How to Cook Food in Skyrim, Top 5 Recipes

Cooking is not a skill however, it has a lot of benefits in Skyrim.

Like any other RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim blesses its players with many secondary activities and tasks that resonate with the real world. One such activity is Cooking. In Skyrim, players can hone their cooking capabilities by making meals for themselves or getting meals made by a spouse to replenish health and stamina. Cooking is not a skill in Skyrim, but something players can do whenever they are resting from battles or quests.  Cooking is a basic yet effective way to restore health and stamina when players do not wish to use potions or items that can be saved for battle.

Cooking demands a proper fireplace where the meal and ingredients can be prepared. Just like alchemy, cooking also demands that specific ingredients are brought to make specific meals. In this guide, we shall discuss the ingredients needed for making meals and jot down the top 5 meals that can be prepared in Skyrim.

Things You Need for Cooking in Skyrim: A Cooking Pot and Ingredients

Cooking dishes and storing them can be very useful in times of need in Elder Scrolls V. Cooking does not demand any skill or ability; all it demands is a fireplace such as a kitchen or a campsite. A Pot or Spit (A mechanism built on the campsite fire to hang raw meat or pots) is necessary to cook, which you will either find on-site or will have to buy from the market.

Once the pot is at the fireplace, simply walk up it to see the cooking menu pop up, and each meal, along with recipes, will be shown. Ingredients for those recipes can be found easily throughout the world of Skyrim. Some will require you to fight animals; some will be found in fields, while some are waiting to be bought at shops.


Interestingly, you can also prepare some of Skyrim’s recipes in real life as well. So, if you want to impress someone who is a big Skyrim fan, maybe cooking something from the recipe list could do the trick for you. What about an Apple Dumpling?

Top 5 Skyrim Cooking Recipes You Can Try

Here are the top 5 recipes you can try to cook in Skyrim, along with their ingredients and effects:

Venison Stew

Ingredients: Venison, Potato, Leek, Salt Pile

Restores 1 Health and 1 Stamina per second for 12 minutes. It also restores 15 stamina when you consume it.

Horker Stew

Ingredients Required: Garlic, Horker meat, Lavender, Tomato

Restores Stamina and health by 15, and there is an increment (+1) in health every second for 12 minutes.

Beef Stew

Ingredients Required: One Carrot, One Raw Beef, One Garlic, One Salt pile

You get a stamina boost of 25 for 12 minutes each second. It also restores it by 2 per second for the same duration.

Elsweyr Fondue

Ingredients Required: One Ale, One Eidar Cheese Wheel, One Moon Sugar

Regenerates (20 for 12 minutes) Magicka and Fortifies (100 for 12 minutes) Magicka.

Apple Cabbage Stew

Ingredients: Cabbage, Red Apple, Salt pile

Players get +10 health boos with a +15 Stamina boost.

Best Skyrim Cooking Mods to Improve Your Experience

Like everything else in Skyrim, cooking also has mods that simply amplify the experience of cooking in Skyrim. We have handpicked the following mods that can serve you well when it comes to Skyrim cooking.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...