Riddler Trophies are green question marks that you come across all of Gotham in Batman: Arkham City. These collectibles are part of the Riddler Challenge that he created for Batman and Catwoman.
Like other districts, Park Row has its fair share of challenges. You will find 36 of the 247 Batman trophies here, all of which have been marked on the map below.
Before you start hunting for Riddler Trophies, we recommend playing through the main campaign first. This is because a lot of them are locked behind areas only accessible after the story.
How to get the Park Row Riddler Trophies in Batman: Arkham Knight

Riddler Trophy #1
Requirements: Disruptor (firearm jammer)
In the northwestern section of Park Row (west of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse), there is a broken-down car at the edge of the map. Vault over the gate on the other side of it and go towards the opening under the “Lethal Force is authorized” sign.
Before heading in, use your Disruptor to disable the turret guarding the area. Once that’s done, you will be free to collect the trophy at the other end of the area.
Riddler Trophy #2
Requirements: Explosive Gel, Remote Electrical Charge
Make your way to the southern end of the building east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. Use your Detective Vision to spot a structural weakness AKA a breakable wall here along the edge.
Next, use your Explosive Gel and detonate it to break the wall. Head to the other end of this new area and you should see a roller shutter on your right. Use your Remote Electrical Charge on the mechanism above to open it.
The Riddler Trophy is on a barrel just beyond this shutter in Park Row.
Riddler Trophy #3
Requirements: Explosive Gel, Batarang
Head to the roof of the building east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse and you should see a big, neon question mark here. The trophy is right next to it but is locked in a cage.
If you head to the back of this question mark, you should see another section of the roof below you. Glide down onto it and you should see another neon question mark on the wall to your left.
Spray some Explosive Gel on this question mark and head back down to the upper level. This time, head to the left of the large central question mark and you will see another smaller one on the wall to your right. Spray Explosive Gel on this one as well.
Next, head back to the central question mark and drop down from the ledge in front of the trophy onto another lower section of the roof. Yet another smaller question mark sits here – which must be sprayed with Explosive Gel as well.
Now for the final part, head back to the central question mark, and while standing in front of it, detonate the Explosive Gel. Then, you must strike the big question mark with a Batarang immediately afterward – within 4 seconds.
If done correctly, the cage holding the trophy will open and you will be free to collect it.
Riddler Trophy #4
Requirements: Cryptographic Sequencer (upgraded)
This Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located in the northwestern corner of the Park Row district – right at the edge of the map. If you head towards this location from the east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse, you should see a locked gate surrounded by an electric field.
There is a console behind the gate that you can hack. Pull out your Cryptographic Sequencer and enter the password: “ADMIT TANCE” to open the gate.
Once that’s done, you can simply walk into the room and collect the trophy at the other end.
Riddler Trophy #5
Requirements: Batclaw
To collect this trophy in Park Row, you must head inside the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. It’s just south of the northern entrance of this place.
Reach the stairs leading into the basement and look up. You should see the collectible stuck on the ceiling right ahead of the entrance. All you have to do is grab it with your Batclaw.
Riddler Trophy #6
Requirements: Remote Controlled Batarang
Get to the small electric field on the roof at the center of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse and toss a Remote Controlled Batarang into it. Once it passes through, turn the Batarang around, guiding it through the stairs leading into the basement.
Inside the basement, guide the Batarang through the gap above the door on the left and hit the fusebox at the other end of this room. This will open a door in the east portion of the basement.
Head down the stairs and make the first right you see and into the room on the left to collect the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #7
Requirements: Disruptor (firearm jammer), Explosive Gel
This Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located in the northern corner of Park Row, in a small area just ahead of the broken flyover. Before entering this area, make sure to disable the turret guarding it with your Disruptor.
Once that’s done, head to the other end of this area and break the weak wall here with your Explosive Gel. The collectible is located at the other end of this wall.
Riddler Trophy #8
Requirements: None
In the small alley to the west of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse, there is a small neon question mark on the wall of the adjacent building. There is another question mark of the same sort on the wall behind the former one, but a little lower than it.
You have to glide from a higher area and glide from there, first hitting the question mark higher up, and then bouncing off to hit the one behind it. After that, glide straight onto the pressure plate next to the trophy on the ground.
If done correctly without hitting the ground abruptly in between, the cage holding the trophy on the ground will open, and you will be free to collect it.
Riddler Trophy #9
Requirements: Explosive Gel
Head to the northern end of the roof of the building east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. This will be the same level as the flyover, and the trophy is on the ground in the corner facing it.
There are three neon question marks on the wall ahead of it. Use your Explosive Gel on all three and detonate it to unlock the cage holding the trophy, allowing you to pick it up.
Riddler Trophy #10
Requirements: None
Head to the wall at the eastern end of the alley – east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. You should see the trophy behind a fence just ahead of where you found Riddler Trophy #8.
While standing in front of the fence grapple onto the corner of the roof above you to your right. When you are at the top, grapple onto the roof of the building on your left.
You will find yourself standing on a question mark. If you look below, you should see a new area open up on one of the lower sections of this building. Glide through this opening as fast as you can and you will eventually fall right above the Riddler Trophy in Park Row.
Riddler Trophy #11
Requirements: Batarang
This Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located on the roof at the eastern end of the building east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. This will be right across the large pillar of the Church filled with question marks.
The trophy is locked inside a cage. If you look across it, you should see a neon question mark on a smokestack. Hit this question mark with your Batarang to open the cage.
Riddler Trophy #12
Requirements: Freeze Blast
Head to the southeastern edge of the building east of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse on the ground level and make your way into the small invagination here.
You should see the trophy in a small section behind a fence. The opening of this area is blocked by steam. You must plug the pipe emitting the steam with your Freeze Blast to open the entrance and grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #13
Requirements: None
Head to the northern corner of Park Row – just beneath the broken flyover in the north – and drop down onto the ground level. Enable your Detective Vision and find a soft wood paneling here.
Dive through this paneling to break it and collect the trophy right behind it.
Riddler Trophy #14
Requirements: Batarang
This Park Row trophy is located on the mid-section of the building to the east of the small broken flyover. It’s across the water, so you will have to glide to it from an area higher up.
You should see huge blinking neon question marks on its southern wall as you are gliding toward it. Drop down right in front of it and you will find the trophy locked within a cage.
To unlock it, first, note the order in which the question marks in front of it light up. After getting the hang of it, you must strike each “lit” question mark with your Batarang.
When all five of them are hit in order while lit, the cage holding the collectible will open.
Riddler Trophy #15
Requirements: Remote Electrical Charge
Get onto the roof of the building at the southern end of the Park Row district – east of the Confiscated Goods Vault and west of the Chemical Building. Look for transformers hanging from the roofs and use your Remote Electrical Charge on them when you do.
If you strike all three of them, the cage inside the fencing will open and you will be free to collect another Riddler Trophy from Park Row.
Riddler Trophy #16
Requirements: Line Launcher
As you enter the Church/Medical Center from the northern entrance, grapple onto the ledge above you on your right and climb up to it. Turn around and attach a Line Launcher on the wood paneling on the other end.
Zipline through and you will break the paneling. The trophy will be on your immediate right within this hidden section.
Riddler Trophy #17
Requirements: Batclaw
Once again entering the Church/Medical center from the northern entrance, walking into the first room you see on your right. Turn left from the statue and then head up the ladder.
Climb the ledge on the other end and you should see the Park Row trophy on the ceiling above you. You can grab it with your Batclaw.
Riddler Trophy #18
Requirements: Cryptographic Sequencer
This trophy is located on a walkway in the central portion of the roof of the Church/Medical Center. The trophy is locked inside a cage on the ground. You can even see it from the large tower covered with question marks.
There is a console you can hack right next to the trophy. Pull out your Cryptographic Sequencer and enter the password: “ANALY TICAL” to unlock the cage.
Riddler Trophy #19
Requirements: None
Entering the Church/Medical section, take the third left that you see, which is just before the large hall at the end. To the right of the door leading into the room is wood paneling.
We recommend using your Detective Vision to spot the paneling if you’re having trouble. Dive through this wood paneling and you will find the Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City.
Riddler Trophy #20
Requirements: Line Launcher
Enter the small alley at the back of the Church/Medical Center and you will find a couple of red question marks on the ground covered by fencing. Step on the first one you see and the cage holding the trophy above it will open.
Next, toss a Line Launcher towards the other end of the fencing so as not to touch the other question marks on the ground. You are free to climb the upper portion and collect the Riddler Trophy after that.
Riddler Trophy #21
Requirements: Batarang
Reach the roof of the building right behind the Church/Medical Center. This will be the northeastern edge of the Restricted Area on your map. There is a small opening on the southern end of the roof, but its floor is covered by an electric field.
Shoot a Batarang at the fusebox at the other end of the area to dissipate the field. Then, use Explosive Gel on the breakable wall at the end to destroy it and grab the collectible inside.
Riddler Trophy #22
Requirements: Cryptographic Sequencer
Head to the roof of the building immediately northeast of the Confiscated Goods Vault. At the northern end of this roof is a small area holding the trophy. On its left wall is a console you can hack.
Use your Cryptographic Sequencer and enter the password “CONTEM PLATE” to open the bars blocking the area and collect the trophy inside.
Riddler Trophy #23
Requirements: None
This collectible can be found in the alleyway behind the Hotel southwest of the Solomon Wayne Courthouse. Jump over the fence and the Trophy will be on your left, below the staircase. Get a run-up and slide under the gate to reach it.
Riddler Trophy #24
Requirements: Batclaw
There is a pressure pad puzzle on the rooftop of the building facing the Hotel Aventine, south of the Courthouse. Stand on the pressure plate to open the Trophy case and grab it for yourself using Batclaw.
Riddler Trophy #25
Requirements: Remote Control Batarang
Head up to the rooftop of the building west of the Medical Center/Church. There will be a cage on the rooftop on your left with the vent opening towards you. Throw your Remote Control Batarang through the vent shaft to hit the switch inside. Collect the Riddler Trophy outside of the cage in Batman: Arkham City.
Riddler Trophy #26
Requirements: None
On top of the building west of the Hotel Aventine, you will find a shack with breakable wall. Just roll through its entrance to grab the question mark Trophy inside.
Riddler Trophy #27
Requirements: Remote Control Batarang
Southeast of the Church, there is a question mark next to a ventilation shaft on the side of the building. Activate Detective Mode and follow the wire attached to it down to the collectible case at the base of the building. Throw your Remote Control Batarang to hit the switch above which will start a 10-second timer. You need to grab the Trophy within this time, while the case is open.
Riddler Trophy #28
Requirements: Batarang
You will find a pressure pad on a lower rooftop west of the TYGER Confiscated Goods Vault. Glide from a higher place nearby and dive-bomb onto the pressure plate. It should raise the arrows up to the question mark to activate the switch. Hit the dot of the question mark with your Batarang to open the Trophy casket.
Riddler Trophy #29
Requirements: Disruptor
There is a cage around the corner of the Liquor store, east of the Confiscated Good Vaults building. It is across the street from where you found the previous collectible.
Blow up the proximity mines blocking your path to the Park Row Riddler Trophy with the Disruptor, and grab it from the back of the cage.
Riddler Trophy #30
Requirements: Remote Electrical Charge
Go behind the fence to the area with a dumpster in front of the Gotham Casinos sign, east of the Ace Chemicals building. Power the industrial mechanism above the silver gate next to the fence with your Remote Electrical Charge. The gate will lift, revealing the Trophy on the other side.
Riddler Trophy #31
Requirements: None
Before the Monarch Theater, there is a car blocking the entrance to the street with a Gotham Casinos sign on the wall. Slide under the car to get the collectible below it.
Riddler Trophy #32
Requirements: None
In the same area as the previous Trophy, you will find a breakable wall on the Gotham Hardware shop, right of the broken car. Just glide through to bust the wall and collect the question mark Trophy behind it.
Riddler Trophy #33
Requirements: Freeze Blast
This Riddler Trophy is behind a cage with a leaking steam pipe in the alleyway right of the Monarch Theater in Park Row. Use the Freeze Blast to block the steam and slide under the fence to grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #34
Requirements: None
West of Ace Chemicals, you will find a green-painted gargoyle on the side of the building. There is a white gate opening and closing between those buildings that you need to jump through. Grapple up to the gargoyle and time your jump with the gate to land on the old mattress below to get the Trophy.

Riddler Trophy #35
Requirements: None
East of the same green gargoyle, there is a row of question marks on the rooftop below. Hit the first switch from the right when it glows to open the collectible case.
You can find it by activating your Detective Mode to see which switch is connected to the lock.
Riddler Trophy #36
Requirements: Freeze Blast, Batclaw
The last Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located in the northern end of the Park Row district. It’s next to a building northeast of the small broken-down flyover in the north.
This is the same building where you found Riddler Trophy #36. The trophy is found floating on the water to the east of the building. You have to get to the lower portion of the building and toss a Freeze Blast into the water to create a raft.
Then, jump onto this raft and use your Batclaw on the anchor points beside the trophy to pull yourself near to it until you can grab it.