How To Assign Items To Pouch In Elden Ring?

The pouch in Elden Ring allows players to quickly access four items of their choosing simultaneously while playing.

The pouch is one of the handiest features to use in Elden Ring. It allows players to quickly access several items if their quick-use item bar is full. Strangely enough, the game fails to provide specific instructions to help players equip items within their pouch.

In this guide, we’ll go over how you can use the pouch to your advantage in Elden Ring. We’ll also cover the key differences between the pouch and the quick items in the game and discuss why some items are better suited for the former.

How to put items in the Pouch in Elden Ring?

The pouch in Elden Ring allows players to quickly access four items of their choosing. To assign the desired items, start by pressing the main menu, options, or Esc button, depending on the platform. Doing so will bring up the pouch on the screen. You can select the pouch with the D-pad as you select the other menus in the Elden Ring.

You will see 6 slots in the Pouch, but four only show button inputs you can use using the D-pad. It means you can equip up to 6 different items, but four could be used instantly, whereas, for the other two, you have to open the menu to utilize them directly from the pouch. However, this process is still quicker than going to the inventory for the items in Elden Ring.

It is also possible to use more items by pressing and then holding the triangle button (for PS4/PS5) or the Y button (for Xbox One/Xbox Series X/S) and choosing one of the four given slots for equipping purposes.

Now, moving onto the equipping part on the quick pouch buttons, the player must press the input button in order at the bottom right side of the screen and select triangle or Y.

This will lead to the inventory of the game where the player might find various items to equip. He must choose one to confirm its place in the pouch and repeat the process until and unless his pouch is filled.

How to use the Pouch Items?

After carefully selecting the items a player requires, they need to know how to use them. To do that, just press and hold the Event Action key while in-game (outside the menus), which will lead to items being shown in front of the screen, and available over the Quick Items selection.

So if you are playing the game on PC, you must press E and use the arrow keys assigned to the pouch slots to utilize the required item in Elden Ring.

If you are completing the playthrough from the Console, press the Y button and use the D-pad to select the item from the Pouch slots in Elden Ring. Remember, to utilize the 5th and 6th slot pouch item you need to open the menu to directly use the resources in Elden Ring.

Difference between Quick Items and Pouch Items

A player must know the difference between the items they place in a pouch and items they make as quick items in Elden Ring as this difference can mean life or death.

In the bottom left, players assign Quick Items to the directional inputs on their HUD. To use quick items, you have to scroll through this list of 10 items in combat before you find the right one and use it.

Pouch Items, on the other hand, are four items that can be accessed simultaneously. Holding down the Event Action key will make the pouch items appear on top of the Quick Items in the bottom left corner.

So simply hold the button until the Pouch Items appear and press the directional key corresponding to the item you want to select to instantly swap to that item instead of going through a list.

Best Items to assign to your Pouch

While you can assign whatever you like to your pouch in Elden Ring, some items are better suited for it than others. You should always reserve your quick items for things like Flasks, spells, and incantations as they’re used more frequently. Generally, you want to assign items you won’t need in a pinch to your pouch.

We recommend assigning your Spectral Steed Whistle to your pouch. You can also add all your frequently used multiplayer items to it, which cuts down on having to open the menu to access those items. Items like one-off consumables also work best for the pouch.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...