Crusader Kings 3 Marriage and Family Guide

This guide will go over the marriage system in Crusader Kings 3, helping you find your other half and ensuring the continuity of your family

Being a powerful leader and a king comes with responsibilities, one of those responsibilities is to transition your kingdom to safe hands of your rightful heirs. Marriage and starting your own family in Crusader Kings 3 is the best way for that transition of power.

Our Crusader Kings III Marriage and Family guide has all the information about how you can get married in the Crusader Kings 3.

Crusader Kings 3 Marriage and Family

Marriage in CK3 can have two potential benefits. You can use marriage as an alliance tool as well as to get heirs to your kingdom.

You can also use the arrange marriage option to make partners in your courtiers. If you use this right it can give you lots of advantages in the game.

You can make strong alliances in your own court that you can use to your advantage in a tough political situation.

How to find the right Spouse

There is a “Find Spouse” option in the menu that will open a list of all the possible candidates that you can choose from to marry.

These characters that you see in the find spouse menu will be from all over the world.

A spouse can benefit your kingdom in many ways; Either they can give you heirs, or they can give you political advantages.

It is up to you to select a perfect spouse for the marriage and get the ceremony done.

To select a spouse according to your requirements you can use the filter tool available in the spouse menu.

This tool will let you filter out from all the available options based on Age, Personal traits and Political situations.

If you want to marry for heirs you need to look up and use the filter in the personal traits to get the best heirs in Crusader Kings III.

Some traits are passed on to children which can lead to your advantage or disadvantage so use the filter option to select the best for you.

If you are marrying for some political alliance, use the politics filter and check for the spouse candidates in the region you want an alliance with.

This will give you power and influence in the region where your spouse is from.

Now when you have selected the spouse, you can click on the character and add to the recipient side and if their Lord accepts the proposal you will be able to marry them.

If the Lord of your potential spouse in CK3 is not accepting your offer, you can either find a new one or you can use Strong Hook or Weak Hook to force the matter to your advantage.