Crystal is a resource needed to craft several items in Ark Lost Island. The most common items you can craft from the crystals are Electronic Components, Explosives, and lenses of all shapes and forms.
The good thing about crystals in this DLC is that they are found in bulk throughout the map, so you never run out of places to farm this item. You will need dinos like Ankylosaurus and Dunkleosteus to farm crystals. Read this guide to learn about the best farming spots for Crystals in Ark Lost Island.
Ark Lost Island Crystal Location #1

On the central left side of the map, at 49.2 Latitude and 28.6 Longitude, you will find tons of crystal inside the gap between mountains. This is one of the easiest and safest locations to farm crystals on the Lost Island map.
Ark Lost Island Crystal Location #2

For the second crystal farming spot, move to the top northeast section of the map, and you will find a small island at 17.9 Latitude and 14.8 Longitude. You will find a small cave behind a large rock that contains piles of crystals.
Ark Lost Island Crystal Location #3

Explore the mountain at 34.7 Latitude and 27.8 Longitude, and you will find tons of crystals.
Ark Lost Island Crystal Location #4

Head to the mountain below the blue Obelisk at 28.7 Latitude and 32.7 Longitude. You will find a small cave that is filled with crystals and Obsidian.
Ark Lost Island Crystal Location #5

Another excellent cave location to farm crystals is below the snow castle, south of the blue Obelisk near the lake at 30.3 Latitude and 33.8 Longitude. Note that this cave is filled with tons of Rexs. Make sure to explore the cave inside out, and you will find a huge deposit of crystals.
Ark Lost Island Crystal Location #6

Directly north of the blue Obelisk, you will find a decent amount of crystals at 22.7 Latitude and 35.0 Longitude.
Crystal Location #7

Another great spot for crystals is on the top-right corner of the jungle at 19.2 Latitude and 50.6 Longitude. You will find crystal along the peak and its sides.
Crystal Location #8

If you move to the middle section of the map in the Redwood Forest at 40.3 Latitude and 54.4 Longitude, you will find a decent amount of crystal between the lake and castle.
Crystal Spawn Command
If you’re having trouble finding Crystal, you can use its spawn commands to have it spawn directly in your inventory. To do this, you must open the cheat console by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard.
If you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console opens, type in the command “cheat gfi Crystal 1 0 0” and hit enter.