How To Get Gelmir Glintstone Staff In Elden Ring

You can get the Gelmir Glintstone Staff by defeating the first boss of the Temple of Eiglay in Mt. Gelmir in Elden Ring.

The Gelmir Glintstone Staff is perfect if you are looking to scale your weapon with Intelligence and Faith. You can become unstoppable with this weapon while using Magma sorceries in Elden Ring.

Only one place in Elden Ring can provide you with staff, but you have to farm the same boss to get this weapon, as the drop rate of Gelmir Glintstone Staff is pretty low in Elden Ring.

If you’re a spellcaster, you’ll definitely need to know the Gelmir Glintstone Staff location in Elden Ring

Gelmir Glintstone Staff location in Elden Ring

You can get the Gelmir Glintstone Staff by defeating the first boss of the Temple of Eiglay in Mt. Gelmir.

Begin by heading towards Volcano Manor. From there, you need to select the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace on the map.

At the grace site, head towards the north corner of the hall. You will find a small archway out of the building. Straight ahead, enter to next building through the open door.

Inside the building, you need to hop on the wooden elevator. This will take you to the first floor. Now, head northwest inside the building.

You will find small enemies along the way, but you can ignore them. Take the stairs down at the end of the path. Continue northwest into a small door.

At the right, enter another door and head east. There you need to fight two Man-Serpents. Then you will come across another Man-Serpent, but he has a potato head this time. Defeat and loot the Man-Serpent to get the Gelmir Glintstone Staff in Elden Ring.

As another reminder, the Gelmir Glinstone Staff drop rate is around 11.11 percent in Elden Ring. Hence, you’ll likely have to make multiple runs until you finally get the drop.

How to use the Gelmir Glintstone Staff

If you’re building a spellcaster or are focusing on sorcery-based attacks, you’ll need to have a Glinstone Staff. It has a hybrid scaling with intelligence and faith.

Minor scaling in Strength can also be achieved. For mixed staff, you need to have equal points in intelligence and a hybrid attribute, which is faith, to get the sorcery scaling you want.

Required Stats

  • Strength: 6
  • Intelligence: 14
  • Faith: 14

Gelmir Glintstone Staff tips to know

The Gelmir Glintstone Staff does not have any unique skills in Elden Ring. You cannot infuse this staff with the Ashes of War; neither can you buff nor enchant it using magic or consumables.

Gelmir’s Fury, Magma Shot, and Rolling Magma are the magma sorceries included in the weapon and their boost is almost around 15%. The drop rate for this weapon is considerably low, around 11.11% at 100 discovery.

Gelmir Glintstone Staff upgrades and stats

Every Glintstone Staff has sorcery scaling, and for the Gelmir variant, it is 170. This staff boosts lava sorceries and like the others, can be upgraded using Smithing Stones [1-8] and Ancient Dragon Smithing Stones to improve effectiveness.

Using these smithing stones, you can easily upgrade your staff from standard stats to maximum standard +25 stats.

The following are your standard stats.

Attack Power

  • Phy: 29
  • Sorcery Scaling: 107-167 

Stat Scaling

  • Str: E
  • Int: D
  • Faith: D

Damage Reduction (%)

  • Phy: 23
  • Mag: 14
  • Fir: 14
  • Lit: 14
  • Hol: 14
  • Bst: 14
  • Rst: 9

The following are your +25 stats when you have maxed out the staff.

Attack Power

  • Phy: 50
  • Sorery Scaling: 122-302 

Stat Scaling

  • Str: D
  • Int: B
  • Faith: B

Damage Reduction(%)

  • Phy: 23
  • Mag: 14
  • Fir: 14
  • Lit: 14
  • Hol: 14
  • Bst: 14
  • Rst: 9

For both stats, Passive effects remain the same i.e Boosts Lava Sorceries.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...