Darksiders 3 Weapons Enhancements Guide

With the help of our Darksiders 3 Weapon Enhancements Guide, you will be able to learn about all the Scorn Enhancements in Darksiders III.

Want to make the perfect build for your shape of Scorn? Fret not! This Darksiders 3 Weapons Enhancement Guide is here to guide you on your journey while trying to explain everything precisely and easily.

Darksiders 3 Weapons Enhancements

Even though weapons can be enhanced on their own, they aren’t as effective unless you fill each weapon’s slots with “Enhancements”.

Enhancements are basically gems that can be linked to an item and they will provide active and passive buffs when you have that specific weapon with that gem equipped.

There are several enhancements in Darksiders 3 and each enhancement has a specific effect. Be sure to follow this guide and we will link and explain all the effects in the game.

Each enhancement can be upgraded a number of times using Artifacts too, and we will be discussing them accordingly. Without further ado, let us begin!

Fortifier Enhancement

Fortifier Enhancement is the first of the enhancements that can be unlocked very early in the game. You can find the enhancement very early on, in Haven.

It is on the main path after the first space you crawl through. You’ll know its nearby if you see an ogre-type enemy guarding a red-colored web.

The Fortifier Enhancement offers +5% to +18% HP for just being socket-ed into one of the items.

Another thing to note is that: if you activate that weapon’s Hollow which has this enhancement equipped, it’ll deal +3% to +15% Physical and Arcane damage.

One of the recommended weapons for this Fortifier is the Lance of Scorn. Basically, any ranged melee weapon is good with this enhancement.

Fortifier Enhancement Location
At the point in West End where you fight the four armed monster and the red spider web, you will find it in the area where you fight them.

Fortifier Upgrades
You can upgrade the Fortifier to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:


State Physical/Arcane Damage Health Items Required
Unfocused +3% +5% Null


For the Demonic path, you deal more physical and arcane damage

State Physical/Arcane Damage Health Items Required
Demonic +1 +6% +10% 2x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +2 +9% +10% 4x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +3 +12% +10% 6x Demonic Artifact


For the Angelic path, players get a bigger health bar

State Physical/Arcane Damage Health Items Required
Angelic +1 +3% +5% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +3% +7% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +3% +10% 6x Angelic Artifact


State Physical/Arcane Damage Health Items Required
Balanced +15% +18% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic/Demonic Artifact

Chaos Enhancement

The Chaos Enhancement is one of the best enhancements in the game, that offers active lifesteal as long as the weapon you’ve equipped Chaos on, is using the Hollow ability. However, not very high lifesteal, it is still a lot: 0.5% to 2.5%.

Chaos also offers +10% to +50% increase in duration of the Havoc skill even if the weapon’s Havoc skill isn’t active. This is a lot of duration.

Using this weapon on a high chain weapon is amazing, and you’ll be able to recover a lot of HP almost instantly.

Chaos Enhancements Locations
You can find it after the Catacombs Vulgrim. It is in the big statue room. Go to the right side and just before you get to the puzzle, look at your left. Break the pots to reveal the hole and jump down it. Here, you can find it behind the red-eyed skeleton.

Chaos Upgrades
You can upgrade the Chaos to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:


State Damage Return as Health Havoc Duration Items Required
Unfocused +0.5% +10% Null


For the Demonic path, dealing damage grants health to player

State Damage Return as Health Havoc Duration Items Required
Demonic +1 +0.5% +20% 2x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +2 +0.5% +30% 4x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +3 +0.5% +40% 6x Demonic Artifact


For the Angelic path, Havoc form lasts longer

State Damage Return as Health Havoc Duration Items Required
Angelic +1 +1% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +1.5% +10% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +2% +10% 6x Angelic Artifact


State Damage Return as Health Havoc Duration Items Required
Balanced +2.5% +50% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic/Demonic Artifact

Leviathan Enhancement

Leviathan is an enhancement for berserkers. This enhancement can be purchased form the Soul dealer: Vulgrim for 5000 souls. Leviathan will passively regenerate 15 to 90 health per minute when it is equipped to a weapon.

Additionally, if you toggle the weapon’s Hollow ability while having this enhancement equipped, you’ll gain +3 to +15 lurchers when breaking objects with that weapon. Best weapons for this enhancement include Chains of Scorn and Barbs of Scorn.

Of course, this enhancement can be upgraded to make you a godly entity with almost instant HP regen.

Leviathan Enhancement Location
Players can buy this enhancement from Vulgrim for 5,000 souls.

Leviathan Upgrades
You can upgrade the Leviathan to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:


State Lurchers when breaking objects Health regen per minute Items Required
Unfocused +3 +15 Null


For the Demonic path, Lurchers come out when you break environmental objects

State Lurchers when breaking objects Health regen per minute Items Required
Demonic +1 +5 +30 2x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +2 +7% +30 4x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +3 +10% +30 6x Demonic Artifact


State Lurchers when breaking objects Health regen per minute Items Required
Angelic +1 +3 +30 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +3 +45 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +3 +60 6x Angelic Artifact


State Lurchers when breaking objects Health regen per minute Items Required
Balanced +15 +90 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Shade Enhancement

The Shade is an enhancement that must be used if you want to be a tanky Fury. Shade offers 7% to 35% Arcane damage increment when you’re using the Hollow skill of the weapon you’ve equipped this enhancement on.

Additionally, the enhancement also offers 10% to 30% Arcane damage intake reduction passively. This is a lot, considering most of the bosses in Darksiders 3 do Arcane damage.

Darksiders 3 Shade Weapon Enhancement Location

Get to the Maker’s Forge location and look for the tree where Ulthane lives. Go down and back to the building that faces this tree and look to your right.

Here, glide down with the lightning hollow and follow the path. Again, glide over the buildings using the little tornado as boosts to keep you airborne. The enhancement can be found on the ledge that you have to swing to after you kill the enemies in the shallow water area

Shade Upgrades
You can upgrade the Shade to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Arcane damage dealt Arcane damage reduced Items Required
Unfocused +7% +10% Null


State Arcane damage dealt Arcane damage reduced Items Required
Demonic +1 +7% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +14% +10% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +21% +10% 6x Angelic Artifact


State Arcane damage dealt Arcane damage reduced Items Required
Angelic +1 +7% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +7% +15% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +7% +20% 6x Angelic Artifact


State Arcane damage dealt Arcane damage reduced Items Required
Balanced +35% +30% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Juggernaut Enhancement

The Juggernaut is a very similar enhancement to the Shade Enhancement, but instead of the normal Arcane damage intake reduction, the Juggernaut enhancement will give you physical damage reduction passively.

Just like the Shade enhancement, the Juggernaut enhancement also offers you increased Physical damage done with the equipped weapon as long as you have the Hollow skill active.

Darksiders 3 Juggernaut Weapon Enhancement Location

In the Nether area, go into the dark tunnel and look underneath the subway car in the dark room. Here, crawl underneath it and into the crawlspace you see in front of you. The enhancement is in the room you enter along with a few enemies.

Juggernaut Upgrades
You can upgrade the Juggernaut to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Physical damage dealt Physical damage reduced Items Required
Unfocused +5% +10% Null




State Physical damage dealt Physical damage reduced Items Required
Demonic +1 +10% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +15% +10% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +20% +10% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Physical damage dealt Physical damage reduced Items Required
Angelic +1 +5% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +5% +15% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +5% +20% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Physical damage dealt Physical damage reduced Items Required
Balanced +30% +30% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Obscuris Enhancement

The Obscuris enhancement can be used to run away from the laws that normally binds enemies, effectively dealing more damage than normally possible.

Of course, the Obscuris can also be used to passively increase the window you will remain invincible in, too, by a whopping +8.3% to +25%.

If you use the weapon’s Hollow skill while this enhancement is into play, you’ll increase the amount of havoc you can deal by +5% to +20%.

Obscurus Enhancement Location

After Hangman’s Tree, in Bonelands, look underneath the nests of the two insects. At the back of the area, this enhancement can be found

Obscuris Upgrades
You can upgrade the Obscuris to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Havoc generated Evade Invincibility Window Items Required
Unfocused +5% +8.3% Null




State Havoc generated Evade Invincibility Window Items Required
Demonic +1 +7% +8.3% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +10% +8.3% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +15% +8.3% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Havoc generated Evade Invincibility Window Items Required
Angelic +1 +5% +12.5% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +5% +16.6% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +5% +20.8% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Havoc generated Evade Invincibility Window Items Required
Balanced +20% +25% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Azazel Enhancement

Azazel provides a passive ability to regenerate +6 to +18 Wraith Bar per minute. Of course, if you use a Weapon’s Hollow skill while having this enhancement equipped, you’ll generate a whopping +5% to +25% wraith per hit!

Using a high hit combo weapon like the Edge of Scorn or Salvation is a very good choice for this enhancement.

Azazel Enhancement Location

Go underwater in the depth and search for the movable purple rock here. Move it and enter the hole where the enhancement is sitting. You may glitch out so don’t collide with the walls much.

Azazel Upgrades
You can upgrade the Azazel to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Wraith generated per hit Wraith generated per minute Items Required
Unfocused +5% +6 Null




State Wraith generated per hit Wraith generated per minute Items Required
Demonic +1 +10% +6 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +15% +6 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +20% +6 6x Angelic Artifact




State Wraith generated per hit Wraith generated per minute Items Required
Angelic +1 +5% +9 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +5% +12 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +5% +15 6x Angelic Artifact




State Wraith generated per hit Wraith generated per minute Items Required
Balanced +25% +18 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Marauder Enhancement

The Marauder is an enhancement for looters and for the people who want to to get rich fast. Of course, you aren’t Greed. No, you are hunting Greed. But if Greed has truly captivated your mind, this enhancement will only make your life a little bit easier.

While having this enhancement equipped, the chance for an item to drop from an enemy increases by +10% to +30%.

Additionally, if you use the weapon’s hollow you have this enhancement equipped on, you’ll gain an additional +5% to +30% chance to spawn a Health Lurcher.

Marauder Enhancement Location

In the Tangled Grotto area, find a purple breakable wall. Break it and jump down. Keep dropping down until you reach the path to the lava area. Kill the enemies and the enhancement is found in a small lava pool in this area.

Marauder Upgrades
You can upgrade the Marauder to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:


State Item Drop Chance Chance to Spawn Health Lurcher Items Required
Unfocused +10% -5% Null


For the Demonic path, Health Lurchers have a better chance of spawning.

State Item Drop Chance Chance to Spawn Health Lurcher Items Required
Demonic +1 +10% +10% 2x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +2 +20% +115% 4x Demonic Artifact
Demonic +3 +25% +20% 6x Demonic Artifact


For the Angelic path, Item Drop chances increase.

State Item Drop Chance Chance to Spawn Health Lurcher Items Required
Angelic +1 +10% +7% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +10% +9% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +10% +12% 6x Angelic Artifact


State Item Drop Chance Chance to Spawn Health Lurcher Items Required
Balanced +30% +30% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact/Demonic Artifact

Fortune Enhancement

The fortune isn’t exactly what you think it might be. That’s Marauder. Instead, Fortune offers you better efficiency and potency when you use consumables. Not all consumables will get potency bonus, but most consumables, like the healing salves, will work.

Passively, when you use Fortune, you’ll increase the potency of a consumable by +10% to +30%.

Fortune also provides more Health and other Lurchers, a whopping +10% to +30% if you use the equipped weapon’s Hollow skill when you have Fortune equipped.

Fortune Enhancement Location

In Sewage Egress Vulgrim, look to your right and use the Stasis Hollow jump to reach the next area. It is in a room with a few enemies.

Fortune Upgrades
You can upgrade the Fortune to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Unfocused +10% +10% Null




State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Demonic +1 +15% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +20% +10% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +25% +10% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Angelic +1 +10% +15% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +10% +20% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +10% +25% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Balanced +30% +30% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Rage Enhancement

The Rage is an enhancement that can be used to gain +10% to +50% Wrath reward from Wrath Lurchers passively, with just having this enhancement equipped on one of your weapons’ sockets.

Rage enhancement also actively offers a chance for an enemy to spawn a Wrath whenever they’re hit by your weapon’s Hollow ability. There’s a 5% to 25% for this to happen.

Of course, this might not seem like much, but in front of a horde of enemies, this is a very good enhancement. You can buy the Rage Enhancement from Vulgrim, the Soul Trader, for 5000 souls.

This enhancement works best on weapons that have AoE Hollow attacks like the Barbs of Scorn, Salvation and the Edge of Scorn.

Rage Upgrades
You can upgrade the Rage to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Chance for a weapon to spawn wrath Wrath reward increase per wrath lurcher Items Required
Unfocused +5% +10% Null




State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Demonic +1 +10% +10% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +15% +10% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +20% +10% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Angelic +1 +5% +20% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +5% +30% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +5% +40% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Lurchers when killing an enemy Potency increase for consumables Items Required
Balanced +25% +50% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Fafnir Enhancement

Fafnir reminds me of a specific weeb dragon. A-Anyways, Fafnir is a very peculiar enhancement that can be used for a berserker build against a horde of enemies. Heck, if you’re a very rich guy, this enhancement will deal a crap lot of damage.

Fafnir will increase damage by +.25% to +1.5% for every 2000 souls you are carrying in your inventory. This is the active effect. You may need to use your weapon’s Hollow ability to activate this effect.

Otherwise, you can also use the enhancement’s passive ability, that is 50% to 100% melee damage that is done on you, is reflected back to the attacker. 100% essentially makes you immortal against melee enemies.

You will be rewarded with Fafnir as soon as you beat Lust and return to Usiel. Usiel will reward you.

Fafnir Upgrades
You can upgrade the Fafnir to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Damage increase per every 2000 souls carried Damage reflection back on the attacker (melee) Items Required
Unfocused +0.25% +50% Null




State Damage increase per every 2000 souls carried Damage reflection back on the attacker (melee) Items Required
Demonic +1 +0.50% +50% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +0.75% +50% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +1% +50% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Damage increase per every 2000 souls carried Damage reflection back on the attacker (melee) Items Required
Angelic +1 +0.25% +60% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +0.25% +70% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +0.25% +80% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Damage increase per every 2000 souls carried Damage reflection back on the attacker (melee) Items Required
Balanced +1.5% +100% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


Enoch Enhancement

The final enhancement in the guide, though not the most useless, is the Enoch enhancement. The Enoch enhancement can be used to increase the amount of Havoc bar you’ll regenerate per minute passively, by 3% to 18%.

Actively, Enoch provides +15% to +85% damage when your health falls beneath 25%. This is a lot if you really think about it.

Using Chains of Scorn will be super epic with this Enhancement, though I’m guessing the Ice powered Edge of Scorn will be more effective with Enoch because Enoch will provide you invincibility with its Wraith toggle ability.

Enoch Enhancement Location

In the Catacombs of Vulgrim, in the statue room, head to the room on the left in the later parts of the room. Here, use the Thunder Hollow to glide down to a ledge, then grapple to the lava pool on the right. Here, the enhancement is near the lava enemy.

Enoch Upgrades
You can upgrade the Enoch to be more effective, though it might cost you Artifacts. Here’s what you need to know:



State Damage increase when below 25% hp Havoc generation increase per minute Items Required
Unfocused +15% +3% Null




State Damage increase when below 25% hp Havoc generation increase per minute Items Required
Demonic +1 +30% +3% 2x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +2 +45% +3% 4x Angelic Artifact
Demonic +3 +60% +3% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Damage increase when below 25% hp Havoc generation increase per minute Items Required
Angelic +1 +15% +6% 2x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +2 +15% +9% 4x Angelic Artifact
Angelic +3 +15% +12% 6x Angelic Artifact




State Damage increase when below 25% hp Havoc generation increase per minute Items Required
Balanced +85% +18% 1x Essence of a Chosen, 12x Angelic Artifact


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