Honey is one of the best food replacements, but has a limited supply in Ark Ragnarok. You can use it to make other food or for taming purposes. This resource can be gathered from bee hives found in the Rocky Cliffs and Castle areas.
You can also have an unlimited honey supply in your base by taming a Giant Bee. For the taming process, you need to equip the entire set of ghillie suits and have a dozen rare flowers to feed them.
You need to understand that honey can go bad quickly, so you must store it in the refrigerator. With this said, let’s go over all possible locations of beehives in Ark Ragnarok so you can get all the honey you want.
Bee Hive Location #1 in Ark Ragnarok

The first location is at 31.8 Latitude and 29.5 Longitude in the Twoshuk Bluff, Rocky Cliffs area. You will find the beehive inside a large rock. Use grappling hooks to get the honey from inside. Go straight, and you will find another beehive at the lower cliff of the same area.
Bee Hive Location #2 in Ark Ragnarok

The next location is near the green tower, at 50.8 Latitude and 31.5 Longitude. The beehive is tucked into the cliff.
Bee Hive Location #3

The third beehive location is 46.7 Latitude and 35.0 Longitude in the Taosst Creek. This is one of the biggest locations in Ark Ragnarok, where you will find 3-4 beehives.
Bee Hive Location #4

The next location is at 45.9 Latitude and 37.9 Longitude in the midwestern portion of the map. The green obelisk is opposite this area.
Bee Hive Spawn Command
A simple method of getting a bee hive is spawning it through a cheat console. To open the cheat console, do the following:
- For PlayStation: Hold L1, R1, Square, and Triangle keys.
- For Xbox: Hold LB, RB, X, and Y together.
Once the console opens, type in “cheat gfi BeeHive 1 1 0” and press enter. If these commands do not work, try resetting your system or game.