There are a lot of Pokemon in Pokemon Go and many of them rare compared to others and in this Pokemon Go Rarity guide we will chart out thePokemon according to their rarity in the Pokemon and will also give you some tips on how to find rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go.
There are no clearly defined Pokemon Go rarity tiers as seen in other iterations, but you will definitely come across a few Pokemon more than the others.
This results in getting your hands on duplicates. While you can always trade in duplicate Pokemon for Pokemon-specific Candy from Professor, getting the rarest of Pokemon is something every Pokemon Go player strives for!
For more help on Pokemon Go, read out our Eggs Hatching Guide, Eggs Guide, and Evolution CP Multiplier Guide.
Pokemon Go Rarity Chart
In this Pokemon Rarity Chart guide, I have shared a few Pokemon Go rarity charts that will help you determine what are your chances of getting your hands on extremely rare and even legendary Pokemon in the game.
This guide will also help you with finding rare Pokemon in Pokemon Go to get an advantage over other players if you ever decide to go against them.
Pokemon Go – Rare Pokemon
There are a few Pokemon that are available virtually everywhere in addition to a couple of region-specific Pokemon, and others which are extremely hard to come by!
Since these charts are completely unofficial and solely based on observations of players around the globe, they do not determine Pokemon Go rarity 100 percent accurately. However, we have provided a couple of them so that you can mix them up with your own observations and come to a nigh accurate conclusion.
As seen in the Pokemon Go rarity chart, here are some of the Pokemon you can expect during your travels in your region.
Very Common
- Caterpie
- Weedle
- Pidgey
- Rattata
- Ekans
- Sandshrew
- Female Nidoran
- Male Nidoran
- Zubat
- Geodude
- Bellsprout
- Machop
- Poliway
- Mankey
- Meowth
- Venonth
- Paras
- Oddish
- Slowpoke
- Magnemite
- Gastly
- Krabby
- Voltorb
- Goldeen
- Magikarp
- Eevee
- Bulbasaur
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Metapod
- Kakuna
- Pidgeotto
- Raticate
- Spearow
- Arbok
- Psyduck
- Persian
- Diglet
- Golbat
- Jigglypuff
- Vulpix
- Clefeiry
- Sandslash
- Pikachu
- Growlith
- Abra
- Machoke
- Tentacool
- Graveler
- Ponyta
- Magneton
- Dodou
- Seel
- Koffig
- Hitmonlee
- Cubone
- Exeggcute
- Electrode
- Drowzee
- Haunter
- Shellder
- Grimer
- Rhyhorn
- Horsea
- Staryu
- Jynx
- Butterfree
- Fearow
- Nidorina
- Nidorino
- Ninetales
- Wigglytuff
- Gloom
- Parasect
- Dugtrio
- Kabuto
- Golem
- Tentacruel
- Machamp
- Kadabra
- Poliwhirl
- Chansey
- Primeape
- Golduck
- Dratini
- Dodrio
- Cloyster
- Scyther
- Hypno
- Seadra
- Seaking
- Starmie
- Beedrill
- Pidgeot
- Weepinbell
- Pinsir
- Snorlax
- Slowbro
- Mr. Mime
- Farfetch’d
- Onix
- Exeggutor
- Muk
- Arcanine
- Rapidash
- Rhydon
- Kingler
- Magmar
- Flareon
- Jolteon
- Tangela
Very Rare
- Gyarados
- Lapras
- Vaporeon
- Kabutops
- Dragonair
- Raichu
- Nidoqueen
- Nidoking
- Vileplume
- Gengar
- Marowak
- Dewgong
- Kangaskhan
- Victreebel
- Electrabuzz
- Alakazam
- Poliwrath
- Venomoth
- Ivysaur
- Charmeleon
- Wartortle
- Porygon
- Omanyte
- Aerodactyl
- Venosaur
- Charizard
- Blastoise
- Clefable
- Tauros
- Omastar
- Dragonite
- Ditto
- Articuno
- Zapdos
- Moltress
- Mewtwo
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