In Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Spring of Courage is awesome where you can get some power boosts for Link. There are other ancient springs in the game as well and each one requires you to undertake a particular task.
You will need to find the Spring of Courage to complete a quest and also to reveal the location of the Shae Katha Shrine. In any case, you will need to find the Spring of Courage for one reason or the other. Here is how to do it.
Zelda BOTW Spring of Courage Location

The location of this particular spring does not make you wander around any long tedious path. It finds home in the southeast corner of Hyrule, in the forest of the Faron Region.
There is not a single way to approach this ancient spring. You can either move east from the Dueling Peaks or choose to head northwest by starting the journey from Faron Tower.
There can be two cases for you to search for this divine spring. In the first case, you want to pursue the infamous Serpent’s Jaws shrine quest.
In that case, we recommend players have finished the Qukah Natah Shrine beforehand to make their journey easier. The second case can be that you need to reveal the hidden shrine.
In any case, go toward Dracozu Lake and search for a huge dragonhead made of stone. While you are just at the entrance, you will witness a massive statue.
Interact with it for a moment to get the prompt about obtaining the dragon Farosh’s Scale and bringing it back to the statue.
Getting the giant dragon’s scale is not a piece of cake. You will have to wait for it to appear out of the water at night. This may take several hours for which you are forced to sit by the fire nearby.
Then, when it finally shows up, follow it using the paraglider and use ranged attacks with a bow until a glowing scale breaks from its body.
Pick this scale up and then make your way back to the statue. Offer the scale to the statue and it will reveal the hidden Shae Katha Shrine.
Time to enter the shrine and pursue another long trial journey to complete the Spring of Courage in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.