You can build your base at many different locations around the Ark Ragnarok map to improve your defenses against the enemies. The bases can also protect you from the dangerous creatures that spawn in the area.
Ragnarok has a couple of locations to build a ruins-style base. But an ideal location is surrounded by plenty of resources and a water well. This guide covers some of the best PVE base locations in Ark Ragnarok.
Location #1

The first location is in the central area of Redwoods at 40.8 Latitude and 70.0 Longitude. This area has a flat surface where you can build pretty nice structures. You can also build tree platforms here.
This base area is near a nice lake, which can breed sea creatures. Metal scattered around the edges of the cliff and underwater can be used as a resource. To the east of this location, you will find the red obelisk and some beaver dams.
Location #2

The next location is in the Viking Bay at Vali Ridge, 18.9 Latitude and 33.6 Longitude. You can build a base along the sides of the bridge while being surrounded by almost every resource in the game, including penguin spawn location.
The water in this area is suitable for breeding sea creatures and also produces oil nodes and silica pearls.
Location #3

The third location is on the northern edge of the Upper Highlands at 17.8 Latitude and 79.1 Longitude. This waterfall has a small cave where you can build your base and get natural resources.
You will get lots of metal spawning on the pointy rocks, mantis spawn here frequently dropping organic polymer, and you can also build a water pen on the riverbed nearby.
Location #4

The next area is in the Egil Throughway at 24.6 Latitude and 28.7 Longitude, right in the middle of the forest. This cave is an ideal spot for a base as you have water everywhere inside.
The water under the cave gives you enough space to breed small water creatures. There is plenty of metal spawning around this area.
Location #5

The fifth location is at The Slopes at 41.8 Latitude and 28.6 Longitude. This is a pretty large, flat spot in an isolated location. Some good gold metal nodes spawn up here, and the mountain nearby has a lot of metal, and the path to the cliff has obsidian scattered everywhere. You also have a water well just down below your base to pipe up your base.
Location #6

Around the Maple Roost, you will find the best base location at 19.2 Latitude and 41.6 Longitude. This area has all the resources you need to thrive in Ark Aberration. On the north side, go down the lake, and you will be able to farm silica pearls in the shallow waters.
There is metal scattered on the side of this mountain. There is frozen dungeon nearby where the penguins spawn and the volcano area where the mantis spawn and you get organic polymer.