Ark Scorched Earth is a paid expansion of Ark Survival Evolved, where Rare Flowers are a vital resource that helps craft Re-Fertilizer, Lesser Antidote, and Exceptional Kibble. However, locating them can be difficult but the best place to visit is around the Obelisk. You can pick these flowers, sickle, or dino.
You can collect rare flowers from Ark Scorched Earth’s pink and purple blooms. Creatures often specialize in berry farming and are good for gathering rare flowers. This guide lists down some of the best spots you need to visit to farm rare flowers on the Scorched Earth map.
Ark Scorched Earth Rare Flowers Location #1

The first location is around the Red Obelisk at 70.2 Latitude and 40.3 Longitude. You will be able to farm rare flowers and mushrooms here.
Ark Scorched Earth Rare Flowers Location #2

The next location is inside the cave holding the Artifact of the Craig at 28.3 Latitude and 29.0 Longitude.
Rare Flowers Location #3

The third location for rare flowers is at 30.9 Latitude and 51.4 Longitude.
Rare Flowers Location #4

The next spot for rare flowers is at 49.9 Latitude and 72.5 Longitude.
Rare Flowers Spawn Command
You can also use a spawn command to have this item spawn directly in your inventory. To do this, first, open the console command box by pressing TAB; if you’re playing on a PC, if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console command box is open, type in the following commands and hit enter:
cheat giveitemnum 246 1 0 0
cheat gfi RareFlower 1 0 0