How To Get The Duelist Set In Elden Ring

Duelist Set is a three-piece armor set you can acquire by eliminating Gladiatorial Duelists or Grave Wardens in Elden Ring.

Elden Ring’s Duelist Set is a three-piece armor set you can acquire by eliminating Gladiatorial Duelists or Grave Wardens. Luckily, you will find a duo of Duelists in the Leyndell, Royal City, and you must defeat them before taking down Maliketh, the Black Blade.

These duelists will disappear after your fight with Maliketh, so you cannot farm Duelist Set afterward. Duelist Set is a light armor, but its toughness is second to none. You need to get Duelist Helm, Duelist Greaves, and Gravekeeper Cloak to complete the armor set.

In Elden Ring, you can also find The Rotten Duelist Set, another base version variant that allows you to put Rot ailment on your enemy. For this, you have to move toward the Consecrated Snowfield area. That is a story for another day, so now let us see the location of the normal version of Duelist Set in Elden Ring.

Where to find the Duelist Set in Elden Ring

Make your way toward Leyndell, Royal City, and reach the southwest area to encounter the enemies. These patrolling enemies have a high chance of dropping all three pieces of the armor set, so it is a great place to farm the Duelist Set in the game.

How to get the Duelist set in Elden Ring

You can start your journey by moving southeast from the West Capital Rampart. Look for the door on your right side that will take you outside. From here, you just need to rush forward and run through your enemies.

There will be a large tree branch that you must cross to reach the stairs. Move upward from here and turn right to find the patrolling Duelist. A few clean hits will eliminate your enemy, and you can acquire all Duelist Set pieces for Elden Ring.

Since the probability of obtaining all pieces is high for each Duelist, rush toward the giant doors if you still do not get any. You will find another Duelist there, and killing him will ensure you get each Duelist Set Armor piece in Elden Ring.

With the complete armor set, you significantly boost your damage negation ability. Mainly, your character will become robust against physical and fire damage, and you can negate other kinds of attacks to a reasonable extent. Some Elden Ring Duelist Set stats are below, indicating the damage negation against different attacks.

  • Physical: 19.4
  • Magic: 16.8
  • Fire: 19.4
  • Light: 18.1
  • Holy: 18

Faizan Saif is a senior guides writer at He started gaming after playing Call of Duty 2 and became obsessed. He is actively taken part in Call of Duty eSports scene and have won ...