In Days Gone, Deacon’s drifter bike acts as his trusty steed, letting him traverse the horrors of a post-apocalyptic Oregon riddled with zombie-like creatures known as the Freakers. The bike requires constant maintenance and upkeep, otherwise it breaks down and stops working.
There are several mechanics surrounding the bike, and they can be quite complicated to understand, and this is where we come on. This guide will review the best tips for Bike Maintenance in Days Gone.
7. Collect scrap

Scrap is the main way you can repair your drifter bike in Days Gone, making it one of the most important resources in the game. Thankfully, it can be found nearly everywhere, though if you don’t carry enough of it, you’ll likely find yourself in situations where you’ll be unable to repair your bike.
Scrap is most abundant in old cars and vehicles you find along the road. Stop often, pop their hoods, and collect the scrap they offer. This resource can also be found in buildings, shops, and NERO stations.
To repair your bike, you simply need to step up to it and press and hold the circle button on PlayStation (F on PC) until the repair meter reaches 100%.
6. Don’t drive in water

While normally driving your bike causes it to deteriorate slowly, driving through a body of water will accelerate that process significantly. Try to avoid driving through water whenever you can. Even shallow bodies of water, like puddles, deteriorate your bike.
Furthermore, driving through water also reduces your speed, which makes getting out of it a hassle. If your bike is too far into a body of water, you won’t be able to recover it, and you’ll need to go to camp and pay the mechanic there to bring it back.
5. Use slopes to save on maintenance costs

When you’re on a slope, let gravity do its work and take your hand off the accelerator button. If you’re not close to a gas station, this will save precious gas. This also saves you some Scrap and maintenance costs, as your bike won’t deteriorate when you’re not using the accelerator.
4. Refuel whenever you can

Apart from ensuring that your bike is in tip-top condition when braving a post-apocalyptic Oregon, you’ll also have to keep it fueled to keep going. Days Gone has plenty of fuel stations littered throughout its map.
Whenever you find one, make sure to top off your gas, even if you’re not running low, to avoid any hassles in the future. Bikes can also be refueled using orange gas canisters found as loot.
3. Unlock the “Monkey Wrench” and “Carry That Weight” survival skills

Days Gone lets you unlock several skills through its three skill trees: Survival, Ranged, and Combat. In the survival tree, you can unlock two skills that make bike maintenance much easier. The first skill, Monkey Wrench, doubles the efficiency of Scrap when repairing bikes, which means you’ll require fewer scrap pieces to repair your bike.
Carry That Weight, however, lets you carry more resources, including Scrap. When used in tandem, these skills ensure that you’ll never run out of Scrap, which will rarely prevent you from being able to repair your broken-down drifter bike in Days Gone.
2. Unlock Nitrous to get out of sticky situations

Nitrous is one of the most useful upgrades you can unlock for your bike in Days Gone. It gives you a much-needed speed boost when making your way to your next objective and lets you get out of sticky situations.
When enemies spot you, they’ll attack you; the Freakers chase after you, and the human enemies shoot at you. If you’re on your bike, it will take the brunt of the damage. Using Nitrous, you can quickly speed away, saving you on maintenance costs.
1. Complete side missions to unlock better parts

Two upgrades directly affect the durability of your bike: Frame and Rear Suspension. The former increases the maximum amount of damage the bike can take before breaking down, while the latter improves your bike’s absorption of damage.
Upgrading these parts will allow your to last much longer in the open world. However, you must complete their respective side quests and mission chains to make them available in the camp shops. Take your time and max out these parts to get the most out of your drifter bike in Days Gone.