Hunter Masks are unique cosmetic items that you can obtain from Hunter mini-bosses in the Division 2. These boss fights are extremely tough and require solving intricate puzzles that will take you to every corner of DC and New York.
In total, 25 Masks in The Division 2. 12 can be found in the base game, while the remaining are only available if you have the Warlords of New York DLC. In this guide, we’ll cover how you can obtain every one of these hunter masks in The Division 2.
1. Demon Hunter Mask

Location: Demolition Site, Downtown East, DC
How to get this mask: First, you must complete the side mission called “Agent Edwards Support.” Once you’ve done this make your way inside, go to the atrium, and face left. Here you will see four targets inside the windows on the wall, shooting all of them will spawn the Hunter whom you can then take down to acquire the first of the masks in Division 2.
2. Wraith Hunter Mask

Location: Memorial Monument, Southwest District, DC
How to get this mask: All you have to do is go to the monument at 2100 hours and use the salute emote to get the Hunter to spawn. Make sure you’re standing right next to the flagpole in the area we’ve highlighted above or else the Hunter may not spawn. Once he does simply take him down to get the mask.
3. Crimson Hunter Mask

Location: Downtown East, DC
How to get: The Crimson Hunter Mask can be found in the Downtown East area of the map and inside a rectangular-shaped building marked above. To get it, you need to interact with two phones located at the north and south entrances of the building, the phones will be sitting atop reception desks so they’re very hard to miss. Interact with the first one, run across to the second one to interact with it and the Hunter will then spawn.
4. Ghoul Hunter Mask

Location: West Potomac Park, DC
How to get: In the area marked on the map above, you’ll find an entrance leading you to the sewers of West Potomac Park. Once you enter the sewer, take a left and then go up the stairs. Here, you’ll find a laptop you can interact with. Doing so marks the hunter’s location on your map, head over there and you’ll spot a makeshift shelter with a dangling light bulb and once you shoot it the Hunter will spawn. Take him down after 2100 hours to acquire the Ghoul Mask.
5. Specter

Location: East Mall, DC
How to get: You’ll spot a crashed truck when you reach the area marked on the map image above. Climb to enter the compound and pan until you’re looking at the agriculture building. On the face building, you’ll find 12 targets, and shooting them all spawns the Hunter, who has the Specter Mask.
6. Ghost

Location: Washington Monument, West Potomac Park, DC
How to get: In the area marked on the map above, you’ll find Washington Park and its supply room. Inside the supply room is a TV with a button underneath it. Interacting with it will activate the puzzle. Now, you have to go around the park area and find three graves, salute at all three, then return to the area marked on the map to get the Hunter to spawn. Kill the Hunter to acquire the Ghost Mask. This Hunter will only spawn after 2100 hours.
7 and 8. Midas and Revenant Hunter Masks

Location: West End, DC
How to get: Before working towards the Midas and Revenant Masks, you must complete the “Potomac Relief Camp” side mission. After this, make your way to the area marked on the map above, and you’ll find a hotel you can enter through metal gates. Get into the pool in the courtyard and do the Jumping Jacks emote. The Hunters will then spawn, and you can kill them to acquire the Midas and Revenant Masks in Division 2.
9, 10, 11 and 12. Cross, Death, Diamond, and Phantom Masks

Location: Pavilion Café, East Mall, DC
How to get: This is one of the hardest encounters in the game, as you’ll have to take on Four Hunters. However, activating it is quite easy. First, head to the area marked on the above map and wait till it is dark (2100 hours), then pull the lever inside the Café. It is next to a register. Next, head outside and gather around the Christmas tree, and all four hunters will spawn. Killing them will net you the Cross, Death, Diamond, and Phantom Masks.
These are all the Hunter Masks in the base version of the game; all masks described below can only be acquired if you have the Warlords of New York expansion for The Division 2.
13. Divide Hunter Mask (Warlords of New York)

Location: Financial District, NY
How to get: You must find four flags for this Mask. First, head to the area marked on the map above, which will take you to a memorial site where you’ll find a generator and four empty flag poles. Activate the generator and then pick up the flags, which are found in the locations below:
- Flag 1: The first flag is located inside the hotel near the memorial site (Celebration Hotel control point)
- Flag 2: For the next flag, go to the food bank, use the generator there to pump the water out of the area, and then pick up the flag.
- Flag 3: Flag number 3 can be found at Pier 26, which is near the food bank
- Flag 4: The final flag can be found toward the back of the Waterfront control point.
Next, slot all the flags into the empty flag poles, interact with the generator once more, and the Hunter will spawn. Take him out to acquire the mask.
14. Camo Hunter Mask (Warlords of New York)

Location: Downtown East, DC
How to get: To get the Camo Mask, get to the location marked on the map above, where you’ll find a tablet next to a door that you can interact with. Next, make your way to the top of the area where you’ll find a water node, and towards the back, you’ll find another button, and pressing it will start a light sequence. The order in which the lights go out is how you’ll have to turn them back on. Once you complete the puzzle, the Hunter will spawn.
15. Carbon Hunter Mask (Warlords of New York)

Location: Judiciary Square, DC
How to get this mask: You must complete the “Missing Wire Scavengers” side mission. Next, make your way to the area marked on the map above, and you’ll end up at an entrance to the sewers. Inside, you’ll find a large room with red lights with smaller rooms on either side. Each smaller room has two yellow boxes that you need to shoot.
Once you’ve removed all four yellow boxes, return to the main room, where you’ll find a blinking light. Interact with it, and a boss will spawn. This isn’t the Hunter with the mask, but defeating this boss is required to access said Hunter. Looting the boss will give you a National Building Museum Ticket, which you can take to the east side of the building. Interact with the computer there to make the Hunter spawn.
16 and 17. Drama and Weirdo Hunter Masks (Warlords of New York)

Location: Downtown East, DC
How to get: The Hunters for the Drama and Weirdo masks spawn in the same area as the Crimson Hunter in Division 2. However, you need to complete an entirely different puzzle. You first have to collect two presents; the first can be found near where you killed the Carbon Hunter, while the second one is located at the Christmas market in the White House District.
Next, go to the area on the map above and explore the Christmas market outside it to find two generators. Two hunters will spawn once you interact with them, and you can defeat them to acquire the Drama and Weirdo Hunter Masks.
18. Angel Hunter Mask (Warlords of New York)

Location: Constitution Hall, DC
How to get: You’ll have to solve a fairly complicated puzzle for this Mask. You’ll have to locate six pairs of lion eyes scattered throughout the map. Once you’ve done that, head to the area marked on the map above and plug the lion eyes into the six lion statues found there, and the Hunter will spawn. Take him down to acquire the Angel Hunter Mask.
19. Neurotic Hunter Mask (Warlords of New York)

Location: Battery Park, NY
How to get: For this mask, you’ll first have to capture the Trinity and Boathouse Safehouses, then make your way to the area on the map image above between 5:30 and 5:45. Here, you’ll find a construction zone with a ramp leading up. Go up and take a left to find yourself in a room with a circuit breaker. Interact with it, then go to the Trinity Safehouse.
At this Safehouse you’ll find a wall tablet you can interact with. Ensure you only do so between 7:00 and 7:15. After this, wait for it to get dark and make your way to the Boathouse Safehouse. Go to the docks between 21:00 and 21:15 and shoot the yellow box on the church tower. Doing so will spawn the Hunter you can defeat to get the Mask.
20 and 21. Psycho and Drip Hunter Masks (Warlords of New York)

Location: Civic Center, NY
How to get: To get the Psycho and Drip Hunter Masks, go to the Laundromat found north of the area marked on the map above. Here, you have to interact with Washing Machine #23. Once you do, the lights will go out, and you’ll notice a fuse missing when it comes back on. Next, head to the garage of the area marked on the map above, where you’ll find a spare fuse and slot it into the fuse box back at the laundromat.
Interacting with Washing Machine #23 will now give you a key that you can use to open a door with a 23 on it on the second floor. Interacting with the numbers on the wall gives you a set of coordinates leading to a SHD cache. Make your way to the coordinates, where you’ll find a charred body. Interacting with the body spawns the hunters, and you can then take them out to acquire both masks.
22, 23, 24, and 25: Trip, Lucky, Veil, and Paranoid Hunter Masks (Warlords of New York)

Location: Battery Park and Two Bridges, NY
How to get: This is by far the hardest Hunter Puzzle in The Division 2 as it requires you to complete 2 separate puzzles to unlock the masks. First, head to the area marked on the map above, and enter the tallest building where you’ll be able to interact with a computer, doing so turns all the lights orange and begins the puzzle. First, you have to shoot the stars off of 4 Christmas trees in the area.
Christmas Tree Puzzle
Below, you’ll find the locations of all four Christmas Trees
Christmas tree #1

Following the map image, the first Christmas tree can be found in the corner of a closed-off entrance.
Christmas tree #2

The second Christmas is in front of a large building. Use the map image above to better understand its position.
Christmas tree #3

The third Christmas tree is located at the point on the map above, right next to a church.
Christmas tree #4

The fourth and final Christmas tree is in the middle of the water fountain, marked on the map image above. Once you get the final star on the tree, a console key will spawn near the tree which you can then pick up.
Target Puzzle

The next part of this mask hunt will occur in the Two Bridges district. Following the map marker above will take you to the Community Christmas Food Market use the console key on the generator right at the entrance. Doing so will start the next puzzle where you must shoot six targets in windows during the nighttime. You can hit up all six targets described below from the Residential Building Safehouse. It is important to note that the targets must be hit in the order described below and be done at nighttime (after 2100 hours); otherwise, it won’t count.
Target #1

Exit the Safehouse, head north, and look to your left. The first target is there.
Target #2

Continue straight from the previous target, and you’ll see an ambush in front of a large building. The second target is atop this building.
Target #3

The next target is conveniently located in the opposite building.
Target #4

From there, continue to the main street, where you’ll find a burning building. Enter the courtyard toward the left of that burning building, where you’ll find the building with the next target.
Target #5

Return to the burning building and go the other way this time. Keep following the track til you come across a convenience store. Take the path to the left of it, and your next target will be the moss-covered building.
Target #6

Press forward from the moss-covered building until you go through the sunken road. On your left, you’ll find your sixth and final target.
Once you’ve gotten all six targets, return to the market in Two Bridges and interact with the generator again. Doing so will spawn all four Hunters, and you can take them down to get their masks in Division 2.