Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a dream come true for everyone who played this addictive game on the original PlayStation 1.
Spyro is back in HD and the graphics are improved a lot. Recently PlayStation Access released a video showing us old and new versions of the game. The video surprises us by showing the impressive improvements done to the game. Rendering of characters is magnificent and pure crazy for some.
Spyro Reignited trilogy is going to come to PlayStation 4 and this time for Xbox One as well, this fall, on September 21.
This trilogy includes three original games, SpyroTM the Dragon, SpyroTM 2: Ripto’s Rage! and SpyroTM: Year of the Dragon fully remastered for current-gen consoles. You’ll get to explore the beautiful in-game world again, find new characters and relive all the adventures of the past in high definition.
Check out the video below to see for yourself the difference between two and how far we have come since the arrival of PlayStation One.