Ark Lost Island Crystal Locations

Read this detailed guide to learn about all the Crystal farming locations of in Ark Lost Island and its uses.

Crystal is a resource needed to craft several items in Ark Lost Island. The most common items you can craft from the crystals are Electronic Components, Explosives, and lenses of all shapes and forms.

You will need tools like Ankylosaurus and Dunkleosteus to farm crystals in Ark Lost Island. Read this guide to learn about all the farming locations of Crystals in Ark Lost Island.

Ark Lost Island Crystal Locations

Crystals are used to craft several items, but some of them are as below:

  • Spyglass
  • Water Jar
  • Fabricator
  • Industrial Grill
  • Industrial Forge
  • Weapon Attachments
  • Heavy Miner’s Helmet
  • C4 Charge
  • Improvised Explosive Device
  • Lamppost
  • Omnidirectional Lamppost
  • Radio
  • Refrigerator
  • Air Conditioner

The best location where you can find Crystal in Ark Lost Island is in Redwood Waterfall. This location is located inside the cave at the start of Redwood Waterfall. The Coordinates of the location are (32.7,52.8). Going to this location alone will give you more crystals than you need.

The location mentioned above is not the only location on Ark Lost Island where you can find the crystals. You can find them scattered all over the map. Below is the image of the map, and each white dot represents the location where you can mine the Crystals in Ark Lost Island.

Ark Lost Island Crystal Locations

The other locations in Ark Lost Island where you can mine crystal are Western Island, Blue Obelisk Mountain, and Green Obelisk. You can use Ankylosaurus and Dunkleosteus to maximize the efficiency of farming the crystals.

Western Island Location

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from an island on the map’s west side. There will be three mountains on the island. You will find all the crystals on the ground between these three mountains.

Enemy and predator-wise, this island is very safe, and you don’t have to worry about anything while scouring the place for crystals. The coordinate of the location is given below

49.0 LAT

27.9 LON

Northwest Island Location

You can farm Crystal from an island on the map’s Northwest side. On the island, there will be a mountain where you will see a small entrance to the cave.

After entering the cave, you will see a lot of crystals inside that you can collect. Enemy and predator-wise, this island is also very safe, and you don’t have to worry about anything while scouring the place for crystals.

The coordinate of the location is given below:

17.9 LAT

14.8 LON

Blue Obelisk Mountain Location

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the southwest mountain of Blue Obelisk. This location is loaded with crystals, but you must also deal with many enemies like Rexes to get these. The crystals are usually found below the trees where the stem goes in the ground.

The coordinate of the location is given below:

34.7 LAT

27.9 LON

Ice Covered Mountain Location

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the mountain near the map’s castle Northwest. On the mountain’s south side, you will see the entrance to the cave.

Inside the cave, you will see a lot of crystals that you can farm. Enemy and predator-wise, this mountain is very safe. The coordinate of the location is given below:

28.7 LAT

32.7 LON

Snow Castle Mountain Location

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the mountain below the Snow Castle. There will be a lake, and on one side, you will see the entrance to the cave. Beware of the Rexes scattered around the lake and surrounding shore areas.

On the back side of the cave, you will see a lot of crystals that you can farm. There will be more crystals on the right-hand side tunnel from the entrance. The coordinate of the location is given below:

30.3 LAT

33.8 LON

Blue Obelisk Mountain Location 2

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the north mountain of Blue Obelisk. You will find a lot of crystals scattered across the mountain slope. If you travel to the base of the mountain, you will find bunch more crystals there. The coordinate of the location is given below:

22.8 LAT

35.0 LON

Volcano Mountain Location

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the mountain north of the two Volcanoes on the map. You can find a lot of crystals on top of the mountain. On the side of the mountain, you will find a lot more crystals.

This place has a lot of enemies like Rexes, and Rg’s, so beware of them when you are farming for the crystals. The coordinate of the location is given below: 

19.2 LAT

50.6 LON 

Redwood Waterfall Location

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the waterfall inside the Redwood Forest. Inside the waterfall is a cave that is filled with crystals. Enemy and predator-wise, this cave is very safe. The coordinate of the location is given below:

40.3 LAT

54.4 LON

Redwood Waterfall Location 2

In Ark Lost Island, you can farm Crystal from the cave at the Redwood Waterfall’s source. Inside the cave, you will see two paths forming. Both paths will lead to many crystals, but the left path generally has more crystals to farm.

This location is filled with many wolves; you must look for them when farming for crystals here. The coordinate of the location is given below:

32.7 LAT

52.8 LON

Green Obelisk Location

You can also farm Crystal from the mountain located near the Green Obelisk. The crystals on this mountain are more scattered across the mountain, but still, there are a lot of crystals all over this location.

The coordinate of the location is given below:

 60.4 LAT

60.2 LON

Desert Location

Crystals can be collected from the mountain close to the oasis on the side of the desert. You can find a lot of crystals on top of the mountain. On the side of the mountain, you will find a lot more crystals.

The only enemy you must worry about in this location is Rg which you can easily get rid of by scouring them off the edge of the mountain. The coordinate of the location is given below:

82.9 LAT

70.9 LON

SouthWest Mountain Location

Crystals can be farmed from the mountain on the island on the SouthWest side of the map. If you go down the mountain’s edge, there is a tree at the landing where you will find many crystals.

The coordinate of the location is given below:

62.5 LAT

27.0 LON

Southern Waterfall Location

You can farm Crystal from the cave inside the waterfall south of the map. The paths inside the cave will lead to the bottom and are filled with crystals. Enemy and predator-wise, this cave is very safe. The coordinate of the location is given below:

65.7 LAT

43.1 LON

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...