Ark Genesis: Part 2 Noglin Location And Taming Guide

To make the taming process a little easier, we have made a complete guide on how to find and tame Noglin in Ark Genesis Part 2.

Noglin is a small creature that can control the minds of the other creatures found in Ark Genesis: Part 2. It looks like a small alien with pointy ears and two antennas. You can easily locate him using the Tek Helmet or Snow Owl.

Once tamed, you can use him as a Saboteur, Distraction, and Assassin. You can also mind control the big dinos to use them on the enemies. To make the taming process a little easier, we have made a complete guide on how to find and tame Noglin in Ark Genesis.

How to Tame Noglin?

To tame a Noglin, you must trap it; for this, you either need a net projectile with a harpoon gun or bolas and a shotgun with tranquilizer darts. As Noglins are small creatures, so we recommend using Snow Owl to see them.

Once you locate a Noglin, chase after it with a net gun, but don’t go too close, or else it will mind control you. When the creature comes in range, capture it and build a cube box around it. Now, put dino gateways and doors around the box in a circular manner to further enclose the area, but it should be big enough to accommodate eight turtles.

Position all turtles against the door, stand on top of one, and shoot the Noglin with a tranq dart. Once the creature is unconscious, remove the box to set it free with the turtles.

Once the Noglin wakes up, it will climb on one turtle, control it, and attack the other turtles. Make sure you are not sitting on any turtle during this time. When the Noglin starts attacking other turtles, it will initiate the taming process.


Make sure you have additional turtles in your hot bar if the current is not enough to tame the creature. Ensure your turtles are far from the door, as the Noglin might get stuck behind it and ruin the taming process.

Ensure you keep freeing up space for the Noglin to easily jump to the next target. Cyro the turtles it damages to create the space and, if needed, throw new turtles out to complete the taming process.

Did You Know

If your Noglin is running around and doesn’t jump to anything, chances are it’s glitched, so you must knock it out using a tranq dart. This will restart the taming process.

Noglin Location in Ark Genesis: Part 2

You can easily find Noglin in the left ring region of Ark Genesis: Part 2. It can be found more commonly in the Fallen Mount region and less commonly in the Boros Sector and Afflicted Clearing region. The map image below shows the guaranteed spawn location of the creature on the Genesis map.


The best time to search for them is when it is dark, dusk and when there is an overhang shadow.

Noglin Stats

Noglin possesses the following stats in Ark Genesis: Part 2:

StatsBase ValueWild Value
Melee Damage44.2
Movement Speed100%

How to Breed Noglin in Ark Genesis: Part 2?

You cannot breed Noglin in Ark Genesis: Part 2.

Noglin Spawn Command

If you’re finding it hard to locate Noglin on Ark Genesis: Part 2, open up the console command box by pressing TAB on your keyboard, but if you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1R1Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down, LBRBX, and Ys at once. After the console opens, type “admincheat Summon BrainSlug_Character_BP_C” and press enter.

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Namra is a gaming enthusiast and guides writer, always looking to play AAA titles on day one, while her favorites being Last of Us, Uncharted series, Spiderman, Final Fantasy, and Alan Wake.