Resident Evil Revelations Raid Mode Strategy Guide – Chasm, Trench and Abyss

Tips and strategies to Resident Evil Revelations Raid Mode.

Resident Evil 6 was criticized a lot by the community for not being the survival horror for which the series is famous for. Resident Evil Revelations for 3DS, however, was received well by the critics and fans alike. The game is now being ported to other major platforms, including PC, PS3 and Xbox 360.

Apart from the main story campaign, the game offers players a co-op experience in the form of Raid mode. Although the enemies and the setting in the Raid mode is same as that of the main campaign, there are other things like enemy difficulty, upgrades and progression system that makes it different.

The Raid mode can be played at different difficulty levels, and each level has its challenges where players are rewarded accordingly in the form of Battle Points and items like weapon upgrades, etc.

The Raid mode is divided into various stages where your primary objective is to reach a designated spot. You fight your way through different enemies and collect rewards. If you are looking for more details on the mode, you can refer to our Raid Mode guide for further insight.

For more help on Resident Evil Revelations, read our Enemy Locations, Unlocks and Weapons Upgrades Locations Guide.

Resident Evil Revelations – Raid Mode Basics

There are 21 stages for the raid mode, and new stages will unlock as you progress through the main campaign. Enemies you will encounter in the Raid mode are same as in the main campaign but there is small difference in their appearance and behavior.

Each enemy will have a health bar displayed over his head while you engage with it. Your strikes will also display the damage you have dealt to the enemy. The red strikes would mean that you are hitting the critical parts.

Some enemies would also come with status enhancements. So watch out for those icons too. The orange fist icon will mean “Attack up” while the Green shield icon will refer “Defense Up.” The blue running man icon will correspond to speed up.

At the end of each stage, players will be rewarded with bonus in the form of “BP” (Battle Points). Those points of course will depend on how well you have performed during the stage considering your accuracy, enemy kills, damage dealt and the time you have to take to clear the stage.

For special cases, there is an extra reward for Perfect Shot (no enemies missed while shooting), No Damage (no damage received while killing enemies), Genocide (all enemies in the stage were defeated) and Trinity (Finished the stage with all the other bonuses received).

Apart from Battle points, the characters, you would select during the stages will gain experience and level up, increasing their attributes. Your attack will be increased, and the enhanced level will also help you to use more powerful weapons. If your level is lower than the required one for the weapon, you won’t be able to use it.

Talking of weapons, initially, you will be allowed to carry 12 weapons in your inventory. You can upgrade your inventory later with the upgrades. Anyhow, you should be selective in choosing the weapons as you won’t have an unlimited space. Generally, it’s useful that you keep weapons with more customization slots than others.

Resident Evil Revelations Raid Mode – Character Skills

Each character available in Raid Mode has specific attributes that will render them with certain boosts. These attributes will effect the use of certain weapons and the effectiveness of each character in different scenarios. The skills of each character are:

Chris Skills
Shotgun Reload Speed = 200%
Rifle Reload Speed = 200%

Jill Skills
Handgun Reload Speed = 200%
Machine Gun Reload Speed = 200%

Raymond Skills
Handgun Reload Speed = 200%
Magnum Reload Speed = 200%

Parker Skills
Shotgun Reload Speed = 200%
Rifle Reload Speed = 200%

Machine Gun Reload Speed = 200%
Rifle Reload Speed = 200%

Machine Gun Reload Speed = 200%
Physical Attack Damage = +50%
Knife Damage = 100%+

Machine Gun Reload Speed = 200%
Grenade Blast Range = +50%

As you can see that each character is better at using some weapons than others. So, when you partner up with someone, you can choose the combination that will suite your play-style or the nature of the stage.

Resident Evil Revelations Raid Mode – Weapon Upgrades

Weapon upgrades are crucial in Raid mode. You will find a variety of upgrades as your progress through different stages. These upgrades will improve the performance of specific weapons. Following list of upgrades will help you find the concerned upgrades in the Raid mode.

Note: Some of the upgrades can only be found after completing the infected or wanted missions which pop-up randomly after the end of a duo raid mode session.


Upgrade: Fire your weapon without reloading.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: You can find it in one of the infection missions.

Bind 1
Upgrade: Stopping power is increased by 100%.
Supported Weapons: Hand Gun, Machine gun
Location: Chasm (Stages 1 and 2)

Bind 2
Upgrade: Stopping power increased by 150%
Supported Weapons: Shotgun, Rifle, Magnum
Location: Chasm (Stages 3 and 10)

Bind 3
Upgrade: Stopping Power Increased by 200%
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun
Location: Chasm (Stages 10, 12, 13, 15, 19, 20) and Trench (Stages 1 and 4)

Bind 4
Upgrade: Stopping power increased by 250%.
Supported Weapons: Shotgun, Rifle, Magnum
Location: Chasm (Stage 20)

Bind 5
Upgrade: Stopping power increased by 300%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: You can find it in Abyss stages or Trench stages.

Burst 1
Upgrade: To consecutive shots with one trigger pull.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench (Stage 20).

Burst 2
Upgrade: Fires the consecutive shots with one trigger pull.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Infection Mission upgrade.

Cloak 1
Upgrade: The enemy attention level is decreased by 40%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm (Stages 1, 2 and 4).

Cloak 2
Upgrade: The enemy attention level is decreased by 80%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench Stages (5,15)

Charge Shot 1
Upgrade: You can place a charges shot while holding the shoot button for some time. It decreases the time required to hold.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle
Location: Abyss (Stages 1,2)

Charge Shot 2
Upgrade: Charge time is increased but you can do more damage with it.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle, Magnum
Location: Abyss (Stage 15)

Charge Shot 3
Upgrade: The Charge is also decreased by it.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle
Location: Abyss (Stage 20).

Charge Shot 4
Upgrade: The time of charged is increased with the firepower.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle, Magnum
Location: Abyss (Stage 16 and 18)

Cornucopia 1
Upgrade: You ammo is restored by 1 every 30 seconds.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun
Location: Abyss (Stage 20)

Cornucopia 2
Upgrade: Restores your ammo by 4 every 30 seconds.
Supported Weapons: Shotgun, Rifle
Location: Abyss (Stage 20)

Cornucopia 3
Upgrade: Restores your ammo by 6 every 30 seconds.
Supported Weapons: Shotgun, Rifle
Location: Infection Mission

Cornucopia 4
Upgrade: Restores your ammo by 12 every 30 seconds
Supported Weapons: Magnum
Location: Infected Mission

Critical 1
Upgrade: Critical Strike Chance is increase by 8%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm Stages (1,3,7,9,10)

Critical 2
Upgrade: Critical Strike chance is increased by 16%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm Stages (9,12,17,20)

Critical 3
Upgrade: The critical strike chance is increased by 24%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench (Stages 1, 6)

Critical 4
Upgrade: Critical Strike Chance is increased by 32%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench (Stages 8,20)

Critical 5
Upgrade: Critical Strike Rate is increased by 40%
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Infection Mission.

Damage 1
Upgrade: Firepower is increased by 4%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm Stages 1

Damage 2
Upgrade: Firepower is increased by 8%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm Stages 5, 9 and 12.

Damage 3
Upgrade: Firepower is increased by 12%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm Stages 13, 16 and 20.

Damage 4
Upgrade: Firepower is increased by 16%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench Stages 9 and 20.

Damage 5
Upgrade: Firepower is increased by 20%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench Stages 13 and 20.

Damage 6
Upgrade: Firepower is increase by 25%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Infection mission.

Daze 1
Upgrade: The daze power is increase by 40%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun.
Location: Chasm Stages 1,3 and 4.

Daze 2
Upgrade: Daze power is increased by 30%
Supported Weapons: Shotgun, Rifle and Magnum.
Location: Chasm Stage 11.

Daze 3
Upgrade: Daze power is increase by 80%
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun
Location: Chasm Stage 16 and Trench Stages 8, 15.

Daze 4
Upgrade: Daze power is increased by 60%.
Supported Weapons: Shotgun, Rifle, Magnum.
Location: Abyss Stage 3 and Trench Stages 15, 20.

Daze 5
Upgrade: Daze power is increased by 120%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: N/A

Easy Hit 1
Upgrade: Area hit by the shots in increased by 200%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun Shotgun, Rifle and Magnum
Location: Chasm Stages 1,5.

Easy Hit 2
Upgrade: The area of hit is widened by 400%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Rifle and Magnum.
Location: Chasm Stages 2,5 and 20.

Easy hit 3
Upgrade: The area of impact is increased by 600%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun,Rifle and Magnum.
Location: Abyss Stages 4,11 and 12.

Edge Runner 1
Upgrade: The firepower is increased as the health decreases. The change is 17% at max.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm (Stage 3,9)

Edge Runner 2
Upgrade: The maximum change reaches to 34%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm (Stages 4 and 6), Trench Stages (4,6)

Edge Runner 3
Upgrade: The maximum change can be up to 50%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: N/A

Enrage 1
Upgrade: Increases the degree of enemy aggression on attack by 100%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm (Stages 1,6)

Enrage 2
Upgrade: Increases the degree of enemy aggression on attack by 200%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench (1,6 and 20), Abyss (1,5)

Fire Rate 1
Upgrade: Fire rate is increased by 15%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm (Stages 6,7,15,17,20), Trench Stage 3.

Fire Rate 2
Upgrade: The fire rate is increased by 30%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Chasm (Stage 20), Trench Stages 10 and 15.

Fire Rate 3
Upgrade: Fire rate is increased by 45%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Trench (Stages 7,8,9)

Fire Rate 4
Upgrade: Fire Rate is increased by 60%.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Abyss (Stages 15,16,17,18)

Full Burst
Upgrade: All the bullets are fired at once.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Infection mission.

Upgrade: You can use ammo of other weapons when you are out of current weapon’s ammo.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Infection Mission.

Grenade Launcher
Upgrade: You will be able throw grenades in line while aiming.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Machine Gun.
Location: Infection Mission.

Infighter 1
Upgrade: Your firepower increases as the distance between you and target is reduced (upto 15%)
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Shotgun, Machine Gun, Magnum
Location: Chasm (Stages 10, 11, 12, 13,15,20)

Infighter 2
Upgrade: The maximum change goes to 30%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun Shotgun, Machine and Magnum.
Location: Trench (Stage 15)

Infighter 3
Upgrade: The maximum firepower range goes to 45%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun, Magnum
Location: Abyss (Stages 19 and 20).

Long Magazine Upgrades
These upgrades will increase the ammo capacity of weapons carried by you. The increase can pile up to 100%. The upgrade is supported by all weapons.

Narrow upgrades
They are specific for shotgun. The upgrade reduces the scatter range of shotgun. The decrease can be up to 12 degrees.

Outrange 1
Upgrade: As the distance from the target increases by 4 meters, the firepower keeps on increasing. The change is 15% at max.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun, Rifle, Magnum
Location: Chasm (Stages 9, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20)

Outrange 2
Upgrade: The maximum change reaches 30% at maximum.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun, Magnum
Location: Trench (Stages 15, 20)

Outrange 3
Upgrade: The change piles up to 45%.
Supported Weapons: Handgun, Machine Gun, Rifle and Magnum.
Location: N/A

Piercing 1
Upgrade: The penetration power is increased by 1.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Abyss (Stage 3)

Piercing 2
Upgrade: Penetration power is increased by 2.
Supported Weapons: All
Location: Infection Mission.

Raid Mode Stages Walkthrough

Here, I am going to walk you through all the stages of the Raid mode. So, let’s get started.

Stage 1 (Crew Quarters Area 1) – Chasm
Your main objective in this stage is to move to the kitchen. For the most part, you will be encountered by Level 1 oozes here. Get your first key after killing the first to ooze creatures you come across and open the door.

Watch out for the additional icons over the heads of the enemies as they will tell you the behavior and strength of the enemy you are encountering. Which enemy to kill first? it primarily depends on you and your weapon of choice. I will recommend that you take out the oozes with extra damage first than deal with others.

Once you have reached the kitchen, the stage will be over.

Stage 1 (Crew Quarters Area 1) – Trench
In the Trench difficulty, the enemy layout is similar to that of Chasm difficulty. You will be encountering Level 17 enemies with Defense Speed and Power boosts. Watch out for the Clawed Oozes that appear in the kitchen. Keep a safe distance and take them out as soon as possible.

Stage 1 (Crew Quarters Area 1) – Abyss
In Abyss difficulty, you will be encountering the same enemies but they will be at level 36. A couple of them will have Power and Speed Boost. If you are wondering that why enemy level is important then it’s just like a MMO or RPG game where if you have lower level than your opponent, the chances of your defeat will be increased.

It’s recommended that you complete all the stages first at Chasm and then move onto the other difficulties.

Stage 2 (Beach) – Chasm
Your primary objective on this stage is to defeat all the enemies on the beach. You will be encountering level 2 Globsters and Dummy Ghiozzo mostly. Just defeat the enemies and collect the loot. Nothing tricky about it.

Stage 2 (Beach) – Trench
You will be encountering same enemies with Level 20 and a few of them will have Power and Speed Boost.

Stage 2 (Beach) – Abyss
In the Abyss difficulty, you will come across enemies if Level 37. Deal with the Skagdead first and then there will be Ghiozzo and Fenrirs to deal with. A couple of enemies will have a defense boost so make sure that you hit them hard to take them out.

Stage 3 (Crew Quarters Area 2) – Chasm
The primary objective of this stage is to move to the Detention Room. The first enemy you will encounter in the corridor will be a Clawed Ooze. Then, there are more of them in the next room. Deal with them and get the key to open the door.

When you unlock the laundry area, a standard ooze and a dummy Ghiozzo will attack you so be cautious and don’t forget to grab the weapon case. There will be a few more oozes deal with before you end the stage.

Stage 3 (Crew Quarters Area 2) – Trench
You will be encountering Level 18 oozes with the Power and Speed Boosts. Illegal custom parts are worthy of playing this stage on Trench.

Stage 3 (Crew Quarters Area 2) – Abyss
The enemy layout stays the same but since its Abyss level, there will be ruthless Level 38 Oozes. Half of them will come with Power and Speed Boosts.

Stage 4 (Snowy Mountain 1) – Chasm
In this stage, you will have to go through the mine to reach the next area. As far as the enemies are concerned, you will be encountering Fenrirs and Dummy Ghizzos. Fenrirs will come with Power and Speed Boosts.

Grab the keys dropped by enemies and keep on moving forward. Apart from the creepy dark environment, there isn’t much to be worried about in this stage.

Stage 4 (Snowy Mountain 1) – Trench
Level 19 enemies will be spawned to annoy you. Watch out for the defensive Fenrir wolves as they will absorb more damage before they are dead.

Stage 4 (Snowy Mountain 1) – Abyss
Level 39 enemies including Fenrir Wolves, Hunters and Dummy Ghiozzos will welcome you to the Abyss. Enemies will Speed, Power and Defense boosts with them.

Stage 5 (Guest Cabin) – Chasm
You need to reach the elevator in this stage. At chasm difficulty, level 5 Oozes will spawn at various sections. Some of them will come Power and Speed boosts with them. The library on the right is optional but if you want the weapon case, it’s inside.

Collect the both the key and you are good to move on.

Stage 5 (Guest Cabin) – Trench
Diverse Oozes with Level 20 will spawn on this difficulty. Watch out for the clawed Oozes as they have power boost on this stage.

Stage 5 (Guest Cabin) – Abyss
Although the enemy layout stays the same, the explosive Oozes with Speed boost can be a real pain. You should take them out as soon as possible. Many creatures will come with either defense, speed or Power Boost.

Stage 6 (Promenade Deck) – Chasm
The primary objective of this stage requires you to go through the Promenade. Throughout the stage, you will be encountering the Level 8 Oozes and a Skagdead. Some of them will come with Power, Speed or Defensive boosts. Grab the dropped keys and keep moving towards the final objective.

Stage 6 (Promenade Deck) – Trench
All the Ooze enemies at this difficulty on this stage are of level 21. Some of them will come with Speed, Defense or Power Boost. Watch out for Ranged Oozes with the power boost as they can go unnoticed and deal serious damage.

Stage 6 (Promenade Deck) – Abyss
Many Baby Draghignazzos will join the party in Abyss difficulty. Each enemy will be at level 40. You will also come across the chaotic Scarmigliones so watch your back from them too. Most of them will come with speed or a power boost.

Stage 7 (Terragrigia 1) – Chasm
Heliport is your final destination on this stage. Level 6 hunters and Dummy Ghiozzos will be encountered throughout the stage. All of them will be of level 6. Some of these creatures will have Defense or Power boosts. Hunters specially with Defensive boost can be troublesome.

Stage 7 (Terragrigia 1) – Trench
The enemy layout stays the same but enemy level is raised to 24. Power, Defense and Speed are the boosts some enemies will be using on Trench difficulty.

Stage 7 (Terragrigia 1) – Abyss
Abyss is the second name of nightmare. More enemies including Farfarellos and Scarmigliones will be introduced with the Abyss difficulty. All the enemies you will come across on this stage will be of level 41. They will be using boosts including Speed, Power and Defense.

Stage 8 (Crew Quarters 3) – Chasm
Your primary objective on this stage is to defeat Rachel. We have an infectious Rachel to deal with. Before you can get to her, there will level 7 Oozes and Ghiozzos to deal with.

First, she will appear in the laboratory and if you kill here there, you will have the exit there but if you can’t, you will have to follow her up to the restaurant. Rachel will net you illegal parts like Long Magazine and outrange.

Stage 8 (Crew Quarters 3) – Trench
Same plot but with Level 22 enemies and boosts like Power or Speed.

Stage 8 (Crew Quarters 3) – Abyss
Rachel comes with a boost (Speed) like the other enemies in Abyss. Scarmigliones also join in the party. They all are of Level 42 so expect some serious craziness out there.

Stage 9 (Bilge Block) – Chasm
In this stage, you are going to restart the power supply. Sea Creepers will also be introduced in this stage. All enemies are level 8 with a few of them having the power boosts.

After pulling the level in the engine room, deal with the creepers and get the second key. Get back to the engine room and pull both the levers. Go to the first Steam pipe to find the COG. You should use the valve handle to turn off the Steam. Now, head to the COG mechanism and get the restart key from there.

You can now use the restart key in the engine room to end the stage.

Stage 9 (Bilge Block) – Trench
Same enemies will appear with Level 23. Some of them will be defensive or speedy so watch out for them.

Stage 9 (Bilge Block) – Abyss
The diversity of enemies will be increased along with the level. Most of them will have a boost with them so that your life can be made hell. The plot however stays the same.

Stage 10 (Snow Mountain 2) – Chasm
You will be encountering Fenrir Level 9 wolves along with Farfarellos and Ghiozzos. The main objective here is to defeat the enemies at the crash site. Take out all the enemies and wait for the exit to appear. All enemies will be of level 9 on this stage with some of them having the power boosts.

Stage 10 (Snow Mountain 2) – Trench
Nothing fishy except the fact that the level cap is increased to 24. Some of the Wolves will have defensive boosts so you should watch out for them.

Stage 10 (Snow Mountain 2) – Abyss
You will be encountering level 46 enemies with Scarmiglione being introduced to the party. Some of them will have boosts which is natural as Abyss difficulty in no joke in Revelations.

Stage 11 (Semeramis) Chasm
You need to clear out all the enemies in the Casino in Stage 11. Enemies that will come your way are different Oozes, Ghiozzos, Hunters and Skagdeads of Level 10. Some of these enemies will have boosts with them so watch your back.

Stage 11 (Semeramis) Trench
The trench difficulty will pit you against level 27 enemies including the Ooze creatures and the Ghiozzos. Rest of the setting remains the same as that of Chasm difficulty.

Stage 11 (Semeramis) Abyss
Different enemies will attack you on Abyss difficulty including Hunter, Skagdeads, Draghignazzos, Scarmiglione and the Dummy Ghiozzos of Level 44. Since it’s abyss difficulty, many enemies will have boosts with them (Power, Speed or Defense). Hunters appear in waves so it’s wise to use explosive or high rate weapons against them.

Stage 12 (Observation Deck) – Chasm
The task is simple; kill them all. Level 13 enemies will be attacking you on this stage. You don’t need to go anywhere else as enemy waves will spawn one by one in the same area till the exit appears.

Some of the enemies will have Speed or Power boosts with them.

Stage 12 (Observation Deck) – Trench
Nothing new except for the fact that enemies are of Level 25. Beat them all for the exit to appear.

Stage 12 (Observation Deck) – Abyss
Enemies become tougher (level 45) and most of them are with boosts. Kill them all and you will be allowed to move on. Watch out for the Ranged Ooze creatures as they can be troublesome doing damage from distance.

Stage 13 (Side Deck) – Chasm
You are required to go to the UAV control room in this stage. You will be encountering Level 11 enemies including Hunters, Ghiozzos, Infected Rachel, Skagdead and some Ranged Ooze creatures. Some of the enemies will also come with boosts like speed or power.

Keep in mind that you have only 10 minutes to finish off this stage so it should be a fast run.

Stage 13 (Side Deck) – Trench
It’s still a timed stage with 15 minutes to complete. Infected Rachel is your major concern as other enemies should be a regular feat for you by now. All the enemies will be at level 26 with some of them having speed or power boosts.

Stage 13 (Side Deck) – Abyss
I am not exactly sure whether Abyss also requires 15 minutes to complete or not. Anyway, most of the enemies are same with level 46. Scarmigliones however will join in at certain parts of the stage.

Stage 14 (Flood) – Chasm
Clearing the Epidemic Prevention Block is your main objective here. All enemies are level 12 with a few of them having boosts of Power or Speed. The water sections in this stage are crawling with creepers so watch out for them.

Deal the final wave of Scarmigliones to finish the stage.

Stage 14 (Flood) – Trench
Nothing new in Trench except the difficulty of the enemies which will be level 27 now.

Stage 14 (Flood) – Abyss
As soon as the stage starts, shoot the damned Scarmigliones as quickly as you can. Keep your focus as these level 47 enemies can surprise you suddenly. This danger level of course is not for nothing as you will be getting some useful custom parts as reward.

Stage 15 (Zenobia)
The final stage is interesting as it offers players multiple paths to reach the final deck. You will start off in the hall. From here, you can either go through the solarium or casino. Obviously, you will be requiring keys for the both.

In the center of Solarium and Casino is the communication center which you can visit for some upgrades. Enemies in both the paths shouldn’t be a major concern for you especially at Chasm difficulty. If you want all the upgrades in this stage, you will have to make sure that you have encountered every enemy in each section.

The Solarium will lead you to the Promenade Deck and ultimately towards the exit while the Casino will offer you a relatively longer path where your first stop will be the cafeteria. After clearing out the cafeteria, you can head out towards the cabins and then the final exit will arrive after the bridge.

Don’t forget to share your strategies with us by commenting below!

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...