Organic Polymer, is a naturally sourced material that may be utilized as a direct replacement for Polymer in crafting in Ark Fjordur. The primary method includes farming Mantis, Penguins, and dead dinos, but you can also get them from the organic polymer bushes planted around the Abberation Cave.
Unlike regular Polymer, Organic Polymer has a spoil timer of 30 minutes. Therefore, you can use the Organic Polymer to craft Soap to remove this spoil timer. Note that Soap has 0 spoiler time; you can keep your resource safe. One good thing about this method is that you can always deconstruct Soap to get Organic Polymer. For this, you must place the Soap in the grinder in Ark Fjordur.
Organic Polymer Bushes

The first location you need to head to farm organic polymer is the Abberation Cave. The entrance to the cave is at 86.3 Latitude and 04.7 Longitude and use Therizinosaur to farm the resource.
Harvesting Dead Dinos

Head to the swamp island in the middle left corner of the map at 44.0 Latitude and 11.9 Longitude. You will find many dead dinos here that you can harvest for organic polymer, hide, and spoiled meat. We recommend taking Giga with good melee to farm more organic polymer.
Hunting Penguins

Another way of getting organic polymer is by hunting penguins. Penguins spawn in the top left corner of the map at 07.0 Latitude and 02.7 Longitude. You can find more groups of penguins at the following coordinates:
- 03.1 Latitude and 06.8 Longitude
- 15.6 Latitude and 01.8 Longitude
- 10.9 Latitude and 11.2 Longitude
Killing Mantis

Mantis are another source of farming organic polymer, and you will find them on the volcano island in the bottom right corner of the map at 96.7 Latitude and 73.6 Longitude.
Organic Polymer Spawn Command
If you’re having trouble finding Organic Polymer in Ark Fjordur, you can use its spawn commands to have it spawn directly in your inventory. To do this, you must open the cheat console by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard.
If you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console opens, simply type in the command “cheat gfi Polymer_Organic 1 0 0” and hit enter.
If you encounter a situation where these commands do not work, try resetting your system or game. Alternatively, you can use this spawn command: “cheat giveitem “Blueprint’/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Resources/PrimalItemResource_Polymer_Organic.PrimalItemResource_Polymer_Organic’” 1 0 0”.