The Museum has its fair share of collectibles, including close to two dozen Riddler Trophies that you need to get your hands on to advance the Riddler Challenge.
This can prove to be a frustrating grind since there are 282 question marks to find in Batman: Arkham City, 23 of which are in the Museum, and 35 which are Catwoman Trophies.
Whatever your character, locating all the Riddler Trophies is still a near-impossible task given the sheer number of them. A good way to break the task down would be to hunt the trophies down district by district. Hence, we will be going over the map locations of every question mark trophy in the Museum.
How to get the Museum Riddler Trophies in Batman: Arkham City
Riddler Trophies are scattered in every corner of the Museum, but they are well hidden. For your ease, we will be breaking down their locations room by room.

Riddler Trophy #1
Requirements: Batarang
The first Museum Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located inside the Trophy Room, which is next to the eastern entrance/exit. If you head in from this end turn left immediately and jump through the barricaded window.
If you have trouble finding it, we suggest using your Detective Vision to make it stand out. Once inside the room, look to your right to find the Riddler Trophy sitting inside a cage.
Right ahead of it are three neon question marks. Quick-fire your Batarangs at these three question marks to unlock the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #2
Requirements: Explosive Gel
From the same entry point as the former collectible, make your way across the hall and make a right as you reach the dinosaur. There is a breakable wall here right next to the stairs.
You can see this wall more clearly with your Detective Vision. To break it, you will need to use your Explosive Gel on it and detonate it. In the area unlocked, jump onto the first crate and then onto the higher ones in front of you. The trophy is located atop these crates.
Riddler Trophy #3
Requirements: None
This Riddler Trophy is located in the center of the Trophy Room. More specifically, it’s on a small walkway suspended from the roof – right above the dinosaur in the center of the room.
You can collect the trophy as is – there are no requirements to get this one.
Riddler Trophy #4
Requirements: Cryptographic Sequencer (with range amplifier upgrade)
From the ground level of the Trophy Room, make your way forward from the dinosaur’s rear (west on the map) until you come across two hallways branching out from your path.
The hallway on your lift is blocked by a huge gate, but you can easily slide to the other side from underneath it. The trophy is located at the opposite end of this hallway but is blocked behind a gate.
There is a terminal to the left of the dinosaur skeleton on the other end you can hack. Pull out your Cryptographic Sequencer and enter the password “TRIA SSIC” to unlock the gate and collect the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #5
Requirements: Disruptor (with firearm jammer upgrade)
Get to the center of the Museum’s Trophy Room and make a right from the dinosaur’s tail. You will come across a puppet in a display case, above which is a vent you can get into.
After getting into the area on the other side of the vent, look to your right and you should see a Tyger Century Turret. Your Detective Vision will point it out. Before heading on any further, you must use your Disruptor to disable the turret.
Once that’s done, you can simply head on to the other side and collect the trophy sitting on the ground.
Riddler Trophy #6
Requirements: Line Launcher
From the Trophy Room, just as you get through the door to the passage connecting it to the Gladiator Pit, take the first right you see. You should see a ledge above you next to the windows.
Get onto the ledge with your grappling hook and look towards the southern side. At the other end is the fifth Riddler Trophy in the Museum. You can get to it by using a Line Launcher and ziplining to the other end.
Riddler Trophy #7
Requirements: Remote Electrical Charge, Explosive Gel
As you enter the Gladiator Room from the Trophy Room, slide through the small, partially closed gate beneath the stairs on the left. Inside, you should see an elevator to your right and a breakable wall right next to it.
Use a Remote Electrical Charge on the console beneath the elevator to make it go up, clearing a path toward the breakable wall. Next, use Explosive Gel on the wall to destroy it and you should see the collectible right in front of you.
Riddler Trophy #8
Requirements: Batclaw
In the same room in the Gladiator Pit as the previous trophy, call down the elevator with the Remote Electrical Charge if you made it ascend previously. When the elevator is back, jump onto it and get to the upper level with your grappling hook.
To the left of this area, you should see a huge metal vent on the wall. Bust open its cover with the Batclaw and the trophy inside it will be revealed – which itself must be obtained with the Batclaw.
Riddler Trophy #9
Requirements: Remote Control Batarang
While in the center of the Gladiator Pit, you should clearly see this trophy across the gate beneath the stairs on the right. This gate, however, is locked, and there is a complex method of unlocking it.
Look to your right and you will see an electric field next to the entrance. You must toss a Remote Control Batarang into this electric field, then turn it back around and slide it through the lower section of the gate beneath the stairs on the left.
From here, make a right and circle the Batarang clockwise around the area to the other side, where the trophy is located. You will first have to pass it through a gap in the grill on the right side and then through a window immediately ahead, after which the path will be clear.
When you see the gate at the other end, guide the Batarang into the fusebox to its right to destroy it and unlock the gate. You can simply collect the trophy once that’s done.
Riddler Trophy #10
Requirements: Batclaw
Right as you enter the Torture Chamber from the Gladiator Pit, make your way to the edge of the platform overlooking the water. Here, toss a Freeze Blast into the water to make a raft.
Jump onto this raft and look behind you to see a large metal vent. Use your Batclaw to bust open its cover and you’ll see the trophy inside, which in turn must be grabbed with the Batclaw as well.
Riddler Trophy #11
Requirements: Line Launcher
This particular Museum trophy is quite hard to get. It’s located in the northeastern corner of the Torture Chamber, on a platform just below the ceiling.
To get to this one, stand on the same platform as the previous trophy and toss a line launcher at the other end. Halfway through, look to your right, and toss a new Line Launcher in this direction, landing on the platform.
You should see scaffolding on the western corner of this platform which you must get on. From the top, toss another line launcher in the opposite direction and again, halfway through, look to your left and fire a new Line Launcher onto the high platform here.
Once on the walkway, you can simply grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #12
Requirements: Freeze Blast, Batclaw
This Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located in the southwestern portion of the Torture Chamber. More specifically, it’s on the surface of the water at the corner of the area.
Stand next to the gateway leading into the Iceberg Loung and toss a Freeze Blast into the water below. Next, jump on top of it and use your Batclaw on the anchor point ahead of you to bring yourself closer to the trophy and pick it up.
Riddler Trophy #13
Requirements: Batarang
Enter through the large gateway in the north of the Torture Chamber and take the first right that you see. Take down the thugs and look at the roller shutters to your left here.
Above this should be a terminal you must use your Remote Electrical Charge on to open the roller shutters. Inside the area ahead, you will find a set of green flashing question marks on the wall ahead that rotate clockwise.
You must destroy the lit question mark with your Batarang (quick fire) making sure that the timing is precise. If done correctly, it will open the cage holding the Riddler Trophy below, after which you can simply collect it.
Riddler Trophy #14
Requirements: None
This Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located in the center of the War Room, inside a display case showing a beach setting. You can see the trophy sitting in a treasure chest through the glass.
To get to it, all you have to do is circle around the area from the right and get inside the display case from the back end.
Riddler Trophy #15
Requirements: Freeze Blast
Get to the northwestern corner of the War Room and look through the bars below and you will see the trophy sitting on the ground at a lower level. To access this area, you must get in through the gap on your left, but it is blocked by a steam pipe.
Use your Freeze Blast to block the steam pipe and clear a path into this hidden area, after which you can just simply collect the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #16
Requirements: None
This Museum Riddler trophy is located in the southwestern portion of the Armory. Head into the hallway at the back of the main stairs and look down through the vents on the floor and you should see the trophy somewhere along the line.
All you have to do is get into these floor vents to get the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #17
Requirements: Cryptographic Sequencer (with range amplifier), Batclaw
Make your way to the rear of the large mammoth in the Armory and stand at the left edge of it. Look above you towards the arch and you should see the trophy locked inside a container.
There is a console next to this cage you can hack with your Cryptographic Sequencer. Put the password “ARTI FACT” in to unlock the cage and grab the collectible with your Batclaw.
Riddler Trophy #18
Requirements: Freeze Blast
In the northwestern corner of the Armory, there is an open vent in the left wall that you can crawl through. The trophy is on the other side of it, but you must first block the steam pipe blocking your path with a Freeze Blast.
Once that’s done, simply walk over to the other side behind the wooden planks and collect the trophy.
Riddler Trophy #19
Requirements: None
Get to the upper level of the Armory and make your way to the eastern area (to the mammoth’s right). There is a breakable wall here you can spot with your Detective Vision, made up of wooden planks.
Punch the wall to break it and you will find the collectible sitting on the ground on the left of the hole inside.
Riddler Trophy #20
Requirements: Disruptor
Get into the Iceberg Lounge from the western entrance of the museum and make your way into the small extension east of it. The entrance to this area is blocked by a huge, partially closed gate, underneath which are proximity mines.
Use your Disruptor to deactivate the mines and slide through the gap. The collectible is right at the other end of this gate.
Riddler Trophy #21
Requirements: Remote Control Batarang
To get to this trophy, make your way to the south of the passageway crossing the Trophy Room (where you found Riddler Trophy #6). At the southern end of this passageway is a roller shutter and a terminal above it.
Shoot at it with your Remote Electrical Charge the roller shutter will open. The collectible is sitting at the center of the room beyond it.
Riddler Trophy #22
Requirements: Remote Controlled Batarang
You can get this Riddler Trophy in pretty much the same way as you got the Riddler Trophy #9 in the Museum. This one is located beyond the large central gate underneath the stairs.
Following the same process as before, guide your electrified Remote Controlled Batarang through the gate on the left and circle it clockwise from the other end.
This time, instead of breaking through the window after passing through the bars, make an immediate right and hit the fuse box to the left of the gate. This will open up the gate, allowing you to grab the collectible.
Riddler Trophy #23
Requirements: Cryptographic Scanner
The last Riddler Trophy in Batman: Arkham City is located in the northeastern portion of the Armory. On the ground level, make your way to the right of the mammoth and you’ll come across a locked gate with the trophy behind it.
To the left of the gate is a console you can hack. Pull out your Cryptographic Scanner and enter the password “ORNITH OLOGY” to open the gate and collect the trophy ahead.