Age of Empires 4 offers a dynamic strategy experience, and resource management is key to your success. One way to support your allies or navigate tricky situations is through the tribute system. Tribute means transferring resources between stockpiles of two players. This helps you aid more resource-starved team players in upgrading their military or defenses.
Tribute allows you to share resources with other civilizations in the game. This can be helpful in multiplayer matches to keep your teammates afloat or even hinder opposing forces by bribing them. In single-player campaigns, tribute can be crucial for specific missions, such as appeasing powerful factions to avoid conflict.
This guide explains everything you need to know about how to pay and use tribute effectively in AOE4. We’ll cover what tribute is, how to pay it, and some helpful strategies for incorporating tribute into your gameplay.
How to Pay Tribute?

Tribute can be paid to any Civilization in AOE4 you are working with or even fighting against. It is really easy to pay tribute. You will find the tribute menu in the top right corner of the screen for both single-player and Skirmish.
Remember that you will not see this option in missions where you can’t pay tribute. Whenever you are allowed to pay tribute, you will see this option in the top right corner of the screen, or hold the left trigger and press the start/menu button on your Xbox controller to bring up the tribute menu.
A small menu will appear on the screen when you click on the Pay Tribute option. This will show you the available players in the game. You may also see some extra items in certain campaign missions.
You will see four icons in the tribute menu next to each player’s name. All four of them are for the main resources: wood, food, gold, and stone. When you left-click on any of them, it will add 100 units of that resource, and right-click will reduce the 100 units of that resource.
Select how many resources you want to send as tribute and press Send. The resources will be deducted from your stockpiles and sent to your chosen player.
Tribute Requirements
To send tribute to other players in AoE 4, you will need to meet the given requirements:
- You can’t be hostile to those you’re paying tribute to
- You must be in Feudal Age
- You must have a market
You can only send tributes to a team member in Multiplayer and Skirmish matches. You cannot send tribute to the members of another team. Even in free-for-all matches, you can only send tribute to your team members.
The criteria for sending tribute in the AOE 4 campaign are different for every mission. You will learn about that from the mission scenarios, so don’t worry.
How To Pay Tribute in Rise of Moscow in AOE4?

Paying tribute is crucial to Age of Empires 4, especially when playing as Moscow. As Moscow grows in power and influence, it must continue to pay tribute to the Golden Horde to avoid conflict. Here’s a step-by-step method on how to pay tribute:
1. Establish Trade Routes
You must establish trade routes with nearby towns and settlements to pay tribute. This will generate gold, which is necessary to pay the tribute demanded by the Golden Horde.
2. Protect Your Traders
Bandits and opportunistic raiders will try to attack your traders and disrupt your trade routes. Protect your traders by building defensive structures and assigning military units to escort them.
3. Collect Gold
Collect gold from your settlements and trade partners as your trade routes flourish. You can also purchase additional settlements to increase your gold income.
4. Meet the Tribute Demands
When the Golden Horde demands tribute, meet their demands before the deadline expires in AOE4. Failure to do so will result in conflict and potential defeat.
Tips for Paying Tribute

- Focus on building a strong economy by establishing trade routes and protecting your traders.
- Use your military units to defend against bandits and raiders.
- Purchase additional settlements to increase your gold income.
- Keep an eye on the deadline for paying tribute and plan accordingly.
- Consider building defensive structures to protect your settlements and trade routes.