Ark Genesis Explorer Notes Locations Guide

The following guide highlights all of the locations where you can find Explorer Notes in Ark Genesis Part 1.

Explorer Notes are important collectible items scattered all over the map in Ark Genesis. These notes contain information about creatures and past events. Collecting Explorer notes provides XP points that are doubled if the player is on a Dino. The following guide highlights all of the locations where you can find Explorer Notes in Ark Genesis Part 1.

Where to find Explorer Notes in Ark Genesis

In Ark Genesis Part 1, the Explorer Notes can be found all over the map. The following map highlights the locations of the Explorer Notes:

Ark Genesis Explorer Notes Locations

Location #1

Explorer Notes can be found in the Lunar Biome also known as the High Orbit region of the map. The red circle on the map highlights this region. This is a location full of threats in the form of dangerous creatures, deadly meteor strikes, and extreme weather conditions. This region is full of large asteroids and apart from explorer notes, the player will find many essential resources at this location.

Location #2

This location known as open water is the tropical ocean region of the map. A yellow circle highlights this location. This area is filled with explorer notes. Exquisite creatures and resources can find at this location.

Location #3

Explorer notes can be found in the Volcano region as well. The Blue circle marks this location on the map. This is one of the hardest areas to survive because of aggressive dinos, erupting volcanos, and dangerous land features.

Location #4

The light blue circle on the map highlights the arctic region of the map. Covered with snow, this area is dominated by snow storms and avalanches making survival extremely difficult. However, all the difficulties are worth it as the player can find Explorer notes and many exquisite resources at this location.

Location #5

The pink circle on the map highlights the bog, which is one of the easiest areas of the game. There are no serious threats and explorer notes can be easily found.

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