Turning on the power is one of the most important things you must do when playing any zombie map in Call of Duty. In Black Op 2’s Buried Zombies DLC map is no different. Turning on the power in this map is very straightforward in a town buried underneath a quarry.
This guide will give a complete walkthrough of how you can turn on the power in Black Ops 2’s Buried Zombies map. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get into it.
How to turn on the power in Black Ops 2 Zombies: Buried

From the starting area, walk on the catwalk and drop down into the hole in the ground. This will take you to the main part of the map. Once you reach the bottom, you’ll spot a quick revive machine to your left. Directly ahead of it is another hole that you must fall through.

Drop down that make an immediate turn in the opposite direction. Then, take a right and follow the path where you’ll come across two zombies emerging from the ground. Take them out and then press forward. Directly in front of you, you’ll spot a large barn-like structure with a purple crystal inside it.

Toward the left of it, you’ll spot another building. Open the front door, head inside, and head upstairs to find the power switch. Turn it on and you’re good to go.