Diablo 4 Valtha is a witch you will encounter while progressing through the Act 5 of the game. You will meet this boss while attempting the Witch of the Wastes quest. Valtha will be your biggest obstacle while trying to gather the Purified Quicksilver.
You need to come up with a solid strategy to beat this boss. But before that, you need to find her and get to Valtha’s location.
Where to find Valtha, Witch of the Wastes, in Diablo 4
Valtha usually hangs around at her hut, found South of Dobrev Taiga in Diablo 4. You can also reach your desired location by moving Northwest from Eriman’s Pyre Stronghold. With these directions, you will get to the Cinder Wastes area. Here, you will find Valtha’s Hut.

You need to explore the area to find the Purified Quicksilver, and the witch will come to you during this. So it means you must defeat Valhta to proceed further.
How to defeat Valtha in Diablo 4
Valtha is a caster so she will unleash her magic attacks during her fight. She will stay still most of the time to release her attacks. If you can avoid her attacks, it will give you a chance to close in and attack her. Her spells require a certain windup period to be cast. So you can benefit from that window to land some hits.
You need to dodge the meteors that Valtha summons during the combat. Keep an eye on the ground, get away from the radius of the attack, and rush toward her to squeeze in some damage.
She can also throw fireballs in your direction, and you need to get away from them. This will ensure you survive her attacks. Lastly, you should always keep an eye out for the line on the ground, as it indicates the direction in which she will summon her fire wall.
Valtha can also call mobs to help her during the battle and you must take them down before focusing on her. Just keep dodging her attacks and focus on Valtha whenever you can to bring an end to this combat.
Valtha rewards and loot
With the death of Valtha, you get the Purified Quicksilver along with some gold and gear items in Diablo 4. You can bring the item back to the Ruined Tower to complete the other part of the game story.