How To Fix “Not Enough Customers” In Cities Skylines 2

Bring more people to spend money in commercial areas.

One tell-tale sign of a thriving city is its commercial areas and markets. If your city’s marketplaces are suffering in Cities Skylines 2, you will regularly see prompts in the game saying “not enough customers.” When there aren’t enough customers visiting the markets, your overall revenue generation goes down, which results in lower tax earnings and unhappy citizens. So, how are you supposed to get more customers in Cities Skylines 2?

How to get more customers in Cities Skylines 2

If you place a residential square, even with high demand, it sometimes doesn’t fill up. This can be mainly because of the area being too far from the city or with few road connections. In this situation, the residential cost can add up with no result and can damage the economy. In turn, this results in the same low number of customers.

To solve this and attract more customers in Cities Skylines II, make sure your residential areas have proper transportation along with connections that connect them well to the city. For a managed residential area, make sure it surrounds the commercial area with access to the rest of the city.

Manage the areas

Learn about the areas in your city and see if it is built for the type of planning you have. The city can only have enough customers if the population is of the ideal number. For this, you have to consider many factors.

  • Observe the city and see if it can hold a commercial area and a residential area.
  • Understand the demand of a commercial area in a residential area and place them according to it.
  • Position the residential areas in access to the commercial areas.
  • Make residential areas accessible by roads and public transport.
  • Pay attention to some stability.

Build low-density residential areas

Sometimes, high-density neighborhoods are preferred by the players, which can be a bad choice for commercial areas. High density means more people, and if the commercial area is not accommodating to that high number, it can drive people away. So, the best solution is to build low-density neighborhoods and let them fill up.

Once you feel like the demand is high and your commercial areas are fully upgraded to accommodate them, you can fill the space and build the high-density areas to get more customers.

Lower Taxes

It could be that your city is being avoided deliberately, resulting in low customers. The biggest factor for this can be high taxes. Of course, lowering them will bring in customers, but it can make your budget tighter. In the beginning, it may be hard to manage, but once the city is stable, you’ll get to manage the city with this lower tax easily.

You can later increase taxes when you have enough stable customers visiting Cities Skylines II, and your economy is booming. At the peak, it does not affect much if taxes are increased. So, just wait for the right moment to increase taxes.

Public Transport

Sometimes, the residential areas can become too compact and cut off. This can block customers from accessing most of the shops. With them being on the edge, the public transport and road system is not within their range. This can also be a factor in fewer customers as they are not able to reach the shops.

To solve this, build roads leading them to the commercial areas. Also, make public transport available for that part of the city. This can make their interaction with the city easier and better for the economy.

Manage the goods

Another factor could be that the item in demand is not available much. Opposed to it, another item is being made which does not get consumed much. To solve this issue, study the goods and what your residents are interested in and build according to that while demolishing extra buildings. If you have a lot of commercial buildings, it is better to demolish some so that customers can gather at other places.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...