In Elden Ring, the Spiked Caestus comes in pairs, and you can either wield one or both. If you’re a melee player, you would want to grab these. The downside of this weapon is that it lacks range, but it causes pretty good damage to the enemies.
Getting the weapon is pretty straightforward; you must locate the Isolated Merchant in Caelid to purchase the weapon. This guide walks you through the location and effects of the weapon in Elden Ring.
Spiked Caestus Location Elden Ring

To get the Spiked Caestus, get to the Isolated Merchant’s Shack in the Dragonbarrow region north of Caelid.
You will find the Isolated Merchant outside the shack when you reach the location. Interact with him to purchase the Spiked Caestus from the merchant for 4,000 runes.
Elden Ring Spiked Caestus Effects

The Spiked Caestus scales with Strength and Dexterity, which does heavy damage, but note that this weapon is for close-range combat. The weapon has the endure ability, which requires 9 FP to activate. This allows users to improve their blocking ability and increase the damage negation.
The weapon is laced with blood loss-inducing spikes, giving you a massive advantage against enemies since you can take out chunks of health due to the blood loss ability.