", "uploadDate": "2015-03-03T15:35:36+00:00" }

Amplitude Just Got the First Gameplay Trailer From Harmonix

By now you would have heard of the “reboot” version of Amplitude which is being developed by Harmonix. Gamers who were fans of music based videogames back in 2003 would be please about it.

For the same fans, and the new ones who either backed the Kickstarter campaign or got wind of the game after harmonix started talking about it, we now have the first gameplay video of Amplitude.

In the video (above), which claims “this is more than a reboot… this is a recharge,” you see the simple but definitely addictive mechanics of the game at works.

While playing you have to hit the notes as the song plays and keep gathering enough until the song ends. This is the same as it used to be 12 years ago, but the reboot will come with new songs, better graphics and better integration thanks to newer features that are available on the consoles now.

Some time ago, Harmonix had set a goal of $775,000 on Kickstarter and the backers came together with $844,000 in response.

This shows that there are many fans out there who wish to play the newer version of the game again.

Check out the video above and tell us what you think.

Amplitude is expected to hit PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 in the mid of this year.

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Sarmad is our Senior Editor, and is also one of the more refined and cultured among us. He's 25, a finance major, and having the time of his life writing about videogames.