Giant Bee Honey is one of the many resources found on Ark Valguero. It can have multiple uses, including being used as food, as an ingredient in Sweet Vegetable Cake or Extra Ordinary Kibble, and even as bait.
Honey may also be used to tame certain creatures like the Dire Bear and the Megatherium. Considering all its uses, Honey is quite a valuable commodity, so the following guide will help players acquire more of it by looking into the best locations to find the resource and farming tips in Ark Valguero.
Beehive Locations in Ark Valguero
Beehives are the primary method of producing Giant Bee Honey. The good thing about the Valguero map is that the hives are abundant throughout the game. With this said, let’s go over some of the best honey farming locations in Ark Valguero.
Location #1

The first beehive is in one of the best early game locations in the Beach Zone at 39.3 Latitude and 35.3 Longitude. You will find another beehive southwest direct of the previous one at 36.6 Latitude and 33.4 Longitude.
Location #2

The next spot is at 30.9 Latitude and 38.9 Longitude in the Beach Zone area. The hive will be on the ground near the lake.
Location #3

The third location is in the eastern region of Boreal Forest at 36.9 Latitude and 78.1 Longitude. You will find a giant beehive placed on the ground before a giant rock.
Location #4

The fourth spot is also in the topmost corner of Boreal Forest at 22.7 Latitude and 68.9 Longitude. You will find the beehive near the lake in front of bushes.
Location #5

For the next location, head to the Jungle Zone, and you will find your first beehive at 34.2 Latitude and 88.8 Longitude on the lower wall of the cliff.
Location #6

You will find the next hive in the Chalk Hills area hung on the wall of a small rock near the water source. The exact coordinates of this beehive are 67.9 Latitude and 95.1 Longitude.
Location #7

The last spot is in the Redwood biome at 70.2 Latitude and 17.0 Longitude. The beehive is hung on a fallen tree.
Taming Giant Queen Bee
An alternate means of farming honey at your base is taming a Giant Queen Bee. You need to locate a beehive and destroy it to lure the Queen out. Kill the drones first and immediately try taming her else she might spawn more drones.
You can use rare flowers, meat, or simple kibble for taming. Feed the Queen whenever you get a chance to get near her. We recommend using the Ghillie Armor Set and Bug Repellant near the hive to avoid excessive damage.
After you tame the Queen, a beehive will be added to your inventory. You can place this beehive anywhere on the ground. This gives you an unlimited supply of honey while staying within your base.
Honey Spawn Command
To spawn Honey in Ark Valguero Earth, open the game’s console command box. To do so, press the following buttons according to your gaming device:
- TAB if you’re on PC
- L1, R1, Square, and Triangle if you’re on PlayStation
- LB, RB, X, and Y if you’re playing on Xbox
Once the console opens, type: cheat gfi Honey 1 1 0 and press enter.