Where to Find Broken Handle in Core Keeper

In this guide, we’ll be including details regarding where to find Broken Handle in Core Keeper by highlighting the region where it drops and what it drops from.

In this guide, we’ll be including details regarding where to find Broken Handle in Core Keeper. We will be guiding you to the general location of the Broken Handle’s drop and what it drops from.

Where to Find Broken Handle in Core Keeper

The Broken Handle provides you with 101-123 melee damage, 2.5 attacks per second, +31 max health, and 350 durability.

So, it is useful to enhance your melee damage and health capabilities. Moreover, it can be used to craft the Legendary Rune Song Sword as well.

The Broken Handle can be found by going to the Forgotten Ruins. On reaching this location, you will find many treasure pots that can be destroyed. Players need to break these treasure pots to find the Broken Handle in one of the pots.

Since Core Keeper is Procedurally generated and drops can be random, the Broken Handle may drop from a different pot each time in the Forgotten Ruins.

Simply reach the Forgotten Ruins, break the treasure pots, and clear your way by defeating the enemies moving around to get close the treasure pots.

Just wander around this location and keep on breaking the treasure pots one by one to find this useful crafting item inside one of these pots.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...