Armored Core 6 features numerous types of collectibles, such as Combat Logs, for you to reap rewards or simply tick off achievements. They are tied to the Loghunt Program and are more collectibles for you to find in Armored Core 6. They can only be found on certain enemies during missions, which is why knowing their locations beforehand makes your search so much easier.
These include Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum in order, and their rarity affects how much rank you increase. They are responsible for ranking up your Hunter Class and rewarding you with necessary mech parts as well.
If you are looking to make your missions more challenging, consider hunting for all the Combat Log locations.
Mission 4: Destroy the Transport Helicopters

Reward: Silver Combat Log received for destroying Tetrapod
Location: Destroy the second helicopter and head to the higher platform closer to the third and final helicopter. You will come across a tetrapod in the last part of the mission and destroy it to get the reward.
Tips: Tetrapod has a cannon and gap-closer moves, keep moving to dodge the attacks.
Mission 5: Destroy the Tester AC

Reward: Get another Silver Combat Log for destroying Tester AC
Location: The Armored Core is the easiest target you will find at the beginning of the mission in the main area of the map.
Tips: Tester AC is fast, so stay close to mid-range and use a dual weapon build to defeat it.
Mission 6: Attack the Dam Complex

Reward: A Silver Combat Log and a Gold Combat Log received
Location: Head to the second level of a frozen lake, and you will see two small dams. Fly over the right dam and you will come across a Tetrapod behind the lake, defeat it to get Silver Combat Log.
Proceed further and at the end of the mission you will come across another AC, by destroying it you will get Gold Combat Log.
Tips: The Tetrapod is protected by two mechs, take them down first. Note that this unit cannot fly.
Mission 8: Operation Wallclimber

Reward: Get three Bronze Combat Log from taking down MT enemies
Location: In the main area, head left after defeating the two cannons on the ground in front of the wall. Or you can fly over the left side of the wall and get to this point.
Tips: Stay on guard as this area will have a lot of cannons. So, clear out the cannons and enemies in the first area then head towards the three MTs.
Mission 9: Retrieve the Combat Logs

Reward: You will get 6 Combat Logs in four minutes by defeating Little Ziyi in Armored Core 6.
Location: Stay in the open area facing Little Ziyi, take it down and collect the spread logs within the time limit.
The first Combat Log is right beneath the starting point, just look down the wall and you will find it.
The second Combat Log is a little farther than the first log’s position. Moreover, this Combat Log will be guarded by two enemies (MTs), take them down first to get this one.
The third Combat Log is located just up ahead near the crater. You must leave the compound, traveling towards the center of the area. It won’t be long before you reach the crater – and when you do, just stay attached to the wall on the right, traveling around it till you reach the Log.
The fourth Combat Log is located near the former Log. All you have to do is travel west from it until you reach a wreckage. Note that you may need to get into a fight with a bunch of MTs in this case as well.
The fifth Combat Log is located in a wreckage inside the crater you were just at. Simply jump down into it and claim the Log for yourself. You may also get attacked by an AC enemy here as well which holds another Combat Log.
The sixth and last Combat Log in this mission is found at the same location. All you have to do is travel to the other end of the area where you found the fifth Call Log.
Tips: The targets in this unit are easy to fight but the main challenge is time limit. You must keep up with their speed and take them down quickly to retrieve all six logs spread across the map.
Mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint

Reward: Gold Combat Log received for taking down Sulla
Location: After taking down the targets in sector 1 and 2, head towards the bridge at sector 3 to find Sulla.
Tips: This mini boss is fast, focus on using missiles or close-range weapons to take him down.
Mission 12: Infiltrate Grid 086

Reward: This mission has 9 different Combat Logs – 5 Bronze, 3 Silver, and 1 Gold
Location: You will get the first Silver Log after taking down the Invincible Rummy in the initial section of the mission.
Up next are two Bronze Combat Logs found on several MTs in an unusual area. To find them, you first have to turn back from the huge road to the objective, where you have to reach the center of Grid 086’s power grid.
Once you reach the end, turn to about 180°, and you will find the enemies that have the Combat Logs on them.
Now you can turn your attention to finding the last two Silver Logs located just up the road you turned back from for the former Combat Log. When you are around 1800 meters away from the previous Log, turn to 180° again, and you will find the two enemies (MTs) that hold the Logs.
Up next is the Gold Combat Log associated with this mission found in the room with the furnace. Simply go towards the furnace and enter the other area with the opening created by the furnace from the metal input side.
Follow the path to a small room and you will come across an AC that holds the Gold Combat Log.
The final Bronze Combat Logs you can find in this mission are found on the MTs that are located just outside the building. All you have to do is head to 20° right as you exit the building.
Tips: Rummy has a predictable strategy of using melee attacks, he becomes still after the attack, this is the best time to attack him with missiles or heavy weapons.
Mission 14: Ocean Crossing

Reward: 4x Bronze Combat Log
Location: Leave the elevator and go down the indoor area towards the interior building. Once you are outside the bridge turn right, and take down the flying drops and get first two logs. Drop down to the platform and enter the corridor on the right, and take down two more drones to get last logs of this mission.
Tips: The drones move quickly so you must act fast.
Mission 15: Steal the Survey Data

Reward: Silver Combat Log received for taking down Heavy MT Unit
Location: Head to the right till you get to a base with large crane and an MT.
Tips: Stay on guard to take down the first group of units before heading to the heavy MT.
Mission 16: Attack the Refueling Base

Reward: Two Bronze Combat Logs for taking down the LC Unit
Location: Head under the bridge in the middle area. You will find the first LC Unit is under there with a plasma gun. The second LC is on the right side of the bridge near the mountainside.
Mission 17: Eliminate V.VII

Reward: You will get a Silver and two Gold Combat Logs by taking down the MT and V. VII Swinburne
Location: The first log is in the beginning area of the mission. Simply cling to the wall and make your way over to the left (90° direction) of the city area, and you will find the target holding the Silver Combat Log.
A Gold Log can be obtained by defeating V.VII Swinburne – which is the main target of this mission.
Another secret Gold Log is obtained by defeating an AC, Rokumonsen, which appears after you decide to let V.VII walk away from the fight.
Tips: Clear out the area first to avoid getting caught by the other units. To take down V. VII Swinburne, maintain a safe distance from him to dodge his melee attacks.
Mission 18: Tunnel Sabotage

Reward: Bronze Combat Logs for taking down the LC Unit
Location: In the area above the tunnels, you will find a small cave with different units guarding sniper LC.
Mission 19: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City

Reward: Silver Combat Logs for taking down the flying unit
Location: Disable the first ECM fog control device and get to the second fog control device on the east side. You will encounter a transforming mech holding the Log below you.
Mission 21: Eliminate the Enforcement Squads

Reward: Get Gold Combat Log for taking down Ring Freddie
Location: When the mission starts, head down the hill to the right path, there you will encounter Ring Freddie behind a rock.
Tips: This unit is quick and will ambush you quickly, prepare your build accordingly.
Mission 23: Attack the Old Spaceport

Reward: 3x Silver Combat Logs on LC units
Location: A Silver Combat Log is found on an LC located on the 2nd level of the area outside. You can reach this place by heading in the 90° direction from the start of the mission.
Two more Silver Combat Logs are associated with this mission, heading 150° from the starting area. They are found on two LCs located next to the circular fuel tanks.
Mission 24: Eliminate “Honest” Brute

Reward: 4x Bronze, 1x Silver, and 1x Platinum Combat Logs
Location: The nearest Combat Log is the Bronze one, which is located next to a pillar on the platform located beneath the one with the red lasers. There are two enemies here, but only one drops the Combat Log.
The next two Bronze Combat Logs can be found on the same types of enemies – but elsewhere. Starting from the previous point, jump onto the platform above (350° direction) and move along it until you reach a large player. There are two of these enemies here – both of which drop a Combat Log.
Up next is the Silver Log which can be found on a yellow MT located in the large open area.
The last Bronze Log on a round robot appears as you go to the last platform.
The Platinum Combat Log can be obtained by defeating the “Honest Brute, ” the main mission target in Armored Core 6.
Mission 25: Defend the Old Spaceport

Reward: Get a Platinum Combat Log by defeating Raven
Location: Raven is found in the beginning of the mission.
Tips: Make your build fast-paced
Mission 29: Underground Exploration – Depth 2

Reward: 1x Gold and 2x Bronze Combat Logs received from defeating G5 Iguazu and PCA units.
Location: G5 Iguazu is in behind the first door unlocked in the mission, while the PCA units are behind the second door to your right.
Mission 30: Underground Exploration – Depth 3

Reward: 2x Silver and 1x Gold Combat Logs.
Location: The first Silver Log can be obtained from the rear end of the roof of the snipers’ building that you come across at the start of the chapter. Near this Combat Log are two enemies that grant you another Silver Combat Log.
The Gold Combat Log is obtained automatically by defeating the main target of the mission – the “Ayre.”
Mission 31: Intercept the Redguns

Reward: Platinum Combat Log for taking down G1 Michigan
Location: Main area of the mission.
Tips: Note that since this is a Decision Mission, it cancels out the following 32nd Mission on this list, which offers two Combat Logs.
Therefore, you can either do this Mission for your current playthrough for its Combat Logs and do the next one in the NG+ – or vice versa – because you can only obtain Logs associated with one of these missions per playthrough.
Mission 32: Ambush the Vespers

Reward: Two Gold Combat Logs received after fighting V.V Hawkins and V.VIII Pater in Armored Core 6.
Location: Both of logs are obtained from the two main targets you are supposed to take as part of this mission – one from the “DUAL NATURE” and the other from the “RECONFIG”.
Mission 33: Unknown Territory Survey

Reward: Platinum Combat Log received from defeating V.IV Rusty
Location: Rusty is in the last part of the mission.
Tips: The boss is fast and uses repair kits.
Mission 34: Reach the Coral Convergence

Reward: 2x Gold and 1x Bronze Combat Logs received from taking down V.VI Maeterlinck, G3 Wu Huahai, and rolling bot in Armored Core 6.
Location: V.VI Maeterlinck and G3 Wu Huahai are found in the starting area of the match.
The Bronze Combat Log is obtained from a rolling bot with a log. This one can be found on a bridge right ahead of the area where you fight the first enemies.
Mission 37: Intercept the Corporate Forces

Reward: Platinum Combat Log received from taking down V.I Freud, the main enemy of the mission.
Location: Found in the last section of the mission.
Tips: This boss is fast and uses drones to attack.
Mission 38: Eliminate “Cinder” Carla

Reward: 2x Platinum and 1x Gold Combat Logs received from taking down V.II Snail, Cinder Carla, and Chatty Stick
NG+ Mission 6: Attack the Dam Complex (ALT)

Reward: Gold Combat Log received from taking down G4 Volta and G5 Iguazu
While playing Mission 6 in the NG+ or NG++ specifically, you get the ALT mission in which you are given a choice to “ACCEPT” or “REFUSE” a particular offer somewhere along the mission.
If you choose the “ACCEPT” option, you will be forced to fight against your allies. You can get a Gold Combat Log for defeating G4 Volta AC and G5 Iguazu.
If you choose “REFUSE”, this Log will not be available – but you can still get it by replaying the mission or by choosing Accept in the NG++.
NG+ Mission 26: Defend the Dam Complex

Reward: 2x Platinum Combat Logs received.
You can get two Platinum Combat Logs in this mission – one each for defeating the “UMBER OX” and the “ASTER CROWN” enemies. These are the main targets of this mission, so the Logs are unmissable.
NG++ Mission 09: Prisoner Rescue

Reward: Get a Platinum Combat Log by defeating this mission’s main target – “DEEP DOWN” or “G2 Nile” in Armored Core 6.
NG++ Mission 11: Attack the Watchpoint (ALT)

Reward: 2x Bronze Combat Logs and Gold Combat Log
Location: Take down the two MTs to get bronze combat logs in Armored Core 6 and Sulla to earn gold log.
NG++ Mission 13: Stop the Secret Data Breach

Reward: 1x Silver and 3x Bronze Combat Logs in Armored Core 6.
Location: In the infiltrate grid 086 area, take down the tetrapod MT guarding hacking drone to get Silver Combat Log. Proceed towards the furnace room beneath the vertical shaft, you will find three mechs that will give you bronze combat logs.
NG++ Mission 19: Survey the Uninhabited Floating City (ALT)

Reward: Platinum Combat Log
If you play this mission in the NG++ exclusively, you get an alternative boss at the end of this mission which can either be the “ABSTGHIK” or the “Thumb Dolmayan”. Whichever one you get, you receive a Platinum Log for defeating it, which is unmissable.
NG++ Mission 29-B: Underground Exploration – Depth 2 (ALT)

Reward: Platinum Combat Log
While playing this mission in the NG++, you get a new boss somewhere along the mission called “DEADSLED.” This is a main target that drops an unmissable Platinum Combat Log in Armored Core 6.
NG++ Mission 33-B: Eliminate V.III

Reward: Platinum Combat Log
If you play this mission in the NG++, you get to face an exclusive boss called “V.III” which drops a Platinum Log when defeated. This is unmissable because the boss is the main target in this mission.