Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Alexandria Best Arts, How to Recruit and Use

In this Xenoblade Chronicles 3 guide, we'll go over Alexandria in detail and explain how to recruit Alexandria and use her.

In Xenoblade Chronicles 3, you’ll need the best heroes to progress through the game, but there are many to choose from, so you might be confused about which hero to recruit. In this Xenoblade Chronicles 3 guide, we’ll go over Alexandria in detail and explain how to recruit Alexandria and use her.

How to Unlock Alexandria

Alexandria, as one of the recruitable heroes in Xenoblade Chronicles 3, is an excellent Attacker from the Incursor class, giving you every reason to recruit her. She employs a sword to pierce her opponents, dealing significant damage and landing critical hits along the way.

Alexandria can be recruited through the hero’s quest named Her Reason. This quest unlocks in Chapter 3. To access the quest, you must confront Dies Arch and her various colony members scattered across the map.

Keep in mind that the enemies you’ll face will be level 40, so your chances of success are slim. As a result, it’s a good idea to come back for this quest later in Chapter 4.

Still, if you’re in a hurry, it’s best to take on Alexandria’s subordinates first, then beat her to complete the quest. Here’s a breakdown of where each of her subordinates can be found.

  • Fili – Northwest area of Dannagh Desert, Fornis Region (Chapter 3)
  • Chelle – located to the East of Conqueror’s Peak, Southern Fornis Region (Chapter 3)
  • Rhyza – Found in the far South of Selias Terrace Camp, Fornis Region (Chapter 3)
  • Sequoia – The Great Cotte Falls area, Pentelas Region (Chapter 4)

Taking on the subordinates individually is less stressful, and it will remove them from the battle with Alexandria in Colony Iota.

How to Use Alexandria

Alexandria in XC3 is a hero who relies entirely on brute force. She has excellent combat skills and can put her Chain Attack to effect to land Critical Hits. Also, her battle style resonates with Stalker and Flash Fencer classes.

This makes her the best fit for the role of an Attacker leading in the offensive lines during battles. However, as with most attackers, her defensive stats aren’t all that great.

Worse, because most of her attacks are close range, she’d be up close with the enemy. As a result, you’ll want to keep an eye out for her and make sure she’s safe.

Best Arts

Here’s an insight into the best arts to use with Alexandria in Xenoblade 3

  • Reversal Edge – This increases the odds of a Critical Hit by 50% against enemies performing Arts.
  • Sidewinder – This boosts the Critical Rate by 50% if you attack from behind.
  • Luminous Illusion – When Art is active, it increases Critical Rate and avoids enemy attacks.

When it comes to talent arts, Alexandria has Supreme Sword. This art deals damage to Launched enemies. However, this art isn’t that effective because determining the best time to launch an enemy will be difficult.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...