Earthen Peaks Ruins is a bonfire in the Dreg Heap region of the second DLC of Dark Souls 3: The Ringed City. This area is the home to deadly bosses like the Demon Prince and the Desert Pyromancer Zoey. This area is ideal if you’re hunting for goodies like Harald Curved Greatsword, Ring of Favor, and much more.
This puzzling area is not just rewarding but extremely dangerous if you’re not careful. The Earthen Peak Ruins is not optional, as this is where you will encounter your first boss in The Ringed City DLC.
This guide will walk you through the entire region of Earthen Peak in DS3, uncovering hidden rewards and tips to fight the boss.
1. Finding The Earthen Peak Ruins Location In DS3

From the Dreg Heap, exit the church with Lothric Knights from the collapsed wall opening; this is where you will encounter an Angel firing beams at you. You can take it down or try escaping it and go across the fallen tower to find an NPC named Lapp. You need to find your way to a bridge, and once you’re on it, drop to either side, moving to the left side to get to the bonfire.
Now you need to go to Harald Soldier and drop on it, then drop off the far ledge near the corpse. Below the lower level on the right side of the collapsed towers, you will find the Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire in DS3.
2. Finding Lapp at Earthen Peak Ruins

You will find Lapp near the bonfire, talk to him, accept his quest, and exhaust his dialog. Afterward, you need to reload the bonfire three times or die three times, and you will find Lapp standing near the rock. Talk to him again, and he will give you a Titanite Slab.
3. Encountering the First Angel

Once you have gained the reward from Lapp, return to the bonfire and move north, where you will find Black Firebombs x4, protected by a few poisoned mushroom insects. You can take them out, grab your item, and return to the bonfire.
Now, from the bonfire, go to the large opening with giant roots. This is where you will encounter the angel. Stay in shelters to avoid getting detected by the enemy. From the upper level, drop-down, hide in the broken shack in the lower area, and run to the right side to a stoned gate entrance. You will find an Ember at the entrance.

Head back to the area where you encountered the Angel, run toward the shack on the right side of the cliff’s end, and jump from its left side to land on a giant branch. Note that this is a tricky jump, and once you land successfully on the branch, run to the right side to get to the cliff, where you will find the summoner. When you take down the summoner, the Angel will disappear.

You will find another Ember on this cliff. Now, you need to head up to the branch on the cliff’s right side.
4. Within the Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire

Continue going through the branch, and to the left, you will find a Divine Blessing on the roof of a corpse. Drop down to the opposite end of the roof to hide from the Angel and get to the Summoner.
Note that if the Angel spots you and you go into hiding for too long, it can curse you. Run past the branch to find yourself on an opening with a broken path. Drop down to the lower level on a circle drawn on the ground, and you will find another bonfire.
5. Collecting Items

From the second bonfire, travel back to Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire in DS3 to collect various items and gear in that area. In the early part, a Twinkling Titanite sits on the branch behind Lapp. Now, you need to return to the area where you encountered the first Angel, and behind the second shack, you will find two thralls. Take them down, and you will get a Titanite Chunk and Desert Pyromancer Garb.
Near the shack, you need to drop down to the lower level. To avoid damage, drop down and roll right before hitting the ground; this way, you will land on the ashes. Here, you will get Giant Door Shield. Run in the opposite direction when you have the shield; beware of the thrall hiding behind the wall. Take the left path up, and you will find another Titanite Chunk.

From the shack, go to the area near the stone entrance and go up from the giant branches. Go down and find a Titanite Scale near the tunnel entrance. Drop to a lower level, and the second angel will show up, so you need to get the Purple Moss Clump from a nearby shack to prevent the curse.
6. Encountering the Second Angel

Get to the giant branch far across the poisoned mushroom insects. The branches will lead you to the Summoner. You can either use a bow to take him down from a distance or go up to him and use your axe/sword to attack him. This will give you two Twinkling Titanite.
7. Find the Desert Pyromancer Zoey

With both angels out of the way, you can easily explore this area. Now, you need to backtrack to the same place from where you came from. When you’re at the last branch leading you to the shack rooftops, drop down and head to the cave area. Before encountering Zoey, you will find a Thrall enchanted with a dark weapon and six Prism Stones. To the right side, you will see Zoey ready to attack with two Thralls. You need to take down the Thralls first before you encounter Zoey.
How to Defeat Desert Pyromancer Zoey?

Desert Pyromancer Zoey will throw fireballs at you, use a flame spell, conjure a flame sword, and also use a whip. You can either block these attacks or dodge them.
The basic strategy to take her down is to corner her and strike her with your weapon. But remember that she will heal twice with an Estus. You need to keep forcing attacks on her to drain her health like regular NPC and make her use the Estus quickly so the battle can end soon.
Desert Pyromancer Zoey Rewards
After you take Zoey down, you will get the Flame Fan Pyromancy. Go toward the branches on the other side of the cave, and you will find a Desert Pyromancer Hood near the tree.
8. Collecting Pyromancer Armor and Remaining Items

Go back to the area where you found the Divine Blessing and take down the Harald on the lower level to get Titanite Chunk. After taking the enemy down, run to the right side, and you will find Desert Pyromancer Gloves at the end of the area near the branch and Desert Pyromancer Skirt near the poisoned mushroom insects.
From the tree branch, move upward, and you will find the Ring of Favor +3. You will find another Harald lurking on the ground here; equip the ring you just received and jump down, aiming for Harald’s head to take him down with one strike. Explore the area below; you will find soul items, Titanite Chunks, and Loincloth near the mushroom insects. With the Loincloth, your desert pyromancer armor is complete.
Next, you need to return to the cave near the roots; you will encounter two groups of mushroom insects. Take them out and go behind the back of the cave to find the Soul of a Weary Warrior item.
9. Completing Lapp’s Quest

With two Haralds out of the way, you must find the third one to complete Lapp’s request. To find the last Harald, go back to the branch, and this time, instead of going toward the cave, move up and drop down to the lower branch. You will see the last Harald lurking below. Execute the plunge attack on him to finish him easily.
You can get a Titanite Chunk and Harald Curved Greatsword with the last Harald out of the way. Go cross the stone archway to the side of the shack; you will find a Thrall here and a Homeward Bone.
10. Finding the Demon Princes

Head to the Within the Earthen Peak Ruins Bonfire and summon the Slave Knight Gael or Amnesiac Lapp to aid you in the fight in DS3. To get to the boss, go on the long ledge before the bonfire and jump right into the opening below.
This opening will take you to the boss fight. Before you get into the fight, remember that this boss is weak to physical slash attacks.
Demon Prince Phase One

Both demons have a range of attacks, which are quite simple to dodge if you’re dealing with them individually. At the beginning of the fight, the Demon from Below will jump dive at you to give you damage from close; he will repeat this attack many times during the boss fight. Both demons have some similar attacks, but the Demon of Below has deadly effects added to his attacks.
When the fight begins, you will face both demons simultaneously; the Demon in Pain has poison breath attacks, and the Demon from Below has fire-type attacks. You can use armor with high fire resistance and equip Stoneplate Ring if you don’t feel confident in dodging the attacks, whereas, for the poison you can use Purple Moss Clumps you’ve gathered from the region above.
Focus on defeating one demon, and remember that both are vulnerable to staggering attacks. Now, wait for one demon to back off; plunge attacks on the other boss once he does.
As the bosses are weak to slashes, you need to wait to get an opportunity to strike, as for Demon in Pain, when he begins his poison breath or poison trail attack, you can get near its head to give damage.

When the Demon from Below gets aggressive, start attacking the other demon. Drain the health of one demon, but don’t kill him, and move back to the demon below. To stay safe, attack the demon from below his abdominal area. Take down one demon and aim for the other one.
Which Demon to Kill first?

Phase two of the boss depends on which demon you kill first, as in the first phase, one of the demons will make long-range attacks while the other goes melee. So, if you kill the Demon of Below first, the Demon Prince will have chaos meteors, but if you kill the Demon of Pain first, the final phase will do laser attacks. Considering this, we recommend you kill the Demon of Pain first, as the lasers will give you a solid 10-second window so you can wail on him for damage.
Demon Prince Phase Two

When both demons are down, the fight moves to phase two. The boss has wings that allow him to fly around and perform flame dive, lava wave attacks, chaos meteors/laser beams (depending on which boss you killed), and claw strikes.
The second phase begins with a large AoE explosive, which you must avoid. This phase is comparatively easier to fight as you will fight against one enemy, and his attacks will be easier to dodge. The Demon Prince will cast fire attacks whenever you’re close to him.
The key to defeating this boss is to dodge his incoming attacks and wait for him to dive; this is when you will get the time to land attacks on him. You can use Dark Fire pyromancies and spam him with Dark Fire orb to drain his health bar quickly; alternately, you can use slash attacks when he comes before you after a dive.
11. Demon Prince Boss Rewards
After defeating the Demon Prince, you will get the Soul of the Demon Prince and 100,000 Souls. You will find the Demon Prince Bonfire here, enter the door near the bonfire and you will find a Small Envoy Banner.