Oil is an important resource used to craft important items like Fabricator, Propellant, Grenade, and many other industrial items in Ark Fjordur. If you refine oil in a refining forge, it gives you gasoline. Mixing oil with spark powder and raw meat in a preserving bin gives you cooked meat.
Getting this resource is easy: farming Dung Beetles, harvesting oil nodes/rocks or putting up oil pumps on oil veins. The oil pumps are crafted using 25 Crystals, 25 Electronics, and 75 Metal Ingots.
This guide covers some of the best locations you need to visit to harvest oil nodes or put oil pumps in Ark Fjordur.
Ark Fjordur Oil Location #1

On the volcano’s northern side near the Red Obelisk, you will find an oil field at 77.2 Latitude and 82.9 Longitude in the southeastern continent. The black rocks surrounding the area also give oil when harvested.
There are also some oil veins here, but note that Gigas spawn here very often and can wreck a lot of stuff, so we don’t recommend putting up oil pumps.
Ark Fjordur Oil Location #2

On the southeastern side of the southern continent, you will find a small island that sticks out off the coast at 90.6 Latitude and 44.6 Longitude. This island is covered with oil nodes and oil veins here.
Ark Fjordur Oil Location #3

The next spot is in the southwest of the northern continent, you will find a cave behind the right waterfall at 63.5 Latitude and 81.6 Longitude. This cave is filled with oil nodes.
Ark Fjordur Oil Location #4

Above the waterfall at 59.8 Latitude and 81.4 Longitude, you will find more oil nodes.
Ark Fjordur Oil Location #5

You will find more oil veins on top of Helm’s Deep Castle at 30.1 Latitude and 62.6 Longitude.
Ark Fjordur Oil Location #6

On the eastern side of Redwoods Forest behind Gold Mountain, you will find more oil veins at 33.1 Latitude and 96.4 Longitude.
Oil Spawn Command
If you’re having trouble finding oil in Ark Fjordur, you can use its spawn commands to have it spawn directly in your inventory. To do this, you must open the cheat console by pressing the TAB key on your keyboard.
If you’re playing on PlayStation, you’ll need to hold down L1, R1, Square, and Triangle at once, and similarly, on Xbox, hold down LB, RB, X, and Y at once. Once the console opens, type in the command “admincheat gfi Oil 1 0 0” and hit enter.
If you encounter a situation where these commands do not work, try resetting your system or game.