Like every other game, Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is also filled with numerous cheats and exploits for those looking for a bit of a shortcut and reduces the time required to grind through some sections of the game.
These cheats and exploits in BOTW range from infinite items to easy earning rupees to exploiting the Amiibo system. In this guide, we’ll cover over 10 cheats and exploits you can do right now in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
1. Snowball Bowling money exploit

This exploit lets players earn money quite easily. They must head to Pondo’s Lodge, northeast of Hebra Tower, and speak to Pondo to start the mini-game. The entry fee for the game is 20 Rupees; if players knock over all the pins, they get 300 Rupees as a reward.
Once the game starts, Pondo will move to a different position, and players need to align themselves with his position. After players have successfully positioned themselves, they can start bowling and earn money quickly.
2. How to get infinite arrows?

Players need to travel to any of the large fields in the game, such as Hyrule Ridge, Hebra Snowfields, or Faron Grasslands, on horseback to look for Bokoblins.
Players need to approach these enemies, and the instant they are alerted, they should pan the camera until it is looking top-down at Link, like in an isometric game. As long as the camera is positioned this way, all the arrows that the Bokoblins fire will not hit Link and land on the ground around him.
Only 10 arrows can be on the ground at a time, so once players see that the enemies have fired a decent number of arrows, they can start collecting them while more arrows continue to land around them. This botw cheats will let players gather up to 999 Arrows, which is the inventory limit in the game.
3. Power Rafts with the Magnesis Rune

Korof Leaf is required to fill the sails of a raft before players can ride on it. However, that can be easily bypassed with the help of the Magnesis Rune. Players must find a raft, drop a metal object on the ground, and then use the Magnesis Rune to pick up and push the metal object into the raft’s sail. The momentum will result in pushing the raft forward so it can easily move over water.
4. Cooking During Blood Moon

After 11.30 pm there is a 100% chance that players will get a critical success when cooking something during a Blood Moon. This is the best time to make up lots of food, which can benefit players in the future by offering special effects, including extra hearts and stamina.
5. Infinite Money Glitch

This botw cheats requires players to have access to Lurelin Village, where they will find an NPC named Cloyne. He offers a minigame where players can spend 100 Rupees to play, find the right chest, and then receive 200 Rupees as a reward. This can be exploited to get infinite money by loading previous saves.
6. Reuse Amiibo drops to acquire unlimited amounts of materials

Amiibos can be used once daily for free items, depending on which Amiibo was used. However, this can be bypassed by moving the console’s clock a day forward after scanning the Amiibo to complete the 24 hours and scan the Amiibo once again. This can lead to infinite loot from simply scanning the Amiibo toys.
7. Use Cuccos to attack enemies

Why fight enemies when you can have other enemies fight them for you? That is where the Cuccos in Breath of the Wild come in. These aggressive chickens will dive bomb Link if players attack too many of them, which can be used to the player’s advantage.
Grab a Cucco and then throw it at an enemy. The enemy will get startled and attack the Cucco, resulting in both of them and possibly more Cuccos fighting each other.
8. Levitate with DIY Flying Machine

Though Magnesis doesn’t work while you are standing on an object, a glitch allows the use of Magnesis Rune while in or on a mine cart.
So, to levitate the object, place a mine cart or a metal box in the bottom mine cart.
Now use the Magnesis on the lower object to lift the entire apparatus in the air. The process is very delicate and a single wrong move can crash the whole thing.
9. Building Go-Karts by Mine Carts

You can turn mine carts into drivable go-karts like levitating with flying machines.
To do so, you will have to place a small metal object in the cart’s cockpit. A metal chest is preferred here.
You will have to press the chest into the front of the vehicle while standing on the cart, and then you can race forward without needing rails.
10. Myahm Agana Shrine BOTW Cheats

Myahm Agana Shrine is located in east Necluda, and you can find a hidden chest with a Phrenic Bow inside. The shrine is known for its difficulty, but you can create a mess and bypass the puzzle entirely.
First, turn over the platform completely so it’s upside down, with the maze out of sight and balls dropping on the flat reverse side.
Then, you have to angle the maze so the balls roll quickly toward the platform where you want to get them.
So, as it goes down towards the flat surface, flick it up towards its destination. Though the process is tricky with several tries, you can get it done.
11. Infinite running exploit

While running normally quickly depletes your stamina, you can use an exploit to run indefinitely. Push the left stick in the direction you want to run in while repeatedly pressing B. At the same time, hold down the D-pad button (normally used for whistling), and your stamina won’t ever run out, letting Link run for however long you wish.
12. Prevent Star Fragments from disappearing

Star Fragments disappear as soon as day breaks in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which makes acquiring said item rather difficult. To prevent them from disappearing, you have to sit by a campfire during nighttime and skip the time to morning and then to nighttime again. Now, the Star Fragments won’t disappear come morning, and you’ll be free to collect them at your own leisurely pace.