Atlas Dedicated Server Guide – How to Setup

Our Atlas Dedicated Server Guide will help you learn everything you need to know about setting up your very own dedicated server in Atlas MMO.

There is a lot to do in the MMO and this calls for time to practice new techniques and learn new mechanics or just have an exclusive server or community that will hold your hand through those processes. All of this is possible via a custom or dedicated server that you can set up in Atlas. We will discuss how to do that in our Atlas Dedicated Server Guide below:

Atlas Dedicated Server

Apart from making your own set of rules and not having your settlements raided by other players, you can also apply cheat codes when it comes to your own private server. Firstly, you will need to install the game such that the package comes with the server files that you need for a Dedicated Server.

To do this, simply download the SteamCMD tool and then run the input command into it:

steamCMD + login anonymous + force_install_dir c:\atlasserver +app_update 1006030 validate + exit

If you wish to install these files at a separate destination or folder, then make changes to the ‘c:\atlasserver’ snippet as you see fit. Once the download is finished, you need to configure the server to your liking.

Create and access a batch or ‘.bat’ file within the game’s folder. It does not matter what you name it as long as you ensure that the file extension is ‘.bat’.

This is done by first opening a new notepad file, inputting the following command and then saving the file as ‘example.bat’.

start /high C:\ATLAS\ShooterGame\Binaries\Win64\ShooterGameServer.exe Ocean?ServerX=0?ServerY=0?AltSaveDirectoryName=00?ServerAdminPassword=123?MaxPlayers=125?ReservedPlayerSlots=25?QueryPort=57561?Port=5761?SeamlessIP= -log -server –NoBattlEye

Glancing over at the code above, you can recognize a few parameters that you can play around for varying in-game effects.

These are the ‘Server Admin Password’, that you can alter desirably, the ‘Max Players’ count as per your need, and changing ‘Seamless IP’ to your IP.

Once you have made any sufficient edits, proceed to download the Server Grid Tool which will help you change server name under ‘Friendly Name’ and server password under ‘Atlas Password’.

Now save your project in the game’s folder and you will find it as ‘ServerGrid.Json’. Run the game through the .bat file that you created earlier and you are all set to go.

In the unfortunate case, the game does not run properly, make sure to port-forward or precisely speaking, allow the ports: 7777 and 27015 through your router or broadband settings.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...