone where your magic stats are boosted. Any magic attacks that you do while inside the zone will do increased magic damage.

Terra Magica becomes really helpful if you have good summons. You can just stand in your zone to do increased magic damage while the boss (or enemies) focus your summons.

The only problem is that it is not easy to get the Terra Magica Sorcery. You need to clear out the Academy Crystal Cave to get to the chest that contains the spell.

Where to find Terra Magica in Elden Ring?

Elden Ring Terra Magicus Location

You can get to this spell after defeating the boss in Academy Crystal Cave. From the Academy of Crystal Cave head forward through the southeast path in the cave and continue to move along the giant rocks until you find a stone sword key statue.

In this area, you will encounter some sorcery enemies that you can take out easily. From the end of this bigger section again enter the cave in the southeast direction.

You can use the torch to light your way in this dark tunnel. So you need to head in and find Grace.  Then you will need to go towards the left tunnel in order to reach the right location to get terra magic in Elden Ring.

There are no turns in this path so keep moving and once you reach the big foggy room, you will see some silhouettes along with a pack of three casters. They are easy to deal with but their attacks are effective as well so a couple of hits will do the job for you in taking them out.  

After moving a little forward, you will see a wooden door on the left side. Enter it and kill the enemies there. Here an enemy is guarding the doorway that you have to take out.

On the left side of the door from where you enter, there is a Budding cave Moss that you can collect. Hit the cliff behind that moss to open the secret path there.

Enter that area, take out the enemy, and move forward to collect the Crystal Staff from a chest there. Head back and in the northeast section, you will find the fog door that will take you to the boss arena.

There you will encounter two Crystalian bosses. They are weak to striking so it is best to keep your distance and use striking at the right moments to take out these bosses in Elden Ring.

After taking them out, enter the doorway and stand on the lift that will take you up to the Academy of Raya Lucaria. Use the stairs on the right side and a ladder to reach the top of the tower.

There you will find a chest that contains Terra Magica in Elden Ring.

How to use Terra Magica in Elden Ring

Terra Magica is Glintstone sorcery that has a stamina cost of 12. This creates a spherical zone that will increase the magic damage within it by 35%.

The FP cost for using that spell is 20 and it uses Slot 1. You can also stack it with the Flask of Wondrous Physick called Magic-Shrouding Cracked Tear. You can use this zone for fighting with bosses for taking them out easily with increased magic damage.

The only thing that you will need to make sure of is the enemy is inside the sphere while doing a magic attack so they can be buffed with the Terra Magica.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.