In Elden Ring players can collect Cookbooks to unlock different crafting recipes. These Cookbooks can be found throughout the lands between and are spread far and wide. In this guide, we will let you know the location of each and every cookbook in Elden Ring and outline the recipes each of them unlocks.
How to Use Cookbooks in Elden Ring
Cookbooks are essential collectibles that your Tarnished needs in order to obtain crafting recipes. There are different types of Cookbooks with several volumes that each provide a different set of recipes.
Let’s first take a look at how we can use Cookbooks in Elden Ring and then where we can find them!
To use the Cookbooks, players will need to buy the crafting kit from the Merchant Kale in the Church of Elleh. Once a player has the Crafting Kit, they get access to the Item Crafting menu.
After that, whenever you collect a Cookbook from the lands between, the recipes it contains will be unlocked automatically in the crafting menu.
Elden Ring Cookbook Locations
You are going to find a lot of Cookbooks in Elden Ring and all of these came with some useful recipes. You can find these Cookbooks from different locations.
Sometimes you can find them on corpses or inside the chests. Some of the Cookbooks can also be purchased from the Merchants in Elden Ring.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Nomadic Warrior Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #1 and #2

You can buy the Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #1 and #2 from Merchant Kale in the Church of Elleh for 500 Runes. These Cookbooks will unlock the following recipes.
- Bone Bolt
- Bone Arrow (Fletched)
- Bone Arrow
- Invigorating White Cured Meat
- Glowstone
- Cured Meat
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #3

This one can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in North Limgrave. You can find across this merchant close to the bridge west of Saintsbridge Site of Grace.
This one will cost you 6oo Runes. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Pickled Turtle Neck
- Poisonbone Arrow
- Poisonbone Bolt
- Poisonbone Arrow(Fletched)
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #4

You can find this Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook on a corpse close to the Giant Bear in the south of Mistwood. This Cookbook will unlock the following recipes.
- Roped Fetid Pot
- Fetid Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #5

You can buy this one for the Nomadic Merchant in Mistwood just close to the path south of the Minor Erdtree for 1,500 Runes. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Beastlure Pot.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #6

You can find this Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook on a Corpse in Fort Haight. This will unlock the following recipes.
- Bloodbone Arrow
- Drawstring Blood Grease
- Blood Grease
- Bloodbone Bolt
- Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched)
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #7

You are going to find this Cookbook on a Corpse at the end of a collapsed bridge. It can be found just north of the path to Stormveil Castle. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Rainbow Stone Arrow
- Stanching Boluses
- Soft Cotton
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #8

You can find this Cookbook in Tombsward Cave on a Corpse at the dead end. This Cookbook will unlock the following recipes.
- Drawstring Poison Grease
- Poison Grease
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #9

You can find this one in the Tombsward Catacombs behind the Imp Seal Statue. This will unlock the following recipe.
- Rancor Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #10

You can find this Cookbook in the Stormveil Castle right after crossing the rooftops east of Rampart Tower Site of Grace on a Corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Storming Bone Arrow
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #11

You can buy this Cookbook from the Nomadic Merchant close to the Site of Grace at Liurnia Lake Shore. It will cost you 1,500 Runes. The recipes it will unlock are given below.
- Shattershard Arrow
- Spellproof Dried Liver
- Crystal Dart
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #12

You are going to find this Cookbook inside the Rose Church on a Corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Cursed-Blood Pots
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #13

You can buy this Cookbook from a Nomadic Merchant in North Liurnia for 2,000 Runes. Its location can also be seen on the map given below. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Bone Ballista Bolt
- Bone great Arrow (Fletched)
- Bone Great Arrow
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #14

You are going to find this Cookbook in Caelid close to the Smoldering Church Site of Grace on a Corpse. This Cookbook will unlock the following recipes.
- Poisonbone Dart
- Roped Poison Pot
- Poison Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #15

You can buy this Cookbook from a Nomadic merchant in Caelid for 4,000 Runes. The merchant can be found at the triangle intersection of the Southern roads. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Rotbone Bolt
- Rotbone Arrow
- Rotbone Arrow (Fletched)
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #16

You can buy this Cookbook from Hermit Merchant in the east of Ainsel River Downstream Site of Grace in a Temple for 2,500 Runes. It will unlock the following recipes for you.
- Stimulating Boluses
- Thawfrost Boluses
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #17 and #18

Both these Cookbooks can be purchased from Abandoned Merchant in Siofra River for 1,000 and 6,000 Runes respectively.
The Merchant can be found in the room behind the waterfall. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Oil Pot
- Roped Oil Pot
- Dappled White Cured Meat
- Dappled Cured Meat
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #19

You can find this Cookbook in Altus Plateau on the ground in a small building of Woodfolk Ruins. It will unlock the following recipes for you.
- Warming Stone
- Sweet Raisin
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #20

You can buy this Cookbook from the Nomadic Merchant in the northwest of Mt. Gelmir for 3,000 Runes. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Roped Volcano Pot
- Volcano Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #22

You can find this Cookbook inside a chest in the lake of Rot. This location is just north of the Grand Cloister Site of Grace. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Rot Pot
- Drawstring Rot
- Rot Pot
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #23

You can find this one on a corpse in the north of Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Frozen Raisin
- Clarifying White Cured Meat
- Clarifying Cured Meat
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #24

You can find this one on a corpse close to the cliff just west of the Palace Ledge Road Site of Grace. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Roped Fly Pot
- Swarm Pot
Armorer’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Armorer Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Armorer’s Cookbook #1

You can find this one in the kaiden Sellsword camp on a corpse. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Fire Grease
- Drawstring Fire Grease
- Fireproof Dried Liver
Armorer’s Cookbook #2

This one can be bought from the Nomadic merchant in Limgrave for 600 Runes. The Merchant is located in the southeast of the Coastal Cave. It will unlock the following Recipes.
- Firebone Arrow
- Firebone Arrow (Fletched)
- Neutralizing Boluses
- Firebone Bolt
Armorer’s Cookbook #3

This one can be purchased from the Nomadic Merchant in Mistwood close to the path south of Minor Erdtree for 2.000 Runes. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Exalted Flesh
Armorer’s Cookbook #4

You can find this Cookbook at the top of the stairs of the entrance of the Redmane Castle on a corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Redmane Fire Pot.
Armorer’s Cookbook #5

You can find this one in the southernmost room of the Redmane Castle on a corpse. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Immunizing White Cured Meat
- Immunizing Cured Meat
Armorer’s Cookbook #6

You can find this Cookbook in Nokron, External City beside the wall on a corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Preserving Boluses
Armorer’s Cookbook #7

You will find this Cookbook at the entrance of the Fort Laiedd on a Corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Giantsflame Fire Pot
Missionary’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Missionary Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Missionary’s Cookbook #1

You can purchase this Cookbook from the Merchant Kale at the Church of Elleh for 1,000 Runes. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Holy Water Pot
- Roped Holy Water Pot
Missionary’s Cookbook #2

You can buy this Cookbook in Murkwater cave from Patches. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Gold Pickled Foot
- Grave Mimic
- Scriptstone
Missionary’s Cookbook #3

You are going to find this Cookbook on the top of a corpse in Caelid close to the Smoldering Church Site of Grace. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot
Missionary’s Cookbook #4

You are going to find this Cookbook on top of a Corpse in the Leyndell close to the Minor Erdtree Church. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Holy Grease
- Haligbone Arrow
- Haligbone Bolt
- Haligbone Arrow (Fletched)
Missionary’s Cookbook #5

You can find this Cookbook in Siofra River in a circular room on top of a corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Sacred Order Pot
Missionary’s Cookbook #6

You are going to find this Cookbook in the Mt. Gelmir in the northeast of the Temple of Eiglay Site of Grace on a corpse in a jail cell. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Holyproof Dried Liver
Missionary’s Cookbook #7

You can buy this one from the Hermit Merchant which can be found in the Plateau around the east side. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Rejuvenating Boluses
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Glintstone Craftsman Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #1

You can find this Cookbook on a Corpse in an enemy encampment in Liurnia of the Lakes. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Cuckoo Glintstone
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #2

You can find this Cookbook on a Corpse close to the Laskyar Ruins Site of Grace in Liurnia of the lakes. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Freezing Grease
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #3

You will find this one in the Liurnia of the lakes inside a chest at the highway lookout Tower. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Albinauric Pot
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #4

You will find this Cookbook inside a chest in the building southwest of the Academy Gate Tower marker. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Magic Pot
- Roped Magic Pot
- Shield Grease
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #5

You will find this Cookbook inside the Chest at the Illusory Wall room in Raya Lucaria Academy. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Magic Grease
- Drawstring Magic Grease
- Magicbone Arrow
- Magicbone Arrow (Fletched)
- Magicbone Bolt
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #6

You will find this Cookbook West of the main Caria Manor Gate Site of Grace on top of a corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Freezing Pot
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #7

This Cookbook can be purchased from the Pidia in Caria Manor. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Coldbone Bolt
- Coldbone Arrow
- Coldbone Arrow (Fletched)
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook #8

You are going to find this Cookbook at the Consecrated Grounds southwest of Albinauric’s Rise on top of a corpse that is surrounded by three Arcane Sphere of Faces. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Academy Magic Pot
Fevor’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Fevor Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Fevor’s Cookbook #1

In the Summonwater Village, you will find this Cookbook on a corpse in the graveyard. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Sleep Pot
Fevor’s Cookbook #3

This one is given to you by Gideon Ofnir as a reward at the Roundtable Hold for beating Mohg, the Omen. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Bewitching Branch
Frenzied Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Frenzied Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Frenzied Cookbook #1

You are going to find this Cookbook on the west side of Frenzied Flame Village inside a house on top of a corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Clarifying Boluses.
Perfumer’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Perfumer Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Perfumer’s Cookbook #1

You can find this Cookbook in Mt. Gelmir’s open central area of Perfumer’s Ruins inside the chest. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Uplifting Aromatic
- Spark Aromatic
Perfumer’s Cookbook #2

In the Altus Plateau, you will find this Cookbook in the rooftop area of the Shaded Castle on a corpse sitting in a chair. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Bloodboil Aromatic
- Poison Spraymist
Perfumer’s Cookbook #3

You can find this Cookbook by going through a transporter chest in the Auriza Side Tomb. It can be found on a corpse when you reach there. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Ironjar Aromatic
Perfumer’s Cookbook #4

You can buy this Cookbook from a Hermit Merchant close to the Ainsel River for 3,999 Runes. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Acid Spraymist
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook Locations
Below you will find the locations of all Ancient Dragon Apostle Cookbooks in the Elden Ring along with the map images.
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook #2

This one can be bought from the Nomadic Merchant shown in the map above for 4,500 Runes. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Roped Lightning Pots
- Lightning Pots
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook #3

You can find this Cookbook in Caelid, at the Cathedral of Dragon Communion on top of a corpse. It will unlock the following recipe.
- Dragonwound Grease
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook #4

You are going to find this Cookbook on the west side of Crumbling Farum Azula on top of a corpse in a circular building. It will unlock the following recipes.
- Lightningproof Dried Liver
- Ancient Dragonbolt Pot
Cookbook Recipes
Below you will find the Recipes of all Cookbooks in Elden Ring along with the crafting requirements of each item in it.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #1 and #2
- Bone Bolt: requires x3 Thin Beast Bones
- Bone Arrow (Fletched): requires x3 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Flight Pinion
- Bone Arrow: requires x2 Thin Beast Bones
- Invigorating White Cured Meat: requires x3 Golden Rowa, x1 Strip of White Flesh, x1 Crab Eggs and x1 Land Octopus Ovary
- Glowstone: requires x1 Ruin Fragment. And x1 Dewkissed Herba
- Cured Meat: requires x3 Golden Rowa, x1 Sliver of Meat, x1 Crab Eggs and x1 Land Octopus Ovary
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #3
- Pickled Turtle Neck: requires x3 Rowa Fruit, x1 Turtle Neck meat and x1 Herba.
- Poisonbone Arrow: requires x2 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Poisonbloom
- Poisonbone Bolt: requires x2 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Poisonbloom
- Poisonbone Arrow (Fletched): requires x3 Thin Beast Bones, x1 Poisonbloom and x1 Flight Pinion
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #4
- Roped Fetid Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot, x1 Mushroom, x1 Gold-Tinged Excrement and x1 String.
- Fetid Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot, x1 Mushroom and x1 Gold-Tinged Excrement.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #5
- Beastlure Pot: requires x1 Ritual pot, x1 Beast Blood and x2 Hefty Beast Bone.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #6
- Bloodbone Arrow: requires x3 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Bloodrose
- Drawstring Blood Grease: requires x1 Thin Beast Bones, x1 Bloodrose and x1 String
- Blood Grease: requires x1 Root Resin and x1 Bloodrose
- Bloodbone Bolt: requires x2 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Bloodrose
- Bloodbone Arrow (Fletched): requires x3 Thin Beast Bones, x1 Bloodrose and x1 Flight Pinion.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #7
- Rainbow Stone Arrow: requires x3 Thin Beast Bones and x3 Ruin Fragment
- Stanching Boluses: requires x1 Herba, x1 Cave Moss and x1 Land Octopus Ovary
- Soft Cotton: requires x3 Rowa Fruit and x1 Smoldering Butterfly
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #8
- Drawstring Poison Grease: requires x1 Root Resin, x1 Poisonbloom and x1 String
- Poison Grease: requires x1 Root Resin and x1 Poisonbloom
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #9
- Rancor Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot, x2 Grave Violet and x1 Human Bone Shard.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #10
- Storming Bone Arrow: requires x3 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Stormhawk Feather
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #11
- Shattershard Arrow: requires x3 Beast Bones and x2 Cracked Crystals
- Spellproof Dried Liver: requires x3 Rowa Fruit, x1 Beast Liver and x2 Glintstone Firefly
- Crystal Dart: requires x3 Cracked Crystals
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #12
- Cursed-Blood Pots: requires x1 Ritual Pot, x2 Mushroom, x1 Beast Blood and x1 Bloodrose
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #13
- Bone Ballista Bolt: requires x1 Hefty Beast Bone
- Bone great Arrow (Fletched): requires x1 Hefty Beast Bone and x1 Flight Pinion
- Bone Great Arrow: requires x1 Hefty Beast Bone
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #14
- Poisonbone Dart: requires x2 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Poisonbloom
- Roped Poison Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot, x1 Toxic Mushroom and x1 Poisonbloom
- Poison Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot, x1 Toxic Mushroom and x1 Poisonbloom
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #15
- Rotbone Bolt: requires x2 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Aeonian Butterfly
- Rotbone Arrow: requires x3 Thin Beast Bones x1 Aeonian Butterfly
- Rotbone Arrow (Fletched): requires x3 Thin Beast Bones, x1 Aeonian Butterfly and x1 Flight Pinion
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #17 and #18
- Soap: x2 Melted Mushrooms
- Oil Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot and x1 Melted Mushroom
- Roped Oil Pot: requires x1 Cracked Pot, x1 Melted Mushroom and x1 String
- Dappled White Cured Meat: requires x5 Golden Rowa, x1 Strip of White Flesh, x1 Budding Horn and x1 Nascent Butterfly
- Dappled Cured Meat: requires x5 Golden Rowa, x1 Sliver of Meat, x1 Budding Horn, x1 Nascent Butterfly
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #19
- Warming Stone: requires x1 Erdleaf Flower, x1 Smoldering Butterfly and x1 Sanctuary Stone
- Sweet Raisin: requires x1 Golden Rowa
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #20
- Roped Volcano Pot: requires x2 Volcanic Stone, x1 String and x1 Empty Cracked Pot.
- Volcano Pot: requires x2 Volcanic Stone and x1 Empty Cracked Pot.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook #21
- Alluring Pot: requires Albinauric Bloodclot x1, Human Bone Shard x5 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 22
- Rot Pot: requires Toxic Mushroom x2, Faded Erdleaf Flower x2, Aeonian Butterfly x1 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
- Drawstring Rot Grease: requires Root Resin x1, String x1 and Aeonian Butterfly x1
- Rot Grease: requires Root Resin x1 and Aeonian Butterfly x1.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 23
- Frozen Raisin: requires x1 Rimed Rowa
- Clarifying White Cured Meat: requires Rimed Rowa x5, Strip of White Flesh x1, Slumbering Egg x1 and Eye of Yelough x1
- Clarifying Cured Meat: requires Rimed Rowa x5, Sliver of Meat x1, Slumbering Egg x1 and Eye of Yelough x1.
Nomadic Warrior’s Cookbook 24
- Roped Fly Pot: requires Mushroom x1, Blood-Tainted Excrement x1, String x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
- Swarm Pot: requires Mushroom x1, Blood-Tainted Excrement x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
Armorer’s Cookbook 1
- Fire Grease: requires x 1 Root Resin and x1 Smoldering Butterfly
- Drawstring Fire Grease: requires x1 Root Resin, x1 Smoldering Butterfly and x1 String
- Fireproof Dried Liver: requires x1 Rowa Fruit, x1 Beast Liver and x1 Smoldering Butterfly
Armorer’s Cookbook 2
- Firebone Arrow: requires x6 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Smoldering Butterfly
- Firebone Arrow (Fletched): requires x6 Thin Animal Bones, x1 Smoldering Butterfly and x1 Flight Pinion
- Neutralizing Boluses: requires x1 Herba, x1 Cave Moss and x1 Great Dragonfly Head
- Firebone Bolt: requires x 2 Thin Beast Bones and x1 Smoldering Butterfly
Armorer’s Cookbook 3
- Exalted Flesh: requires Rowa Fruit x5, Lump of Flesh x1, Hefty Beast Bone x1 and Arteria Leaf x1
Armorer’s Cookbook 4
- Redmane Fire Pot: requires Mushroom x1, Smoldering Butterfly x1, Old Fang x1 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Armorer’s Cookbook 5
- Immunizing White Cured Meat: requires Rowa Fruit x3, Strip of White Flesh x1, Great Dragonfly Head x1 and Smoldering Butterfly x1
- Immunizing Cured Meat: requires Rowa Fruit x5, Sliver of Meat x1, Great Dragonfly Head x1 and Smoldering Butterfly x1
Armorer’s Cookbook 6
- Preserving Boluses: requires Dewkissed Herba x2, Crystal Cave Moss x1 and Sacramental Bud x1
Armorer’s Cookbook 7
- Giantsflame Fire Pot: requires Fire Blossom x2 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Missionary’s Cookbook 1
- Holy Water Pot: requires Mushroom x1, Tarnished Golden Sunflower x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
- Roped Holy Water Pot: requires Mushroom x1, Tarnished Golden Sunflower x1, String x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
Missionary’s Cookbook 2
- Gold Pickled Foot: requires Rowa Fruit x3, Four-Toed Fowl Foot x1 and Gold Firefly x1
- Grave Mimic: requires Erdleaf Flower x1 and Human Bone Shard x1
- Scriptstone: requires Ruin Fragment x1 and Human Bone Shard x1
Missionary’s Cookbook 3
- Silver-Pickled Fowl Foot: requires Rowa Fruit x3, Four-Toed Fowl Foot x1 and Silver Firefly x1.
Missionary’s Cookbook 4
- Holy Grease: requires Root Resin x1 and Golden Sunflower x1
- Drawstring Holy Grease: requires Root Resin x1, Golden Sunflower x1 and String x1.
- Haligbone Arrow: requires Thin Beast Bones x3 and Golden Sunflower x2
- Haligbone Arrow (Fletched): requires Thin Beast Bones x3, Golden Sunflower x2 and Flight Pinion x1
- Haligbone Bolt: requires Thin Beast Bones x2 and Golden Sunflower x2
Missionary’s Cookbook 5
- Sacred Order Pot: requires Mushroom x2, Golden Sunflower x1, Golden Centipede x1 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Missionary’s Cookbook 6
- Holyproof Dried Liver: requires Golden Rowa x5, Beast Liver x1 and Golden Sunflower x3
Missionary’s Cookbook 7
- Rejuvenating Boluses: requires Dewkissed Herba x2, Crystal Cave Moss x1 and Golden Centipede x1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 1
- Cuckoo Glintstone: requires Crystal Bud x1 and Cracked Crystal x1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 2
- Freezing Grease: requires Root Resin x1 and Rimed Crystal Bud x1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 3
- Albinauric Pot: requires Mushroom x2, Albinauric Bloodclot x1 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 4
- Magic Pot: requires Glintstone Firefly x2 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
- Roped Magic Pot: requires Glintstone Firefly x2, String x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
- Shield Grease: requires Root Resin x1, Silver Tear Husk x1 and Crystal Bud x1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 5
- Magic Grease: requires Root Resin x1 and Crystal Bud x1
- Drawstring Magic Grease: requires Root Resin x1, Crystal Bud x1 and String x1
- Magicbone Arrow: requires Thin Beast Bones x3 and Glintstone Firefly x2
- Magicbone Arrow (Fletched): requires Thin Beast Bones x3, Glintstone Firefly x2 and Flight Pinion x1
- Magicbone Bolt: requires Thin Beast Bones x2 and Glintstone Firefly x2
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 6
- Freezing Pot: requires Rimed Crystal Bud x2 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 7
- Coldbone Arrow: requires 3x Thin Beast Bones and 3x Rimed Crystal Bud
- Coldbone Arrow (Fletched): requires 3x Thin Beast Bones, 3x Rimed Crystal Bud and 1x Flight Pinion
- Coldbone Bolt: requires 2x Thin Beast Bones and 3x Rimed Crystal Bud
Glintstone Craftsman’s Cookbook 8
- Academy Magic Pot: requires Glintstone Firefly x2, Old Fang x1 and Empty Ritual Pot x1
Fevor’s Cookbook 1
- Sleep Pot: requires Mushroom x1, Trina’s Lily x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
Fevor’s Cookbook 2
- Soporific Grease: requires Trina’s Lily x1, Root Resin x1 and String x1
- Drawstring Soporific Grease: requires Root Resin x1, String x1 and Trina’s Lily x1
- Sleepbone Arrow: requires Thin Beast Bones x 3 and Trina’s Lily x 1
- Sleepbone Arrow (Fletched): requires Thin Beast Bones x 3, Flight Pinion x 3 and Trina’s Lily x 1
- Sleepbone Bolt: requires Thin Beast Bones x3 and Trina’s Lily x1
Fevor’s Cookbook 3
- Bewitching Branch: requires Sacramental Bud x1 and Miquella’s Lily x1
Frenzied Cookbook 1
- Clarifying Boluses: requires Dewkissed Herba x2, Crystal Cave Moss x1 and Eye of Yelough x1
Frenzied Cookbook 2
- Frenzyflame Stone: requires Yellow Ember x1 and Sanctuary Stone x1
Perfumer’s Cookbook 1
- Uplifting Aromatic: requires Altus Bloom x1, Budding Cave Moss x1, Silver Tear Husk x1 and Arteria Leaf x1
- Spark Aromatic: requires Altus Bloom x1 and Miranda Powder x1
Perfumer’s Cookbook 2
- Bloodboil Aromatic: requires Altus Bloom x2, Budding Cave Moss x1, Land Octopus Ovary x1 and Arteria Leaf x1
- Poison Spraymist: requires Altus Bloom x1, Miranda Powder x1 and Poisonbloom x1
Perfumer’s Cookbook 3
- Ironjar Aromatic: requires Altus bloom x2, Budding Cave Moss x1, Living Jar Shard x3 and Perfume Bottle x1
Perfumer’s Cookbook 4
- Acid Spraymist: requires Altus Bloom x1, Miranda Powder x1 and Formic Rock x4
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 1
- Lightning Grease: requires Root Resin x1 and Fulgurbloom x1
- Drawstring Lightning Grease: requires Root Resin x1, Fulgurbloom x1 and String x1
- Lightningbone Arrow: requires Thin Beast Bones x3 and Fulgurbloom x1
- Lightningbone Arrow (Fletched): requires Thin Beast Bones x3, Fulgurbloom x1 and Flight Pinion x1
- Lightningbone Bolt: requires Thin Beast Bones x2 and Fulgurbloom x1
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 2
- Roped Lightning Pots: requires Mushroom x1, Fulgurbloom x1, String x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
- Lightning Pots: requires Mushroom x1, Fulgurbloom x1 and Empty Cracked Pot x1
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 3
- Dragonwound Grease: requires Root Resin x1, Beast Blood x1 and Gravel Stone x1
Ancient Dragon Apostle’s Cookbook 4
- Ancient Dragonbolt Pot: requires Mushroom x2, Fulgurbloom x1, Gravel Stone x1 and Empty Ritual Pot x1