Age of Empires 4 Unit Counters Guide

In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we will give you a breakdown of all the unit counters and dig into the specific bonuses for each one.

In this Age of Empires 4 guide, we will give you a breakdown of all the unit counters and dig into the specific bonuses that are going on behind the scenes to create them.

Age of Empires 4 Unit Counters

Some units in Age of Empires 4 get large amounts of bonus damage on certain other units. They also, in turn, can receive more damage from other units that counter them. This adds another layer of strategy to consider when generating units.

It’s not as simple as that, however, as some units can counter others by virtue of simply outranging them or having more armor, etc.

So, in our AOE 4 Unit Counters guide below, we will explain in detail the bonus damage for each unit, what units it’s good against and what unit counters it. So, without any further delay, let’s start.

AOE 4 Unit Counter Chart

If you are not able to figure out the proper units to counter your opponents in Age of Empires 4, we have got you covered with the official unit counter chart below

Age of Empires 4 Counter Chart


  • Spearmen have 3x damage against cavalry.
  • On soft counters, men with crossbows can prove to be decent as they attack from range. Apart from crossbows, Area of effect siege units can be very useful as well especially against any infantry.
  • For Hard counters, spearmen can be countered by archers as they are very effective as they give 2x damage.

Man At Arms

Men at arms do not have any bonus but they can be very useful as

  • They are very good against spearmen due to their armor.
  • On soft counters, Area of effect siege units can be very useful as well especially against any infantry. Unlike Aoe 3, archers are not that effective against Man At arms due to their increased heavy armor.
  • For Hard counters, crossbows can prove to be very dangerous as they have 1.5x increased damage against Man at arms.


  • Landsknecht are very good when they face mass melee units.
  • A Soft counter against them can be done by using crossbows, cavalry archers and Area of effect siege units can be very useful as well especially against any infantry.
  • For hard counters, archers can be used for such purposes as they have 2x damage against Landsknecht.


  • Archers are insanely good against spearmen and cross-bow men.
  • If you want to soft counter them, knights and man-at-arms can be useful.
  • For hard counter, both horsemen and firelancers have 2x damage against them so use them. Also, Area of effect siege units can be very useful as well especially against any infantry.


  • Crossbowmen are exceptional against man-at-arms and knights.
  • For soft counters, use archers against them.
  • For hard counter, use horsemen against them as they have 2x damage against crossbowmen. Also, Area of effect siege units can be very useful as well especially against any infantry.


  • Arbaletrier are very good against man-at-arms, knights and archers.
  • Like crossbowmen, if you want to counter against Arbaletrier, use horsemen against them as they have 2x damage against crossbowmen.


  • Horsemen are exceptionally good against ranged units.
  • If you want to counter them, you can use armored units for soft counters and for heavy counters you can use spearmen and camel riders.


  • Like horsemen, lancers are very good against ranged units.
  • For soft counters, use armored units against them.
  • For hard counters, like horsemen, they are vulnerable against spearmen and camel riders.


  • Swordsmen are good against light units like horsemen.
  • In order to counter them, use heavy units like lancers.

A Software Engineer who thinks the real world is too boring and found solace in the gaming universe to fulfil his cravings for unlimited possibilities. I am a gaming enthusiast since Vice City, IGI, Cricket ...