The Hero is a straightforward starting class in Elden Ring, having strength as its main potential builds. They don’t hesitate to engage their enemies in melee combat and destroy them with giant beefy weapons. Even from the very start of the game, they keep an axe or Greatsword with them and annihilate everything in their way.
In this Elden Ring Hero Class Builds guide, we have detailed information about the best builds the Hero Class offers, covering their stats, armor, weapons, and the best skills to use with the Hero Builds.
Elden Ring Hero Class Builds
The Hero Class in Elden Ring allows players to take advantage of some of the best starting weapons in the game like Greataxe, Lordsworn’s Greatsword, and other Colossal Weapons.
Its other stats and skill also make it a good class to have in the Elden Ring; The Nepheli cosplay is an added bonus.
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Hero Early Game Build
- Flask Spread: Mostly HP
- Weapon: Lordsworn’s Greatsword and Claymore
- Shield: Large Leather Shield
- Armor: Champion Armor Set
- Stats: Strength and Endurance (Primary), Mind and Vigor (Secondary)
- Skills: Determination and Golden Vow
Hero Class Strength Build
- Flask Spread: Mostly HP
- Weapon: Heavy Greatsword and Grafted Blade Greatsword
- Shield: None
- Armor: Radahn Armor Set
- Stats: Strength and Endurance (Primary), Vigor and Dexterity (Secondary)
- Skills Ash of War: War Cry
Hero Class Melee Build
- Flask Spread: Mostly HP
- Weapon: Battle Axe
- Shield: Large Leather Shield
- Armor: Any Medium or Heavy Armor set
- Stats: Strength and Endurance (Primary), Mind and Dexterity (Secondary)
- Skills: Ash of War: Quickstep
Best Stats for Hero Class Builds

For the Hero Class, Early Game build, you will be keeping your flasks on HP most of the time and not FP since it is not a build that uses many spells or High FP skills.
You will be investing more points into the Strength and Endurance to make a strong build. Later on, you’ll want to keep investing in Strength and Dex (mostly Strength) in order to equip stronger greatswords.
- Vigor: 14
- Mind: 9
- Endurance: 12
- Dexterity: 9
- Arcane: 11
- Strength: 16
For the Hero Class Strength build, you will be using the same keepsake we are using before. Golden Seed is the best to use almost with every build since it can give you an extra flask early in the game.
Again, you’ll be investing more points into Strength, Vigor, and Endurance.
- Vigor: 14
- Endurance: 12
- Arcane: 16
- Dexterity: 8
- Strength: 11
For the Hero Class Melee build, Again, in this build, you will be prioritizing HP flasks most of the time and not FP since it is a melee build. Furthermore, you’ll be investing more points into the Strength and Endurance to make a strong build along with Mind and Dexterity to further improve it.
- Vigor: 21
- Mind: 25
- Endurance: 8
- Dexterity: 23
- Strength: 14
Best Weapons for Hero Class Builds in Elden Ring

For the Hero Class Early Game build, what you will be doing is trying to do jump attacks using the Greatswords, which you can boost with the Claw Talisman, and the weapon choices that you’ll go with are Lordsworn’s Greatsword and Claymore.
Lordsworn’s Greatsword is an excellent choice for melee users. This is a lightweight Greatsword with severe damage, so it works amazingly in this build.
Alternatively, the Claymore has similar requirements but boasts more range at the cost of 10 less Crit damage. So, the initial weapon you’ll run with this build will depend on what you prefer, range or crit damage. But you should aim to hold both in each hand and go for jumping heavy attacks.
For the Hero Class Strength build, you’ll be using the likes of Heavy Greatsword and Grafted Blade Greatsword.
Considering how this build primarily focuses on Strength, you should start off with a heavy Greatsword. The heavy Greatsword focuses mainly on Strength and will help you target enemies from a wide range due to its wide swings for its attacks.
You can also use Grafted Blade Greatsword for the Strength build as well. This weapon scales with Dexterity and Strength. With its unique stats, this weapon will work like a charm when facing enemies in high-level fights.
Your go-to weapon for the Hero Class Melee build is the Battle Axe. Overall, if your playstyle depends more on weapons than a spell, Battle Axe will help you a lot in the combat zone since it’s mainly used for performing slash attacks that scale with Strength rather than dexterity like most axes.
Best Armor for Hero Class Builds

For the Hero Class, Early Game build, the Champion Armor Set is your primary focus when choosing an armor for the hero Class Strength Build. This set consists of four components such as Champion Headband, Champion Pauldron, Champion Bracers, and Champion Gaiters.
It can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in South Caelid and can increase the wielder’s mobility, making it a very useful set for agile classes such as the Hero Class itself.
For the Hero Class Strength build, we recommend Radahn Armor Set. It is described as the Heavyweight Armor that boasts superior robustness resistance.
Since you won’t be using any spells in this build, having armor that gives you maximum protection in the battle arena is necessary. It is a heavyweight armor; however, don’t worry too much about your mobility as it doesn’t slow you down much.
You can use any medium or heavy armor set for the Hero Class Melee build. However, the one we chose for you is the Black Knife Set. This set is a must-have armor set for the players that look for a lighter-weight armor that allows them to move quickly during a fight.
Plus, equipping this armor set allows you to move around areas without making any noise which helps you a lot in situations where you must stay quiet to avoid the attention from the enemy.
Best Skills for Hero Class Builds
For the Hero Class, Early Game build, your primary skills will be Determination and Golden Vow to increase the damage done to enemies since you can buff yourself using the Golden Vow on your left weapon.
This will increase your attack rating by 10% and resistance by 5%. However, the Golden Vow just lasts for 45 seconds, so you have to do everything during that time.
For the Hero Class Strength build, you will be using the Ash of War: War Cry for buffing yourself and turning your attacks into charging attacks. Additionally, Ash of War: War Cry provides players with Heavy affinity and the War Cry Skill. Use this to elevate your weapon and modify stats as the need arrives.
For the Hero Class Melee build, you will use skills like Ash of War: Quickstep as your primary means of getting in quickly. A bonus is that you can quickstep over hard-to-walk areas, like the swamps of Caelid.